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Project Blog by Corax.cox Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 209

About the Project

I have stuff ... there are 3 buckets of Games Workshop necromunda and 40K terrain that's been sitting doing nothing . There are a few tiles pre built that need painting ready for a campaign . First half of the project will show what is old work then the work that's been done on it . Hopefully I will be able to do the art style of grimdark meets robocop movies punk gangs hide outs .

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Market tiles

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

I’m going to be using an older paint scheme I did .

Aged orange …. it’s radioactive bright first but using washes , oils , enamels and getting dirty I will lower the brightness .

Hopefully it will fit in with the other tiles ?

Yeahhhhh that’s bright :/

Tile 3 : Protein relocation refinery

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Third tile is part of a 3×3 / 2×2 foot corpse grinder factory. The basic shape was pretty dull in my eyes so I added sump spider eggs . Using pistachio nut shells I hot glued them into place open or closed ( best part eating the nuts …. worst bit was finding matching half’s of the shells )

When in place I used crepe paper and PVA to add texture to the eggs .

Oil dot streaks

Tutoring 5
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Using a few oil colours I dotted around the stack. Then used a wide style brush damped with white sprits I dragged down the thinner created streaks fro the oil dots ….. started a bit thick ?‍? will do smaller dots next time !

HAB Tile rusted

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 8
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Using dirty down rust and dirty down yellow rust. I either dabbed the dark rust on thickly for deeper tones or thinned with water as I blasted it with a hairdryer this added to the different tones.

The yellow was used thinly in the recesses .

Adding some more colour I decided to do checkered floor going cross eyed in doing so, lighten up the fridge and lockers

HAB Tile rusted

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 3
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Using dirty down rust and dirty down yellow rust. I either dabbed the dark rust on thickly for deeper tones or thinned with water as I blasted it with a hairdryer this added to the different tones.

The yellow was used thinly in the recesses .

HAB tile

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 6

Picking back up with the jab tile I did the same method with the winter grime .
After sorting through my texture paint box I could not find a pot of AK corrosion soooooo I improvised .

Using a sandy texture paste first Using a sandy texture paste first
Using a burnt umber airbrush paint I bust the sandy parts Using a burnt umber airbrush paint I bust the sandy parts
HAB tile

With in the next week I will be using oil washes and then quick pigments

Spot of weathering

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 5
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I leaped ahead a few steps as I wanted to get to some of the fun bits . . . Weathering ?

Using a cheap acrylic paint pen from pound land I rubbed the edges of the metal grate between the tiles.

Applying AK interactive winter streaking  grime to the pale base colour tile. After waiting for a few minuets I dabbed away most of it .

Spot of weathering

Going all out with dirty down applying it to a few metal painted surfaces thick and gloopy. Coming back with water on the brush and with hair dryer in hand I thinned and heated to get different effects.

Both paints I used Both paints I used
One of my Genestealer cultists sizing up the joint One of my Genestealer cultists sizing up the joint

Tile floor colours

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Air brushing the tile Air brushing the tile

I want to show the base tiles used to have a brighter colour before the crushing weight of corrosion and filth worn them down . I used a few paints through the air brush Vallejo stone , Rust and oxide rush wash . When this is dry I will come back with a oil wash a quick dab to get up excess hopefully call it done ?


Then comes the filthy stuff

Brass & verdigris

Tutoring 7
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Blocking in Blocking in
  1. Using a GW brass paint I blocked in all the pipes and other gubbins . Blocked in the larger vat panels in a black red .
Dark verdigris Dark verdigris
Brass & verdigris

Thinning out golden acrylic turquoise paint that is very opaque. Tapping it in to joins and crevices .

Teal time Teal time

Once again golden teal paint very thinned out . It was tapped in to some parts where the turquoise is still wet to help blend .

As Bob Ross said ” wet on wet blending “


Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments
  1. I blasted both tiles with brown army painter rattle cans. Realising it’s Good Friday and hobby shops are closed I am lacking metal rattle can paint so I got the cheap make up brush and got laying down the metal .

Workers shack and refinery

Tutoring 4
Skill 9
Idea 6
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Digging out the unfinished

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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Cleaning out the storage crates of terrain I’ve uncovered a few unfinished projects. Finding a few built but not painted terrain tiles .


” The Scummy Bucket ”

looking to make this a underhive franchise . All the fried sump beast and corpse starch fries your creds can afford ….. so not a lot

Digging out the unfinished

These are all the tiles together . I will be working on these over the next few weeks .

Yes that’s right I had the brain fart of making a greggs and some other shops way back. Had the idea to do a corpse grinders gang in the colours of these savoury wizards too.

Maybe later add a ganger in a sausage roll mascot costume swinging chain axes

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