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Republican Romans


Back to 6mm for an Ancients Project. Think DBA (or Lion Rampant), think 275BCE (or thereabouts), think the factions much like Total War:Rome.. 'Imperator??'..'Triarii!!'

Screaming Eagles for Bolt Action


Dug out my Bolt Action miniatures to get them ready for a club game of Bolt action.

My descent into the tinyest of scales… and madness?


At the end of my project on getting into Napoleonics, I noted that I had taken a next step in old-man-hobbyism: Kriegsspiel. Actually, I’m being unfair, since Kriegsspiel has also entered the 21st century. There is a very active community […]

[FoW] 21. Panzerdivision Normandy


Here I will Post progress on my current Flames of War project. The 21st Panzerdivision in Normandy 1944.

Ewok’s Desert War


In which I build a lot of things and mostly paint them yellowy brown.

Testing the old eyes on Victrix WW2


Iv been commissioned to paint some victrix 12mm WW2 British infantry. I’m not a commission painter generally but have done a few things for this customer namely some pony wars stuff. This will be a different challenge and thought it […]

Dark Age Madness


Expansion of existing Saga warbands into armies that can be used for Midgard and Hail Caesar.

Battle of the Bulge


During 2025 I’ll be getting started with Bolt Action V3. I picked up the Battle of the Bulge starter set over Christmas and this project will track my progress building and painting the models from the box.

Denziens Napoleonics


I've always floated around napoleonic wargames but I've never concentrated on it. I've done tiny 10m andxa bit of 28m. This new year I want to work on napoleonic minis for 3 different systems....maybe four.

Live Stream! Panzer General “Battle of the Bulge” Game


Oriskany Jim and Piotr have completed their tours of the Ardennes battlefields, marking the 80th Anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge (also made a swing through the Waterloo museum and battlefield). Suffice it to say not everything went according […]

The Barons’ War


I have hit the age where I am far more interested in historical miniatures than I used to be. I have several different games I'd like to play but I'm currently building out a few forces for the Barons' War. […]



A small project about AK Real colour markers. This came about after i saw a box of late war German AFV colour markers on there website, so thought i would give them a go and see what result they would […]

Blood Red Skies Vietnam


Painting up 1/200 models to play Warlord Games Blood Red Skies set during the Vietnam War.

Possibly the smallest terrain piece I have done for 28mm


This project I think is one of my favourite terrain projects ever.

Are you not entertained?! – 28mm Gladiator Colosseum (TerrainFest 2024)


Despite Gladiator II being decidedly mediocre, it has inspired me to finally finish my Roman Colosseum for some 28mm Sons of Mars action!

Tomb Raiding with the Great Belzoni


As an archaeologist I’ve always been mildly obsessed with early 19th-century explorers, antiquarians and Egyptologists and one of the coolest of these was Giovanni Battista Belzoni who is better known as the Great Belzoni. Belzoni was originally from Italy and […]

Nam ’68: Major Malfunction


Making a start with Nam '68

Black Seas French Fleet


Commission project for an actual published author on Naval warfare in the age of no pressure(!) Warlord kits and ratlines omitted at customer request but shows how good they still look without. Excellent sculpts that paint nicely..

En Garde Board 15mm Terrainfest 2024


So I previously scaled down Ronin to 15mm and a friend and I really enjoyed it. So I wanted a board to play a scaled down En Garde! So I decided on a burnt up forest-ie area with a burnt […]

Terrainfest 2024: A True Roman Bakery for True Romans


I've had a Sarissa Precision Roman Bakery kit languishing in my pile of opportunity for some time now, and since I've been playing Gangs of Rome a lot lately (or at least painting models for it), this seems like a […]

Big Plane little plane!


After a long time of painting a lot of different big planes little planes, I thought I would make a project for them. It will include mostly historical stuff but also some sci fi and who knows.... maybe other gender.

Saving Alice’s Xmas presents !


