Oddball Sherman
Recommendations: 28
About the Project
I bought this on a whim during a visit to the Warlord Games HQ store and it has thusly sat on a shelf quickly inching its way towards my "Pile O' Shame"... Fast forward a few months and I find myself on garden leave with a lot of unexpected hobby time available to me. Of course, being a Warlord older resin.. nothing fit. So, I bathed everything in hot water to bend bits back to some sembplance of straightness and then promptly lost bits into my carpet... hobby hint, a grey carpet under where you build with small metal fiddly bits is a BAD ides. If you look close, the lantern on the front is made by me with plasticard and a ball bearing. Whilst up close it doesn't look to great, from "hobby distance" you cant even tell. As this is an actual gaming piece and not a diarama, I am actually quite made up with the finished project!