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Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

Spring Cleaning for the 2024 Spring Clean Challenge

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Project Blog by 144artist Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 64

About the Project

Cleaning my work and prep spaces as well as clearing some of the long waiting minis. This could mean painting them, putting them away, or even getting rid of some. I really want to get my horizontal spaces back.

This Project is Completed

...And So It Begins Again.

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 3
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I practically lived at my workspace during lockdown and it has slowly, but steadily become covered in all kinds of things.  In the past I would have straightened up yearly but that hasn’t happened for quite some time.


This is where I’m at;

Amazing what I can get done with only a small part of the desk available.  Be nice to see what I can get done with a bigger percentage of usable desk.Amazing what I can get done with only a small part of the desk available. Be nice to see what I can get done with a bigger percentage of usable desk.
There's everything in there from finished minis to partial conversions to broken pieces.There's everything in there from finished minis to partial conversions to broken pieces.
Just about every genre and manufacturer I own things from is in here.Just about every genre and manufacturer I own things from is in here.
And of course I still have some Crisis Protocol minis to work on.And of course I still have some Crisis Protocol minis to work on.

Making Space

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 3
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I’ve cleared off 3/4 of my painting table.  It did clear enough room for the wooden tray I have started assembling models in.  So tired of spending untold hours looking for the tiny piece I dropped.  Can’t believe how many decades it took for me to figure this out.  I used it to assemble the MCP Rhino model that was on my table.  It is the last model I will assemble or prime for a while.  Gotta focus on clearing some of these old projects out.

Making Space
Making Space

On the Table

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Got a few things near finished.  I am actually behind in posting these as I’ve been a bit under the weather.


Got some MCP characters closing in on finished as well a few more started.  I assembled Rhino as well as Red Skull & Hydra Troopers.  I only glued down one of the grunts as it is easier to paint them separately.  I took a picture of where they will fit as their base has no set footprints like the Howling Commandoes.


Drew Williams, of Satyr Studios is one of my favorite sculptors and I just love his Old School sculpts.  Of course they are all over my workspace so will be popping up here regularly.


Reaper Bones are great for practice and Speed Painting.  I’ve packed most of them away for now but this little fellow was started so I will finish him.


Made Some Progress

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 1
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I was feeling rather under the weather Friday so got nothing done but made up for it yesterday.  Being my Spring Break, I had had a productive week already.  I was able to finish and photograph Green Goblin, Bob- Agent of Hydra, and Star-Lord from Marvel Crisis Protocol.  I have a Tortoise Sage which I believe was a Reaper mini but could be wrong.  He will be joining the Burrows and Badgers collection despite being a little small.  Finally, I finished two more of the Sisters of Battle minis I picked up from Satyr Studios.  I love Drew’s old school sculpts but find units hard to paint anymore which is why they get done in small groups. Only seven more until I have this unit done.  I plan on using them in Space Weirdos.

Painting Minis and Making Space

Tutoring 1
Skill 0
Idea 2
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Last week was my Spring Break so I had quite a bit of painting time.  Over the weekend I finished off a nice little pile including Deadpool’s Taco Truck.  You can see where my work table was as of last night as well as the space that is beginning to show among the “Waiting for Paint” minis.


I’ve started work on a Burrows and Badgers Toad Shaman as well as a Reaper Bones Survivor. They should paint up fairly quickly.


I photographed two of the Satyr Studios fantasy minis I finished, a noble and a necromancer.

Painting Minis and Making Space
M.O.D.O.K. is looking pretty creepy.  Not sure when I decided to try Non-Metalic Metals on him but that's the course I am on now.M.O.D.O.K. is looking pretty creepy. Not sure when I decided to try Non-Metalic Metals on him but that's the course I am on now.
You can even see some of the horizontal surface they are piled on now!You can even see some of the horizontal surface they are piled on now!

More Finished Minis and some Organizing

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I’m still rolling along and getting things done and a little closer to clearing my work surfaces.  As I mentioned earlier, part of what I have been doing is consolidating like items and better organizing my storage.  The Marvel Crisis Protocol sets were all over my studio to the point I wasn’t sure what I already owned.  Now they are all in one plastic bin and I can see what I still want to add but, more importantly, that I have plenty to work on before searching eBay for more deals.


I finally finished the Nonmetallic Metal paint work on Ironman.  Lots more pictures of him on my MCP Project blog.  I think he looks good but I look forward to the day my NMM skills are strong enough to make him GREAT.  Got a Mole Knight for Burrows and Badgers as well as a wonderful wizard from Satyr Studios done and photographed.

