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Chosen Man

Chosen Man

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Project Blog by rickabod41

Recommendations: 38

About the Project

Normally just post projects around GW related stuff that I paint and very occasionally play, but this one is a very rare foray into "Historical" Miniature painting... Well, if we can call ITV's 90's smash hit TV show Sharpe historical! I loved watching Sharpe as a kid, I think it was first exposure to the legend that became Sean Bean, and when I saw this 3D print, I knew I had to paint the most Chosen of Chosen Men! Lieutenant Colonel Richard Sharpe.

This Project is Completed


Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 3
1 Comment

When originally commissioned the actor Paul McGann was cast in the role, as in the novel’s Sharpe has dark hair and is from Essex. However McGann injured his knee and apparently the only available English actor at the time was Yorkshire’s blonde haired favourite son Sean Bean!

At the beginning of the series, Richard Sharpe is a sergeant in the 95th Rifles serving in Portugal during the Peninsular War in 1809. When he single-handedly saves the life of General Sir Arthur Wellesley from a group of French cavalrymen, Wellesley gives Sharpe a battlefield commission, appointing him a lieutenant. Sharpe is placed in charge of a detachment of elite “chosen men” of the 95th Rifles.

Now as my About the Project suggests, I loved this as a kid, so many years later I saw on ETSY a 3D print of someone very familiar…


I jumped on this and ordered it, however as it was coming from America (which seems odd based upon the subject matter) I had a long wait….

It Begins...

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Well, I was a bit dubious that the print would live up to the render, so I was pleasantly surprised when he arrived.

I drilled a few holes in his feet, got a 3d 50mm base for him, and pinned him in place.

Quick undercoat of Wraith Bone, and then the fun began.

plans for Sharpe were:

Sharpe Chosen Paints:


  • Zandri Dust
  • Ushabti bone
  • Skeleton horde + Contrast medium
  • Ushabti bone + lahmia medium
  • Pallid wych flesh + lahmia medium
  • Sephraim sepia + lahmia medium


  • Incubi Darkness
  • nuln oil
  • kalabite green
  • Sigvald burgundy
  • nuln oil gloss


  • Incubi Darkness
  • nuln oil
  • kalabite green
  • Black Legion
  • dawnstone
  • Black Templar + Contrast medium
  • Iron hands steel
  • storm host silver
  • Flesh Tearers Red
  • Evil Sunz scarlet


  • Darkoath Flesh + Contrast Medium
  • Flayed one flesh.
  • Volpus pink + contrast medium


  • Gorgunta fur
  • Cygor brown
  • Leadbelcher
  • Runefang steel
  • Nuln Oil
  • Runelord brass
  • Agrax earthshade
  • Leadbelcher
  • Black Templar


  • Battlemire mud
  • Slvaneth bark

First pass

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 2
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2 Metres Yer Bastard!

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 2
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Love it.

Finished the base off with some leaves from Green Stuff World.


better Pics

Tutoring 1
Skill 4
Idea 2
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