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Painting The Gnarlwood – TerrainFest 2024

Painting The Gnarlwood – TerrainFest 2024

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Project Blog by brennon

Recommendations: 11

About the Project

Pulling my finger out and actually getting some paint on the Warcry terrain that I have had sitting around for a long time. Working with Slapchop and Contrast paints to see what the final look will be!

This Project is Active

A Starting Point

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I have had a bunch of Warcry terrain from Nightmare Quest sitting unpainted for ages and so TerrainFest seems the best time to get some paint on these big chunks of plastic.

The idea is to dive in and paint these using “Slapchop” and Contrast paints in order to make this process much easier whilst also showcasing the final results.

A Starting Point

My initial experiment looks quite dark. I have been working up from grey but even that means that the bone stays very dark. I think the overall look of the terrain is actually quite nice though and I can see myself enjoying this process.

This is where the smaller terrain pieces have got to at the moment…

A Starting Point

I returned to the bone and painted it with Rakarth Flesh OR went in with a drybrush for some of the bigger pieces that seemed like they might be older and more worn.

I also went over the straps/ropes on the bamboo with a dirty yellow to make them stand out a little more. I am tempted to go in with a bit of green (maybe as a wash?) to tie some of the bases together into the rest of the terrain and make it feel overgrown. I am yet to try that out though.

Lastly, I have also started work on the big Temple…

A Starting Point

That is a lot of little vines to paint. I am then going to move on to the trees and the bamboo before finishing off the darker stone on the temple. It will then be a case of picking out the details a little bit and it should be done.

For a couple of night’s work this week, I think I’ve got quite far through. The smaller terrain pieces are effectively done so it’s now the big temple and the two massive trees to finish!

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