These were scattered throughout my workspace.  Stacked in cabinets, squirrelled away in drawers, and even dropped in random boxes.  Now they are all in one bin I can see it is time to Not buy anymore for a while.These were scattered throughout my workspace. Stacked in cabinets, squirrelled away in drawers, and even dropped in random boxes. Now they are all in one bin I can see it is time to Not buy anymore for a while.
Here's where the painting table was beginning of last night.Here's where the painting table was beginning of last night.

Organized Color and Random Finished Minis

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Like the new minis, I have a tendency to collect new paints in strange places, basically where ever they fit when I bring them home.  Like the new minis, I went through the collection and consolidated it in three drawers.  This clears the desk surface and by painting the lids with the color inside I have a good idea of what I have got.  I still have some old paints that are either not very good or almost out that I will not replace.  The GW paints for the most part fall into this category.


I also finished off some Reaper Bones minis.  Nothing fancy, just playing pieces.

This drawer is all standard acrylic paintThis drawer is all standard acrylic paint
Green Stuff World Dipping Inks and weathering materials.Green Stuff World Dipping Inks and weathering materials.

Some Progress But Nothing Finished Last night

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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As the title states, I made some progress on minis last night but didn’t finish any of them.  I did get Kingpin close to finished.  I will be doing the fine details and clean up tonight.  One can see the variety of genres, systems, and sizes I deal with when painting, including a 3D printed Appa.  Such wandering attention span does make steady progress harder to chart.

Some Progress But Nothing Finished Last night
A 25mm dwarf hidden amongst the 40mm+ MCP minis.A 25mm dwarf hidden amongst the 40mm+ MCP minis.
Even incomplete, Kingpin is dapper.Even incomplete, Kingpin is dapper.

Some Progress But Nothing Finished Last night

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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As the title states, I made some progress on minis last night but didn’t finish any of them.  I did get Kingpin close to finished.  I will be doing the fine details and clean up tonight.  One can see the variety of genres, systems, and sizes I deal with when painting, including a 3D printed Appa.  Such wandering attention span does make steady progress harder to chart.

Some Progress But Nothing Finished Last night
A 25mm dwarf hidden amongst the 40mm+ MCP minis.A 25mm dwarf hidden amongst the 40mm+ MCP minis.
Even incomplete, Kingpin is dapper.Even incomplete, Kingpin is dapper.

Some Progress But Nothing Finished Last night

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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As the title states, I made some progress on minis last night but didn’t finish any of them.  I did get Kingpin close to finished.  I will be doing the fine details and clean up tonight.  One can see the variety of genres, systems, and sizes I deal with when painting, including a 3D printed Appa.  Such wandering attention span does make steady progress harder to chart.

Some Progress But Nothing Finished Last night
A 25mm dwarf hidden amongst the 40mm+ MCP minis.A 25mm dwarf hidden amongst the 40mm+ MCP minis.
Even incomplete, Kingpin is dapper.Even incomplete, Kingpin is dapper.

Clearing Prep Surfaces

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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I have a countertop in my work area divided into three separate sections.  the first section is for the minis I have prepped and primed that are waiting for paint.  The second is a tray where assembled minis collect while waiting for primer.  Finally the third area is another tray and it is for collecting finished minis that await basing and sealant.  Over the last few years these have grown into one big pile as primed minis took over the entire space.  I was prepping and priming faster than I was completing minis which caused quite the pile up.  I am slowly clearing these areas of their piles and wanted to share the progress so far.

On the left should be primed minis, the middle should be Assembled minis, and the far right should just be finished minis waiting for sealant.On the left should be primed minis, the middle should be Assembled minis, and the far right should just be finished minis waiting for sealant.
Here one can see how much has been cleared so far.  Going to have to focus on Terrain Crate 2 pieces soon.Here one can see how much has been cleared so far. Going to have to focus on Terrain Crate 2 pieces soon.
This tray should be for the pieces that are waiting for Primer.  Clearly primed minis have overwhelmed the space.This tray should be for the pieces that are waiting for Primer. Clearly primed minis have overwhelmed the space.
A big block of Hasslefree Grimm (Space Dwarfs) are waiting for color.  They have been on the table almost a year now.A big block of Hasslefree Grimm (Space Dwarfs) are waiting for color. They have been on the table almost a year now.
Drew Williams of Satyr Studio is a friend and one of my favorite sculptors so one will find a lot of his work on my table.Drew Williams of Satyr Studio is a friend and one of my favorite sculptors so one will find a lot of his work on my table.
There is the complete mix of manufacturers and genres.There is the complete mix of manufacturers and genres.
Then there are all the Marvel Crisis Protocol characters that have completely taken over the Sealant tray.  It hasn't been easy but I have avoided assembling anymore for two weeks now.Then there are all the Marvel Crisis Protocol characters that have completely taken over the Sealant tray. It hasn't been easy but I have avoided assembling anymore for two weeks now.

