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Saving Alice’s Xmas presents !

Saving Alice’s Xmas presents !

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Project Blog by bobcockayne Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 5

About the Project

I am slowly building a Late 44 early 45 Winter War set of Armys for WW2, and as you do remembered the clip at the Start of 'Scrooged' with the attack on Santa's grotto , and he was being helped by the 6 Million Dollar man and thought lets WW2 it for a xmas themed game . And so I needed some terrain. Therefore this projext is about setting up a table for that game and the battle for the lost amas pressies .

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Setting the scene.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
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I get nearly as much fun laying out nattative hame tables as I do playing the games, and even without the Terrain Challenge I would have been considering setting up this table around the theme for my Xmas game.

‘ A sudden temporal distortion has zapped all of Alice’ xmas presents from Santa’s Grotto to deserted road side hamlet in the Ardennes in the Winter of 44.  They should zap back at midnight on the 24th of December, but Hitlers astrologer have told him that one of these presents could be instrumental in turning the tide and bring about Germany’s ultimate victory.  As Such he has sent a unit of Elite Falscrimjager to secure it. Unbeknown to him, a lost retreating ragtag unit of  American G.I. s have decided to hole up in the hamlet whilst making for their own lines’.

Anyway with a very loose narrative I needed to set the table. As I have absolutely no Winter Terrain I would need to start from scratch. I have been looking at various Winter trees , but all look a bit pricy,  so wiil get some bog standard Fir trees of fleabay and Winter them.

But 1st I need the centre peice for the game, and found this 3d printed fantasy hovel on fleabay.

Setting the scene.
Setting the scene.

With this being the focal building of the table, I also brought this Micro Arts studio building to go with it.

Setting the scene.

Now I am planning g to use ‘Nut’s to run game and the layout only needs to cover my small games table which is approx 4′ by 3’.

I intend to also use the ruined Hamlet set from the Bulge starter set.

I’m considering the Micro Art Normandy Garage, but think will need to see how cluttered table gets 1st.


Having rewatched the Historicallly accurate Battle of the Bulge movie I think I will need an abandoned  fuel depot as well !

( Have also watched Battle of the Bulge Winter War  which is essentially a cheap remake, cutting out all the German side and ant attempt at acting, but does have some authentic German kit, rather than the American vehicles with crosses on)