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Draconis:  Spring Clean 2024 and onward

Draconis: Spring Clean 2024 and onward

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Project Blog by draconis

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About the Project

Spring Clean Challenge 2024 Project Having just finished painting my Separatists for SW Legion this Spring Clean challenge will be my next objective. Last year was my first taking part, and I got through quite a few things that had been sitting on my paint area. The Discworld Witches were fun, and led on to me taking them on holiday and getting pictures at various historic places we visited on their ‘Grand Tour’. Sadly I don’t think anything this year will be able to match that. However, I did enjoy doing the grand tour, so will probably try to find something to take with us again – although this time it will likely be just one mini, as setting up all three did become fiddly in places ? As for the rest, well I think it is going to be various smaller things that have languished unfinished (or un-started…) for quite some time. I did consider my Mars Attacks stuff, but due to the amount I have I think that will probably be a project of its own. Just need to decide on what I am actually going to work on……

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Misshun day 6

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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22nd May 2024

Gotcha! Fownd owt dis Roman bloke is on ‘is way bak ‘ere.

Snuk up ta wun ov ‘is gaffs, Richborough, Roman’s Fort an’ fownd dis klue!

Misshun day 6

Luks like dis gaff was tuff at wun point, but loads ov bits missin’ now, so if ‘e does come bak ‘ere we can take da place eazy!

Misshun day 6

Avin’ solved dat fer now, I went in search ov dose blokes called ‘enry.

Fownd owt dat da wun called ‘enry ate bilt a load ov forts on da seeside ‘ere.

So, I went off to wun called Walmer furst.

It luks pretty solid from owtside, wiv a load ov posh plantz – but inside itz Moor like a normal gaff.

Sum bloke called Welly-ton ‘as even left ‘is bootz lying ’round da place.

Misshun day 6
Misshun day 6

‘Owevva,  I did find sum big gunz up on da top bitz,  so dey are ready fer a fight ‘ere.

Da big gunz Da big gunz

Den onta da next ‘un.

Dis wun’z called Deal, an’ is really close to Walmer.  Dis ‘enry wanted ta protect Dis bit ov seeside fer sure.

Pretty solid wallz ‘ere, but a few dakkajets shuld sort it!

No sign ov Norman at either of dese wuns doh! Maybe dey av got scared off.

But dis wun did av a speshul gate fer dat Sally woman agin….

Misshun day 6

Wordz ta meself – seem ta av da number on dis Roman bloke now, but av lost track ov da Normans, and too many ‘enries all over da place.

Da ummie defences are mixed, sum are worse dan grot bilt, ovvers pretty tuff!

Misshun day 5

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 5
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21st May 2024

A tip from one ov da lokals led me too skowtin’ owt a big gaff called Kanterbury Kath-e-drawl.


Misshun day 5

Dis waz ‘ere b-for dose blokes called Norman came ova, so I fought maybe dat Roman bloke ‘ad summit ta do wiv it.

But turns owt it waz a geezer called Augustine who waz sent ‘ere by sum boss preest called Pope Gregory da furst.


Misshun day 5

Da place waznt much ta start, but it got spangly after all da Normans turned up. Den even moor so after da boss nob Henry 2 ‘ad a barney wiv ‘is mate Thomas who ‘e ‘ad made inta da boss preest ‘ere.

Sum of ‘enry’s nobz bust in an’ nobbled da Thomas geezer, den ‘parently a load ov magik stuff ‘appened an’ da boss nob ‘ad ta say sorry ta all da peeps.

No sine ov Sally ‘ere, an’ even doh my searchin’ said der waz stuff made by Goffs ‘ere, I kuldnt see anyfink orky….

Der uzed ta be a load ov bling ‘ere but annuver ‘enry who waz greedy (must ov ate loadz,  as dey called him ‘enry who ate) nicked it all.


Furver skowtin’ led me ta a place where dat Augustine fella ‘ad set up ‘is base furst. Waz called da St Augustines Abbey.

Gess da St must be short fer Steve or summit.

