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Elven Treehouse

Elven Treehouse

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Project Blog by ewokkebab Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 188

About the Project

A while ago I printed an elven treehouse. Time to make it pretty. It was pointed out in the #besthouse that without the roof it would make an excellent drinks holder.

This Project is Completed

First steps

Tutoring 7
Skill 10
Idea 7
No Comments

I have yet to determine a fully fleshed out method and sequence for this build. I printed the tree some time ago and had it primed with rattlecans.

I then used craft paint on the trunk and sprayed the buildings white as that will be the predominant colour.

After the first layer of brown was dry I applied crackle paint, I will use a much darker brown over this.


First steps

Progress Update

Tutoring 7
Skill 11
Idea 9
No Comments
Progress Update

Didn’t get as much crackling as I would have liked , but it has added some good texture.

I got the terraces out and started on a floor colour.

I sprayed the buildings white as that will be their predominant colour

Progress Update

Progress Update 2

Tutoring 8
Skill 12
Idea 9
No Comments

Work has been going slowly, real life and very nice miniatures adding to the distractions.

I managed to summon the energy to get the railings, supports and roofs painted, meaning the base coat on everything is down.

Progress Update 2
Progress Update 2
Progress Update 2
Progress Update 2

We Want A Shrubbery (second attempt,thx project system!)

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
We Want A Shrubbery (second attempt,thx project system!)

Having slogged through the process of base coating the entire tree , which looked ok; it was now time to cover over all my hard work.

It’s time to make this fake plastic tree look less Thom Yorke and more Mark Lanegan .

This will be done through the medium of super glue, pricey Italian tufting and very gentle pressing

I started at the base , drybrushing the visible rock. I then added forest floor covering on the rocks , but skipped the vines .

Once dry I started adding flock to the vines . I plan to use some of the roots that come with the ivy on the base and also underneath the buildings.

Progress Update 3

Tutoring 6
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments

I continued work on the trunk until I ran out of materials. However the flock and fibre for the roof arrived along with the hanging plants for the platforms.

These are going to be interesting!

Progress Update 3

For the hanging plants I am using trimmings from some long climbing plants from Amazon

These are then individually glued, I reckon I will need around 200 of these across the whole piece.

Progress Update 3

I added a little lighter flock to make it pop, I intend to add a little more when all the hanging plants are done.

Progress Update 4

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
1 Comment

I started on the roof sections while waiting for more foliage to arrive. I originally wanted a thatched effect , but it looked awful, so I went with a more overgrown mossy theme. If I ever do a hobbit village I may revisit this technique.

Progress Update 4
Progress Update 4

More shrubbery!

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments
More shrubbery!

More shrubbery arrived and I was able to progress the trunk, anything is better than fitting the tiny hanging plants. Still need to decide what to do with the orange flowers too

The Home Straight

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

I pushed on, concentrating in the bottom of the railings adding flock and flowers.

The Home Straight


Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 4

Finally done, time to clear the work desk and do something else


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