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I hope my leg don’t break

I hope my leg don’t break

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Project Blog by denzien Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 13

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Terrain fest mini project. One day Terrain Table build

This Project is Completed

One Day terrain Table bulld

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 4
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The plan was to make a 2foot table build for lunar, the moon based skirmish game. For this I got an old board that I no longer needed.The plan was to make a 2foot table build for lunar, the moon based skirmish game. For this I got an old board that I no longer needed.
I 3d printed some craters ghat I printed in various sizes and removed any tufts from the board and used sand to fill in the stream znx make a gulley.I 3d printed some craters ghat I printed in various sizes and removed any tufts from the board and used sand to fill in the stream znx make a gulley.
One Day terrain Table bulld
Once this was dry I blasted it with some paint and a mix of shades dark and light primers.Once this was dry I blasted it with some paint and a mix of shades dark and light primers.
Job doneJob done
One Day terrain Table bulld
One Day terrain Table bulld
One Day terrain Table bulld
All done in one day. I'll do a dedicated lunar project later but for terrain fest here's my one post project ready to go. ByeAll done in one day. I'll do a dedicated lunar project later but for terrain fest here's my one post project ready to go. Bye

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