Den dose flippin’ blokes called Norman ‘ad ta get involved agin’.

Found da heavy-dense!Found da heavy-dense!

Da greedy ‘enry fella smashed da place up after ‘e had nicked all da bling

Misshun day 5

Wordz ta meself – watch owt fer any ummies called Roman, Norman or Henry. Dey all seem a bit dodgy, maybe a bit ‘o grot blud in dem?

Misshun day 4

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 5
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20th May 2024

I ‘erd ’bout a annuver big fort ’round ere at a place called Dover.

So I konvinsed da ummies ta take me der. Dey is eazy ta fool!

I fought da trale of Roman ‘ad gun kold,  but it seemz ‘e ad bin ere an’ bilt a lite-‘ouse ‘ere. Prob fer landin’ da Boyz shuttles or sumfink!

Roman bilt 'is lite-'ouse 'ereRoman bilt 'is lite-'ouse 'ere

Now, we may ‘av a bit’a trubble wiv dis place. No grot bilt stuff in dis place it seemz….

I fink dey must av got sum stunties in ta do dis work. ‘Parently dey dug a load ov tunnels ’round da place too – prob ta ‘ide in I spect.

Misshun day 4

Gunna ‘av ta get da ‘ard boyz or sum meganobz in ta krak dis place – shuld be fun skrappin’ time!

Misshun day 4
Misshun day 4

Dey got loadz ov wallz all ovva da place ‘ere too!

My kunnin’ nose no end doh, an’ I found sum sort ov sim-u-layshun ov da Fort. So I did sum xpert skowtin’ ov it….

Misshun day 4

‘Parently da boss ere waz two blokes called ‘enry, who may av also bin called Norman, or may av bin sumfing called A Gevin. Who kares doh, gunna be krumpin’ time ‘ere!


On da way back I found a place were it looks like one ov da flyboyz krashed ‘is dakkajet!

Misshun day 4

Wordz ta meself  – I fink I may be finking too much ’bout da stuff. Kuld be a krafti ummie plan to konfuse me, wiv all dese difrent namez dey is usin’! Kant uze me noggin too much, dunt wunt it ta xplode!

Misshun day 3

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 5
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19th May 2024

On da trail of dese blokes called Norman I ‘erd der waz sum big battle nere Haste-ings.

Uzin’ me best stelff I snuk past a bunch of ‘ummies q-ing an’ into sum old Abbey.


Misshun day 3

‘Parently der waz sum big krumpin’ ‘ere, but seemz I mist it ?

Although,  from da luks of dis stat-you dey waz sum big fellas!

Misshun day 3

Skowtin’ ’round I found dis big stone. Seemz it waz a known trip ‘azard,  as it sez dat a bloke called Harold fell ‘ere.

Not sa-prized, as from da pics it seemz ‘e waz bizzy lookin’ at a pointy stikk or summit.

Misshun day 3

‘Avin mist all dese Norman’s an’ found a different bloke insted (an’ no menshun ov dat bloke called Roman) I fought it best ta hed off.  Shame I mist da fightin’.

Uzin’ xtra kunnin’, I fooled da ‘ummies agin…..

My skowtin’ led me ta sum boss nob’z pad nereby at a place called Body-ham.

Do dey kant spel, an’ call it Bodiam.

I waz rite abov dem!I waz rite abov dem!

Dis place waz well built, wiv a lode ov flippin’ water around it dat culd scare sum of da Boyz!

‘Owever, sum ov it is a ummie trik, as dey still forgot da insides!

Misshun day 3
Misshun day 3

Wordz ta meself  – dis is getin’ konfusin’ wiv all dese difrent ummies.

But nun ov dem seem ta want ta hang ’round fer a scrap….

Misshun day 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 5
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18th May 2024

So, dis day da ummies went ta sum place called Rochester.

I did me best stelffin’ ’round da place.

I axed ’round ’bout dis bloke called ‘Roman’ but da locals kept stumm on it.

But dey did let on dat da mob uv blokes called Norman were ’round ‘ere building stuff.

