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Wilson, Keppel and Betty strike again

Wilson, Keppel and Betty strike again

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Project Blog by torros Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 63

About the Project

Back to Egypt and the New Kingdom for more 10mm Old Glory goodness

This Project is Active

Is that it?

Tutoring 0
Skill 1
Idea 1
1 Comment

I honestly  thought I’d done loads more than this but progress is progress I guess

Is that it?

Basing with Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Parrt 2

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
No Comments

So got some sand down and will get started with the painting soon


Basing with Sir Digby Chicken Caesar Parrt 2

While we wait for stuff to dry it’s almost time for a new troop type. The next  post will sponsored by a long running radio soap. So that will be mildly interesting

The Sir Digby Chicken Caesar basing method Part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I came across this basing  method when I encountered Sir Digby’s sidekick Ginger well sleeping in an old shopping trolley and I managed to purloin the technique by distracting him  with 2 Rothmans and a tin of Carlsberg Special


Anyway…I’ve been using Vajello basing sand recently but wanted all the bases to match those I’ve already completed so I’ve gone back to some fine sand that will be washed in watered down  AP strong tone and drybrushed in Vajello dark sand

The Sand. Or are they very small diamonds?

The Sir Digby Chicken Caesar basing method  Part 1

Pictures to follow once all is done


dun dun dun, dun da-dun-da-dun dun dun, dun da-dun-da-dun-da-dun dun dun, dun dun dun da-dun da-dun da-daaaaaaaa (etc)

Only the finest baby frogs were used in the making of this project entry

Tutoring 2
Skill 4
Idea 3
No Comments

So the chariot thing was as I think I mentioned a bit of a buggar but progress on other fronts have been more successful

Only the finest baby frogs were used in the making of this project entry

I just wrote a single word in my diary today . It just says Buggar!

Tutoring 2
Skill 1
Idea 1
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So I’ve realised that the chariots I assembled and primed need to be disassembled as I can’t reach important parts of the models to paint them

Hopefully won’t be too painful

Down amongst the fleshpots

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
No Comments

Oh calm down its nothing to do with that

No it’s just more painting these

Down amongst the fleshpots

With this

Down amongst the fleshpots

One year later......

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

So now you’ve negotiated the click bait title you will be delighted to find yourself back amongst the pyramids for more 10mm delights

Last time we met we had got to

So time to go again on this attempt at actually painting something

I ordered quite a few bags of figures from Old Glory which were Spearmen,Archers,Chariots and some command figures.

I never meant to start another project so have already started painting. I started using Xpress and Speedpaints for these but in all honesty they looked sh*t (mainly due to my messy painting style) so went back to normal acrylics.

So far we have

One year later......


One year later......

That’s it for now..Hopefully my enthusiasm holds to paint some more

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