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For Whom the Bell Tolls


A dark and ancient ruined tower. As for the title, I do intend to involve a bell at some point..

Grinding gears


So TerrainFest 2024 without a proper challenge for @brennon to warm up? Well, so be it. My brain is empty as ever and I am drawing blanks like I'm on the pier. This is my story.

Collins does a Frostgrave board


As an entry for the terrainfest 2024 competition (and because of timing where I accidentally bought another game system) I hope to make a 3x3 board for the game of Frostgrave.

Terrain – New Games and old


Didn't really make much of an effort last TerrainFest. I still have plenty of Terrain to make. A bulkhead set from Kill Team that I will use for Deathship One and Stargrave. A set of Gnawholes for Age of Sigmar. […]

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