Misshun day 2

Dis place dey call a Kath-e-drawl ‘parently  ‘as bits built in da Goff-ic style.

I kouldn’t see nuffink dat looked like a Goff in der do….

Misshun day 2

In stikk-bomb range of da Kath-e-drawl dese blokes called Norman built dis big Fort.

Now dis looks a bit mor proper!

Misshun day 2

Wun of da blokes called Norman must’ve got da grotz in cheap ta do da inners…. dey forgot da floors da stoopid ummies.

May ‘ave a bit of a krumpin fer da owter bitz furst,  den we kan get da mekboyz ta put sum proper floors in

Uzin’ me kunnin’ I fownd owt dat der was annuver fort up north from ‘ere, dat dey sentsibly called ‘UpNor’.

Dis waz built by sum wuman called Lizzie-bet da furst.  Dunno ‘ow many Lizzie-bets dere r do….

She did-ent ‘av de Norman peeps ‘elp do, so dis place ‘az wallz ‘an dorz! But not enuff ta stop a gud mob ov boyz!

Misshun day 2

Round dis side dey even ‘av a gate just fer sumwun called ‘Sally’ ta go owt.


Words ta meself  – meybe dis Sally knose were dis Roman chap is.

An’ keep an eye owt fur any ummies called Norman.

Misshun day 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 5
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17th May 2024

Da hummies dedn’t see my sneekin’, stoopids!

Furst place dey stopped waz sum ‘pal-ass’ at Fishbourne.

‘Parently sum bloke called Roman is da boss ere, as its called Fishbourne Roman Palace.

Didn’t see ‘im ’round here, but it looks like ‘e ‘ad sum grotz do da bildin’ work….

Misshun day 1

‘Ad ta rush ta get back in da transport,  but made it….

After ages drivin’ slow wiv loads of uvvers,  very un-orky, dey stopped again at a place called Pevensey Castle.

Seemz dis Roman bloke waz involed again, and built sum wallz ‘ere years bak,  den sum uvver blokes who all were called Norman built a big fort ‘ere.

Misshun day 1

I rekon a single mob kud take dis place wiv barely a scrap…. but da wallz ‘ere at least stand up in places.

Dat’s wot ya get fir usin’ grotz ta build!

Stoopid hummies!

Misshun day 1

Words ta meself – find owt who dis Roman bloke is.

Dakkatooth’s Skowtin’ Misshun (Breath of Fresh Air)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 5
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‘Avin infiltrayted da hummies wiv my kunnin’ disguys dat ‘as fooldem all, da big boss ‘as sent me on a skowtin’ misshun.

Dis stooped hummie kupple dat tink I am ‘Tom’ av a transport vehicle dat I am gunna sneek onbored in my stelff box.

This is for the ‘Breath of Fresh Air’ element, getting some pics out in the world – hopefully at some nice locations.

Dakkatooth’s Skowtin’ Misshun (Breath of Fresh Air)

Gorilla Warfare

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Gorilla Warfare

11th May 2024

Continuing the spirit of ‘Spring Clean’, I have had this Panzeraffe mini (from Incursion / Secrets of the Third Reich Weird WW2) sitting around for many years primed. I think last year I put a bit of paint on one arm…..

Began the process by painting up all the fur. Started out with black contrast, followed by brown washes in places, a drybrush with grey, an overall black wash and then some lighter fur on the upper areas – plus some white/grey on the cheeks to break up the dark and try to echo some of the original art. I also gave the metal areas a black undercoat.

Gorilla Warfare

The shirt was painted with foundry leather, washed, drybrushed and highlighted up.

Chest was highlighted with a mix of contrast wildwood and ivory in several stages.

The trousers were contrast green, a black wash and then a lighter drybrush over the knee and ‘posterior’ regions.

Pouches picked out with castellan green, then highlighted in several stages with ever lightening mix of castellan and ivory.

Metal areas were started out with Vallejo gunmetal, washed with Agrax, then highlighted up with various shades of silver, focusing on areas such as the knuckles.

