Magical woodland terrain- For Moonstone / Arcworlde / Everything
Recommendations: 376
About the Project
A some terrain to enliven my games of Moonstone, Arcworlde or whatever. Why not throw them into a "Stalker" setting.
Related Game: Moonstone
Related Genre: Fantasy
Related Contest: TerrainFest 2024
This Project is Active
A proper carve-up!
I’m omnivorous when it comes to what I’ll use when creating scenery. I”d like these pieces to outlast their first game however, so I’m using tried and trusted insulation foam, coffee stirers and green stuff. I’ve found that polyurethane (Sp?) varnish really works to set the pieces once I’ve carved them — they feel very fragile up until that point, being insulation foam and therefore mostly air.
If you’re curious as to the how, it is just carving away at the shapes till I have something I like. Some of the rocks or crystals are reinforced with cocktail sticks or pins. For now this is essentially foam and PVC glue. The end result is soft as fluff. A soak in varnish should cure this problem.
Next I need, fallen trees and to start thinking about colour schemes.
The inspiration
Having played a few games of Moonstone recently with some award-winningly drab grimdark scenery – out of necessity, obviously, I really wanted to create something that suits the fairy tale atmosphere of the game. There is some great terrain available on Etsy, but they’ll want money for it, and I want to keep mine where I can look at it.
So I’m going to recreate something very like theirs and hopefully use that as a jumping off point to something of my own.