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Bolt Action Durham Light Infantry


I bought a box of British Infantry for Bolt Action awhile ago and I wanted to paint them up as a Durham Light Infantry unit because this was my late Grandad’s regiment. I don’t know much about my Grandad’s experiences […]

Building the war room of my dreams


Got a new house and finally got some real space for my hobby. Time to build my war room. A place for tabletop hobby & games.

Getting started with WW2


Oke, everybody is always talking about the projecsts. So lets give it a try. I started with 0200 hours, got the starter, and played 1 solo game and 1 normal game. I realy like it.

Burma British 1944/45


An attempt to complete an entire new 20mm WW2 Army for the spring clean challenge!

Warhammer 40,000: Class of (Spring) 1986


Why does the grim dark future have to be so...well, dark? I'm finally going to work on painting up my Warhammer 40K models, but with a little 1980's and synthwave color palette.

For King and Christmas


I started this as a Christmas Holiday Project but it trailed off as the year picked up, time to get it finished before the mid year holidays so I can game with it. This is the Scots Covenanter Set, I […]

Re Return to Rio Morpork


I promised thes photos to Gerry couple of years back, and with a return of Interest to Westerns I thought I'd finally dig the box out and Dust it off. There will also be some new items, as have got […]

Painting Border Reivers…and their Wee Toun


My doomed attempt to get my core set of Border Reiver miniatures from Flags of War painted up. I basically got sidetracked by building up a small ferm toun (farm town to any non-Scots out there) and also building a […]

Spring Cleaning: the Crew of the Nautilus for WWX/LWX


Like last year, I'm dusting off some old boxes for WWX that I've always wanted to finish, but never got around too. I'll be going for as high end of a paintjob as I can on these, but also learning […]

Spring cleaning like a hobby butterfly


Hello gonna try and stick to one project. Last year some time or maybe longer I had an idea to paint my moonstone using only red,blue,yellow,black and white to mix my own paints. The fun bit is I struggle with […]

The Once and Future King—Foundry Arthurian Cavalry


This Spring I am painting projects that have sat on my desk for many years. One of those is a set of twelve Wargames Foundry Arthurian cavalry figures. I have been excited about these figures since they came out. I […]

Dire Wolves Spring Clean!


It’s getting late for Spring Clean, but better late than a pile of grey plastic models! Had these direwolves sitting on my shelf. Time for some painting!

Spring/Summer Cleaning of my Pile of Shame


I've been planning to clean out my pile of shame and close out some of my unfinished projects for a minute, so why not join in on the fun? Here'll be a record of my general paint ups for the […]

Its late, its 02 hundred hours


I had pre ordered this when it came out and assembled the miniatures from the box, primed them and then put them away. I thought now would be a good time to paint them up, I haven't painted anything historical […]

Slaying Dusty Boxes


Like so many others, I have a huge pile of opportunity. I preordered the Slaine: Kiss My Axe starter set a few years ago based on my experience with Judge Dredd and Strontium Dog games released by Warlord Games. I […]

Scythe board game miniatures get steampunk spring cleaning


Going to paint up the minis in one of my favorite board games, Scythe. I'm going for 1 of each of the minis per faction and more if I have the time.

Vikings preparing for the raiding season


I bought a Sally 4th Kickstarter last summer that consisted of vikings attacking some monks. They've sat in the box that they arrived in ever since. Let's see if I can get them painted in time for the Spring Clean […]

Natural sprinting!


A belated start this year post salute & learning how these new fangled speed paints work with a small spring clean challenge!

Halflings of War


I have decided to be a glutton for punishment and paint up a ravenous horde of Halflings for Kings of War.