Finally, among other little bits, it was picking out the hoses with some brighter colours, face and teeth (several shades for his big teeth!), belt, and various buttons etc.

Pretty happy with him overall ? (but may add some tufts to the base possibly).

Gorilla Warfare
Gorilla Warfare
Gorilla Warfare
Gorilla Warfare
Gorilla Warfare
Gorilla Warfare
Gorilla Warfare

The MadMob assembles

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 4
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7th May 2024

And here is the MadMob all together.

A good nostalgia hit for me here, and I am glad that they got a deserved paint job. Would have been nice if I had more skill, but they are 35 year old models that now have a coherent paint job. As I mentioned before, I prefer the back plate on the first model that I painted, but the back plates on the rest are more appropriate to the models. For a couple I painted them a little different. Upside down, sideways, half black for a little further variety.

The MadMob assembles
The MadMob assembles
The MadMob assembles
The MadMob assembles
The MadMob assembles
The MadMob assembles
The MadMob assembles

The remaining seven Madboyz

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 2
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7th May 2024

I managed to work on the remaining seven without posting up more individual updates – I’m sure that’s a relief to those few that see these ?

The remaining seven Madboyz

Anyway, these were all painted up in pretty much the same way as the first two. However, I was not overly happy with the contrast red result for the clothing. So I used Mephiston red, plus three shades of old foundry paint I have, the triad of ‘Madder Red’.

After working on them all I also then decided to add in some more yellow sleeves, so a couple that were red were overpainted with Foundry Ochre. It has good coverage and a nice yellow tone. I also added yellow flame markings to some of the remaining red sleeves to break them up a bit.



I had my usual trouble of trying to decide colours for the two hats…. After dithering I just decided to go off track with them thinking to my Hawaiian marauder. So one had a pink hat and one a pale blue.

Harking back to Rogue Trader era I chose to paint the power sword and the plasma gun in red, as that is how it was back in the day ?

The remaining seven Madboyz

Lots of packs, tidying up, then faces and back plates and the last seven (unless I can get some more…) MadBoyz were done.

The remaining seven Madboyz
The remaining seven Madboyz
The remaining seven Madboyz

The Mob grows

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 3
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3rd May 2024

Well, I had intended to work on the remaining eight all together, but I just got carried away and worked on one…..

For this chap I went with a bit less red. Using that for his loincloth, back plate and for adding little red flames to his shirt sleeves. Pretty happy with how that came out overall.

The Mob grows

For his back plate I decided to go a little more simplistic and ‘orky’. I liked the result of the back plate for the first one, but after researching images of the time I realised that I should at least try a slightly more basic look to catch the ‘old skool’ and ‘orky’ feel.

The Mob grows

Then it was just some finishing touches, tidying up etc and number two was done. I do plan, this time, to work on the rest and then post them all up together….. probably.

The Mob grows
The Mob grows
The Mob grows

Test MadBoy

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
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3rd May 2024

I knew I wanted to do the boyz as Evil Sunz, as that is the clan I used to run back in the Rogue Trader days. But I wasn’t sure how much red I wanted – seems odd to say, I know. But back then the amount of red they were indicated their status.

Forgot to get early pics, but I went for a red on his coat, with yellow edging and leather trousers. However, I didn’t feel the yellow edging worked (possibly too tonally close to the leather), so changed it to black.

I picked out pouches, gave him a blue hat, a gentle drybrush on the gun and then started on the back plate. Blocked in some areas of shade and highlight first, then built it up and added teeth and eyes. (May go back and try to add pupils, but not sure – it is small, and my eyes are old)

And that was pretty much him done. I’m not sure that using contrast red works for the clothing, so will likely work with mephiston instead. I may also go back and add some yellow markings to the sleeve edges to break it up a little. Now to roll out the other eight….

Test MadBoy
Test MadBoy

We can rebuild them….

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 2
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29th April 2024

Another weekend with little progress – but luckily I did get some work done in the evenings at the end of last week.

