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Build and Paint all the terrain

Build and Paint all the terrain

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Project Blog by warhammergrimace Cult of Games Member


About the Project

The plan over the next couple of months is to build and paint all of my terrain.

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Gangs of Rome (Carts)

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So I made a start on the pile of Rome terrain that needs to be built and painted for a campaign set in Londinium. So I started by building two of the three carts I have. I gave them a quick paint with some Agrax Earth shade.

Modern Scatter - BMW

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I picked up a die-cast toy car at the weekend, which I plan to use as a piece of scatter terrain in games such as The Walking Dead. I quickly took the car apart and gave it a quick lick of paint. All done in one afternoon.

Scatter Terrain

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I’ve made a start on the scatter terrain I got in the Mantic Crazy Box last year. So far I’ve mostly been focusing on the exterior scatter, and to get these painted asap I’ve used contrast paints.

Asian Project

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I also have another terrain project that needs finishing which is a modular Asian gaming board. I’ve managed to build a good portion of this project already but as I started it a couple of years ago it really does need finishing.


Asian Project

What Needs to be Built & Painted (Part2)

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So I also have a number of other buildings that need to be built, as well the remaining scatter terrain from Mantic Games.


What Needs to be Built & Painted (Part1)

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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I have a pile of terrain that needs to be built and painted for a number of scales and periods. So with Terrain Fest starting I decided it was a great opportunity to try and get as much of the pile built.

Gangs of Rome

It’s time to build Rome, or a section of Rome at the very least. I already have a built villa, that needs painting, then I have a few unbuilt items that’ll need to be built.

Bolt Action

With the recent purchase of the new starter set I know have the ruined farmhouse to paint. I quickly built it today, and I reckon this won’t take long to paint up to table top standard.

What Needs to be Built & Painted (Part1)

Epic Battles American Civil War

I have a few buildings to build for this game. Being 15mm they shouldn’t take too long to build and paint.


I also have a number of other terrain pieces to build which includes a post apocalyptic garage and coffee house. On top of that there is a small box of scatter terrain that needs to be painted. I’ll create a second post detailing all the pieces that will also need to be built and painted.

What Needs to be Built & Painted (Part1)

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