I am slowly building a Late 44 early 45 Winter War set of Armys for WW2, and as you do remembered the clip at the Start of 'Scrooged' with the attack on Santa's grotto , and he was being helped […]

Flying the white ensign


There are no roses on a sailor's grave, No lilies on an ocean wave The only tribute is the seagulls' sweeps And the teardrops that a sweetheart weeps.

Burgundian Mobile Camping Pulpit 28mm


Hello All. Here is my entry for Terrainfest 2024. It is a mobile camping pulpit for my Burgundian army camp. I got the idea from a luminated manuscrpit whilst looking for terrain inspiration for the Burgundian Wars. Using the excellnt […]

New Chain of Command project – Arnhem 2025


Chain of Command

Farewell Ye Olde Vikings!


With the arrival of Matt Bickley's Vikings, I finally decided to sell off my old Citadel Vikings. These were 25mm miniatures made in the '80s, and were some of the first miniatures and armies I ever bought. I had over […]

Lion ‘Mignon’


Another in the Rampant series! Planned to again use 6mm figures (Baccus for the most part because of bias haha). Initial theme will be Crusades with a heavy lean towards Hollywood but later will be looking at Barons War or […]

Denziens Eagles of Empire


Finding rules for my growing Franco Prussian War collection and trying out Eagles of Empire rules set.

Nottingham Shire Hall Build part 2


After completing my build of the shire hall I decided to tackle the rebuilt hall, mist of which still stands today

Bolt Action Durham Light Infantry


I bought a box of British Infantry for Bolt Action awhile ago and I wanted to paint them up as a Durham Light Infantry unit because this was my late Grandad’s regiment. I don’t know much about my Grandad’s experiences […]

ALL DONE!! – Building a 6mm Baccus ACW Confederate army for a new game system to be announced


working @commodore Rob and @Brucelea to build up armies to fight out a ACW battle, North verse South in 6mm using a new ruleset based on Mortem et Glorium

Sculpting Old Stones


I always wanted to see if I could try my hand at sculpting but doing complicated things like the human form seemed a bit out of my reach so I thought I'd play to my strengths and try sculpting historical […]

Squad 1, Platoon 3, 1st Company of the 107th Infantry Regiment of the 39th Orvieto Infanty Division


A unit for NUTS!, the WWII squad based game, this is my first squad made from a box of Wargames Atlantic Italian Infantry. The Regiment and division number and name are made up, for the record.

Nottingham Shire Hall Build


An experimental project quick and done and recorded here. Its an attempt at a 3D print project from scratch to recreate a building from the past.

Silk Road Traders: A Game of Ancient Chinese Commerce


Silk Road Traders is a strategic board game where players assume the roles of merchants traveling along the ancient trade routes of China. The game is set during the height of the Tang Dynasty, when the Silk Road and other […]

Getting started with WW2


Oke, everybody is always talking about the projecsts. So lets give it a try. I started with 0200 hours, got the starter, and played 1 solo game and 1 normal game. I realy like it.

The Baron’s War retinue


This is my Baron's war retinue from Footsore miniatures. It consists of the prebuilt retinue with a few extra models added to provide some narrative flavour. I have also started work on some terrain to build up a gaming board […]

Burma British 1944/45


An attempt to complete an entire new 20mm WW2 Army for the spring clean challenge!

For King and Christmas


I started this as a Christmas Holiday Project but it trailed off as the year picked up, time to get it finished before the mid year holidays so I can game with it. This is the Scots Covenanter Set, I […]

Re Return to Rio Morpork


I promised thes photos to Gerry couple of years back, and with a return of Interest to Westerns I thought I'd finally dig the box out and Dust it off. There will also be some new items, as have got […]

Painting Border Reivers…and their Wee Toun


My doomed attempt to get my core set of Border Reiver miniatures from Flags of War painted up. I basically got sidetracked by building up a small ferm toun (farm town to any non-Scots out there) and also building a […]

Dredd to Thieftakers Volume 2- VICTORIANS


Last year I did a project converting the early 80s Judge Dredd board game by Ian Livingstone into an historical game. Instead of Judges and comic book villains I changed it to Georgian thieftakers and real life crimes and criminals […]

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