With the Madboyz stripped back and washed I then went ahead and cleaned up a lot (likely not all….Tim) of the mould lines. Then I sorted out some bases. I did debate putting them on 30mm round lipped bases, but in the end I stuck with the old skool vibe and sorted out some fresh 25mm rounds for them.

We can rebuild them….

Next up it was finding suitable arms for them. I went through a process of trying out arms to see how they would work with the different torsos and angles, and eventually found pairings that worked, for most. A few I’m not super happy with, but just didn’t have enough suitable arms to do the job.

Then it was some gap filling. I always seem to think I can do this better than I can ? As well as the arm joints where needed I also filled the gaps in the slottas, to ensure that the base tabs were held securely in place. Followed by basing with sand/gravel and priming. Went for black with a zenithal overspray of wraithbone (thinking it would be warmer for the green skin tones)

The Zenithal was ok, but I felt that I needed to drybrush in some ivory onto some of the shirts and undersides of arms, so it has become a bit of an underpainting instead.

Finally I started to lay down some colour. They haven’t got very far along, but slow progress is still progress….

We can rebuild them….

One thing leads to another….

Tutoring 0
Skill 0
Idea 2
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24th April 2024

I haven’t been finding much hobby time of late due to work etc. However, I found I had fun painting up the Deadzone Marauder – and while doing so I recalled that I had some old Ork Madboyz (somewhere).

I had some back in the late 80s, early 90’s but sadly they escaped me somehow (I still have quite a bit of my stuff from 1st ed Rogue Trader era on though). A decade or more back I picked up 9 madboyz from an online auction site. Now they were on my mind again I had to locate them – after much searching I found them again….

Old mail order boxes make good storageOld mail order boxes make good storage

They all had a white coat of paint, in varying thicknesses….. Ten minis in total, nine madboyz and an interloper. One of the boyz was so mad he even had an arm on backwards ?

So, into the Dettol they went. For a true spring Clean! Due to the fact I only had a couple of spare arms in my bits box I only risked one plastic arm at first – to make sure it did strip ok.

They cleaned up pretty well overall. Removing the white revealed that some of them had thick coats from previous paintjobs. After some careful scrubbing with Dettol (not water!) and an old toothbrush virtually all of the old paint came away. Some of the arms had to go in for a second soak as the white paint was really thick and still remained solid in some of the recesses. But I think they came up very cleanly.

One thing leads to another….

A friend said that I should sell them now they are clean – however, if I did that it would mean that I don’t own them anymore, and that would make me a bit sad….. so they are going to get a paintjob. It may not be great, but I think that they deserve it.

Dakkatoof “Tom” Sellork finished

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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19th April 2024

Well, here he is for review, derision or acceptance ? But I can say I did have fun at stages here while working on him, and coming up with some ideas.

Taking a ‘ummie name of Tom, He has his camo Hawaiian shirt to blend in, his two most stelff mode guns (double stelff is better than single stelff), his kunninly disguised not really bomz backpack, a clump of grass on one gun and some flowers sticking out of his hat.

There’s no way that the ummies will see through that disguise! Time to go scouting those ‘ummie d-fenzez…..

Dakkatoof “Tom” Sellork finished
It's not a gun, it's a bushIt's not a gun, it's a bush
Shirt pattern shows well hereShirt pattern shows well here
Yep, definitely not bombsYep, definitely not bombs
Dakkatoof “Tom” Sellork finished
Dakkatoof “Tom” Sellork finished

may still change the hat tuft perhaps. Its only on with its own self adhesive base….

Stelff Ork coming to life

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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19th April 2024

Once sprayed I started out by laying down a colour for the basis of the Hawaiian shirt. I had decided that I would go with a vibrant blue, then add white markings on to it. I experimented with some basic flower representations, then tried a leaf.

Whilst I had my small brush out I also added one of his kunnin’ stelff ideas…. If he writes ‘not bomz’ on his backpack full of explosives, then when the ‘ummies read it they will see its clearly not bomz. Solid logic.

Definitely not any bombs here....Definitely not any bombs here....