Making Serious Progress

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Idea 0
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I have cleared enough space for the Sealant Tray to collect finished minis without being overwhelmed by those that are merely primed.  The Waiting For Primer tray, on the other hand, still has a number of primed minis on it. These are the next in line to hit the Painting Table proper and once they do this space will be ready.  While there is room on the tray for assembled minis, I’m not going to build any for the foreseeable future as the Waiting To Be Painted section is still overflowing.

The tray looks so good covered in FINISHED minis.The tray looks so good covered in FINISHED minis.
Some MCP characters, a couple of Orc orphans, and a tray of tacos is all that stands in the way of clearing this space.Some MCP characters, a couple of Orc orphans, and a tray of tacos is all that stands in the way of clearing this space.
A lot of progress made so far but still WAY TOO MANY MINIS fill this space for me to assemble anything new.A lot of progress made so far but still WAY TOO MANY MINIS fill this space for me to assemble anything new.
Here is where my worktable was as of Sunday night.  Some big changes in the minis I will document tonight.Here is where my worktable was as of Sunday night. Some big changes in the minis I will document tonight.

Work Table Update

Tutoring 0
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Idea 0
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Big changes since the last photo.  Deadpool is finished. Human Torch is finished.  MODOK is almost finished as is Sabretooth.  Scarlet Witch, Quick Silver, and Captain America-1st Avenger are waiting for base coats. Another Burrows and Badgers mini is done and Appa has all his base coats applied.  Hope to have a productive night tonight.Big changes since the last photo. Deadpool is finished. Human Torch is finished. MODOK is almost finished as is Sabretooth. Scarlet Witch, Quick Silver, and Captain America-1st Avenger are waiting for base coats. Another Burrows and Badgers mini is done and Appa has all his base coats applied. Hope to have a productive night tonight.

Productive Indeed

Tutoring 0
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Idea 0
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It may not be glamorous but getting my horizontal surfaces bak to some form of organization is making me very happy.  I still have a lot to finish and clear before I feel I’m done but I do think I’m on the downhill run.  Now this means I will have to clear the space BEHIND my chair.  The less said about that right now the better.



The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis.  FINISHED MINIS!  There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis. FINISHED MINIS! There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.
Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again.  It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again. It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.
Productive Indeed
Productive Indeed

Productive Indeed

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 0
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It may not be glamorous but getting my horizontal surfaces bak to some form of organization is making me very happy.  I still have a lot to finish and clear before I feel I’m done but I do think I’m on the downhill run.  Now this means I will have to clear the space BEHIND my chair.  The less said about that right now the better.



The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis.  FINISHED MINIS!  There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis. FINISHED MINIS! There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.
Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again.  It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again. It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.
Productive Indeed
Productive Indeed

Productive Indeed

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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It may not be glamorous but getting my horizontal surfaces back to some form of organization is making me very happy.  I still have a lot to finish and clear before I feel I’m done but I do think I’m on the downhill run with the desk and counter tops.  Now this means I will have to clear the space BEHIND my chair.  The less said about that right now the better.



The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis.  FINISHED MINIS!  There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.The tray is packed with finished minis and only finished minis. FINISHED MINIS! There will be sealant sprayed tomorrow.
Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again.  It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.Red Skull may be inhabiting the front of the tray with a couple of friends but the tray is ready to do its job again. It has already welcomed Drax and Ronin.
Enough space cleared in several places to assemble a couple of models.  Drax and Ronin will be joining the Guardians of the Galaxy soon enough.Enough space cleared in several places to assemble a couple of models. Drax and Ronin will be joining the Guardians of the Galaxy soon enough.
While the other two spaces are just about back to where they need to be, there are WAY TOO MANY MINIS waiting for paint.  It will be a while before Drax and Ronin see any primer.While the other two spaces are just about back to where they need to be, there are WAY TOO MANY MINIS waiting for paint. It will be a while before Drax and Ronin see any primer.