IDF – Sho´t tank company


Back in 2021 I started an infantry company for Team Yankee which I never finished. IDF mechanized company Its been a long time now but now I want to use the spring clean challange to get back on the project. […]

PanzerKaput’s Clash of Katanas/Test of Honour Japans


I have fallen back on a long love of mine Japanese Warfare and the game Test of Honour. Since the new series of Shotgun has hit TV my local club, Leicester Phat Cats, has started to get into this game […]

Mega City One Spring Clean Challenge


Mega City One could really use a fresh coat of paint. I will (hopefully) finish assembling and painting the Sarissa Precision Judge Dredd buildings, then get a few games in and write up a review and battle report.

To the Trenches! Chain of Command


Recently have been able to get a regular number of games of Chain of Command in and has got me back into the creative space of building more terrain. Ive started with creating sections of a Trench network.

French Napoleonic Transport


To complete transport elements for the French Napoleonic Army that has no apparent use on the wargames table.

#OTTSpringClean2024 : Halflings versus Riftforged Orcs. (Kings of war)


Digging up 2 old projects to have some Shrine fisticuffs for the spring clean.

My Tuber-Infected Dream


A late jump on to the Turnip 28 Bandwagon.

Spring Clean Paint Everything that part finished


I have several projects that are part finished and close to completion, so for the Spring Clean Challenge I plan to complete as many as possible.

Ewok’s Spring Clean Challenges 2024


A place in which a variety of hare brained ideas are concocted and corralled.

Manda’s (Amachan) LEGO


Due to my disabilities I can't paint or build miniatures with either my left or right hand, so I went searching and found a tabletop game called BrikWars that works with LEGO and LEGO is something I can still do. […]

Busl0ver’s Project Rome Spring Clean Challange Junior Member


I've owned Imperial Romans starter set by Warlord Games for years and not done much with them. Having seen Starlight start her project, my son wanted in as well. He liked the idea of building and painting some Romans.

A Knight’s Tale for Spring


I have been wanting to kickstart this for a while, and am hoping the Spring Clean Challenge will give me the motivation.

Pandora’s Box [Insert innuendo]


I backed the first kickstarter of Mythic Battles: Pantheon which was delivered in late 2017, or early 2018... not sure when exactly, as it was some time ago. The Core Box I painted, but I put Pandora's Box (the stretch […]

Resurrecting the DEAD…game that I love!


The Star Wars Miniatures Game brought me into wargaming and ceased to be supported in 2010. I am going to bring this game back to life for my gaming group by using AI to make a new supplement of characters […]

WW2 WInter Finns – Spring Cleaning 2024


A couple years back the local gaming scene discovered Bolt Action and got very excited about it. I had already been playing for years but, my primary gaming partner packed up the family and moved out of state to learn […]

Starlights Star Wars Spring Clean Challenge Junior Member


I will paint some Star Wars miniatures. My Dad has never done any thing with it so I am going to paint the Rebels and Imperials so we can play Star Wars Legion.



I have stuff ... there are 3 buckets of Games Workshop necromunda and 40K terrain that's been sitting doing nothing . There are a few tiles pre built that need painting ready for a campaign . First half of the […]

2024 Hobby Log


This will be a log of games,projects and assorted hobby stuff I get done in 2024

Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge


Cleaning my work and prep spaces as well as clearing some of the long waiting minis. This could mean painting them, putting them away, or even getting rid of some. I really want to get my horizontal spaces back.

Revisiting Warmaster – Spring Clean 2024


Revisiting building a Chaos army for Warmaster, an idea that never really got going 20-odd years ago. A second chance for second hand miniatures.

Eye of Terror Maggotkin of Nurgle for AoS Escalation League


To build and paint a Maggotkin of Nurgle army for Age of Sigmar to take part in an escalation league being run by my FLGS. I want to personalise my army, drawing inspiration from Oldhammer art & hints at a […]

Ship-shape! Spring Cleaning Kharadron Overlords


In this project, I'll be picking, up dusting off, and getting on with a Kharadron Overlords force I started way back in 2017. Expect lots of bright colours, some fun conversions and some attempts at narrative theming.

Wealdgeist, Spring Cleaning The Forest


Getting back to my Wealdgeist miniatures from Conquest Games for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge after over 8 months of the project sitting dormant.

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