Happy enough with the test I went on to block in some of the straps, pouches, boots etc and add more of the flower markings (still not sure whether to risk trying to add leaves all over ) and start to add more details.

I shared the progress with some friends and they felt I should try to add the leaf patterns to the shirt as well, so I went for it.

Then it was on to working on the head (going for a pink stelff hat), the knife and all the other little details. Once I had painted the areas under the unattached arm I glued that, the head and the knife onto the main body.

Shoulder joints could have been a little better, but maybe its just deep seams on the shirt stitching ?

Basing detail to be added and its nearly there.

Just need to decide on the last extra bits of stelff. I know I want to add a tuft to one gun. But I’m not sure between a tuft or a shrub tuft onto his hat.

Deadzone Marauder (Ork)

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 3
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18th April 2024

Another post covering the last few days….

Spring clean prompted me to look at my pending projects, odds and ends etc. One thing on my list has been to paint up more Deadzone Strike Teams. A lot of my stuff is from the first Kickstarter, so has a lot in the ‘resin plastic’ material that can be quite hard to clean up. But anyway, I grabbed a few of my marauder commandos and sent pics to some friends.

Deadzone Marauder (Ork)

One friend said she thought this guy looked like he was having a great time, and could do with an Hawaiian shirt…… Even though I don’t think I can replicate an actual Hawaiian shirt I thought I’d just give it a go. It (likely) wont be the scheme that I roll out for the Marauders though (which will probably be in a separate project anyway I expect), so rather than being a test piece for the scheme it will just be a bit of fun.


I don’t have a name for him yet, that will come to me at some point I hope. However, he has had his combat coat made out of the same material that he has seen on documentaries about the ‘ummies, so that he can blend in easily. Also, he grabbed his quietest gun, for ‘stelff’. Then he had the kunnin’ thought that if one gun was stelffi then two guns would be double stelffi! So he grabbed his next quietest gun too! There will be a couple of other stelff things that I may try to add – just see how it goes.

Snipped off the cast on plastic base and got him sprayed up, ready to work on.

Firefly Finished

Tutoring 0
Skill 3
Idea 3
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And here it is finished. Hopefully I didn’t go overboard with the weathering. At some point I would like to try out weathering powders, but have enjoyed the mud splatter and grime that I did add.

Firefly Finished
Firefly Finished
Firefly Finished
Firefly Finished
Firefly Finished
Firefly Finished
Firefly Finished

Plus here it is alongside the Cromwell. They are slightly different scale, but…. Near enough.

Firefly Finished

Further Firefly progress

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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13th April 2024

Now it was onto further weathering. I started out by sponging on some of my lighter green (Russian Uniform) followed by sponging on some contrast Wildwood.

With that done I added a small amount of the Vallejo Brown Splash Mud effect paint.

This was followed up by painting the details of the tools etc on the deck, and then adding some streaking grime.

Then I went back in and added a small amount more of my ‘flicked on’ thinned peaty brown with the turret in place. This was to tie in the piece, and tidy up where required.

Further Firefly progress
Further Firefly progress

Firefly progress update

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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13th April 2024

After the basecoat of the Firefly I laid down a drybrush of Russian Uniform as I did on the Cromwell.

Firefly progress update

Then I went on to add transfers.

For the tracks I decided to try a different process than what I used on the Cromwell. For the Firefly I painted the tracks with a mid/dark grey basecoat. This was followed up by a wash of ‘Peaty Brown’ and old paint from Foundry (an earthy brown colour). This same colour was then used to add mud splatter around the suspension and the hull.

When that was dry I then drybrushed the tracks grey again, followed by a very light drybrush of gunmetal.

Next came further mud splatter applications, using various shades of brown and beige. All thinned down then flicked on using a reasonably large brush against an old cocktail stick.

I also washed on small areas of the lighter shades in some areas of the tracks to add a little variety.

At this point I could screw the two hull sections together, and apply the first wash stage. I also added the gun barrel ‘camo’ marking to make the 17pdr look like a standard barrel.

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