Some Oathsworn Progress

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A couple more of Oathsworn’s Burrows and Badgers minis join my ever growing menagerie.  I still haven’t learned how to play the game but I did back the last Kickstarter so am waiting for more minis.  As usual, the sculpts are characterful and full of movement.

Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress
Some Oathsworn Progress

Not Just MCP

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Skill 0
Idea 0
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As anyone who has looked at the pictures of my workspace can tell, I work in a wide variety of minis, manufacturers, and genres.  While Marvel Crisis Protocol has dominated my creative energies since January, that doesn’t mean I don’t have a wide collection of stuff to complete.  While I have largely left army and large unit painting behind, I still have some waiting.  The ten Hasslefree Grimm I prepped and premiered last summer are a great example. They aren’t done yet but I am painting them Assembly Line so are getting closer.  The Terrain Crate2 fine details have also been on the table over a year now so they are getting attention.  The first set got done last night so I can start the second set tonight.  Finally, I picked up Reaper’s Tree of Despair during one of the Kickstarts and painted it up almost immediately.  It came with six little vultures that quickly got lost in the mess that was my desk.  Since starting this clean up effort I have found all six, drilled holes in them, and glued in pins for attaching them to the tree.

All of the unit has their white paint and are receiving the black paint here.All of the unit has their white paint and are receiving the black paint here.
I finished the crockery rack after taking this picture.I finished the crockery rack after taking this picture.
Found all of the buzzards and drilled pin holes in themFound all of the buzzards and drilled pin holes in them
I mounted them on pins and glued them to this piece of wood for easer handling. They remind me a little of the vultures from Jungle Book.I mounted them on pins and glued them to this piece of wood for easer handling. They remind me a little of the vultures from Jungle Book.
This is where the table top was Sunday night.  Toad and Cap are very close to finished while Magneto, Scarlet Witch, and Quick Silver are not much further behind.  Got a Burrows and Badger bird of prey waiting to join next.This is where the table top was Sunday night. Toad and Cap are very close to finished while Magneto, Scarlet Witch, and Quick Silver are not much further behind. Got a Burrows and Badger bird of prey waiting to join next.

Getting Ever Closer to my Goal

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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After years of being lost in the clutter of my desk, the six tiny vultures from a Reaper Bones Kickstarter are painted.  Not only that but they are glued onto the Tree of Despair, ready to decorate any number of my battlefields.  For now I have to find a place to store it.  I finished off the tiny bits from Terrain Crate2 as well as a set of Mantic’s SciFi objectives and a 3D resin printed vending machine.


The Waiting To Be Sealed tray is covered with painted minis and only painted minis.  The Waiting To Be Primed tray only has one mini left from being clear and the figures waiting for paint no longer qualify as a “pile” as they are all standing on the counter top.   Heck, I can even see the surface now.  I also completed three MCP characters that I’ll be posting in that project blog.

Getting Ever Closer to my Goal
Getting Ever Closer to my Goal
Getting Ever Closer to my Goal
Nothing but finished minis. What a thing of beauty.Nothing but finished minis. What a thing of beauty.
One mini left in the way...One mini left in the way...
Still way too many waiting. I can't prime any more until I make a little more room.  Looks like the last Terrain Crate bits and the Hasslefree Grimm will be my next focus.Still way too many waiting. I can't prime any more until I make a little more room. Looks like the last Terrain Crate bits and the Hasslefree Grimm will be my next focus.
This is where my table ended up Sunday night.This is where my table ended up Sunday night.
The blog took so long to load (and reload) that I finished painting Blob so could move the last primed mini off the Waiting For Prime tray.  Woohoo! Two out of three sections cleared.The blog took so long to load (and reload) that I finished painting Blob so could move the last primed mini off the Waiting For Prime tray. Woohoo! Two out of three sections cleared.

New Old Project!

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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Years ago I received a pair of Undead Lego Space Minifigs made by Scibor Miniatures.  This is because I am an even bigger Lego fan than I am a miniatures enthusiast.  I had put them in a box with broken Lego pieces to make a display piece but then forgot about them as they were slowly covered with other stuff.  Now that I have worked down to the oldest sections of my “pile” they have resurfaced and demanded my attention.  My plan is to paint them fairly naturally and mount them floating about a wasteland of broken Lego pieces.  I think I will call it “Everything was Awesome”.  I hope to have progress to share in the next couple of days.

Really fun little sculpts that I think I can pose holding Really fun little sculpts that I think I can pose holding "hooks".
The baseThe base
New Old Project!
Some of the Some of the "body parts" I might scatter around

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