A Clash of Testy Ronins: Ewok goes East
Recommendations: 95
About the Project
A little project to document my foray into all games oriental themed, with a little terrain building thrown in.
Related Game: Test of Honour: The Samurai Miniatures Game
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
A Geisha bit your tongue off?
So having slapchopped the living heck out of this army I came to realise something. Namely, that wasn’t how I painted the first load I had done.
Rather than drybrushing grey/white over black I had primed light grey and then hit the miniatures with a black wash, then applied the contrast paints.
Oh well, I am still happy enough with the results.
Samurai Rescue
I think I got a bit caught in the new Shogun series as well as the ‘race’ between Lloyd and Justin and their samurai army. I had really liked the colour scheme of my test of honour warband and wanted to see it on a slightly grander scale.
While perusing eBay I found an abandoned project up for sale, 65 metal Samurai for a little over £1 a model, so I figured why not.
Next up is drybrushing. I also added some figures I had primed previously. I also started throwing some of the plastics together.
Second days progress, I have a day and a half before I am back at work, if I push it I may be able to get these done and make a start on the plastics.
Not got as far as I had hoped with the metal figures, but I reckon I could get them done by the weekend . Then just 48 plastics to build and paint. That might become a spring clean challenge….
Massacre Report
I can’t call this a battle report as it was so one sided. But I got myself down to the FLGS for a game of Test of Honour. I had thrown together 24 points worth of bandits. Not a well thought out team and I got slaughtered.
It was a search scenario and I made it off the table for a point. But in terms of the combat my assortment of bandits were totally ineffective. It didn’t help that my Hero character seemed to die incredibly easily. In past games the ‘hero’ character had been much tougher, I don’t know if we were getting rules wrong but it seemed a lot easier for units to die, at least on my side than previous games I had played.
My opponent had a ranged unit heavy force and the hero archer proved extremely powerful.
Where I am up to :Terrain
I have cobbled together enough bits and bobs to make a workable table, just a bit of painting to be done on the buildings.
There’s a bunch of 3D printed temple terrain to use as scatter to paint.
I also based some cheap trees from a river themed online retailer.
I took a few snaps then decided to add the scatter terrain
Where I am up to : Miniatures
I have made a decent start on the miniatures, I had purchased Ronin from Osprey books and a bunch of Bad Squiddo miniatures, then Test of Honour got relaunched and there was a lot of interest at the FLGS, so I picked up the starter set.
What's next
I have a handful more buildings to finish, the scatter terrain to paint and a good few more miniatures to paint, although I have enough to cover most of the units in Test of Honour.