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British 8th Army

British 8th Army

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Project Blog by SkeletonPaints

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About the Project

Showing my process for Painting a large British 8th army. Currently the army will mainly consist of infantry along with a Humber from the gentleman's war starter set. I have also picked up the British 8th Starter army so it will also be painted up during this project. Some bits and pieces will be sold during the lifetime of the project so the size of the army will go up and down.

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Painting British 8th army - Infantry - Base colours

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
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This post will give you an overview as to how I have painted my 8th army infantry starting with the base colours.

After assembling the models, I like to apply texture to the base before giving them a zenithal prime.

After priming all the infantry, I gave them a base coat of wraith bone or a 50/50 mix of Zandri dust and ushabti bone.

I used 2 different colours for the uniform as this will add variety to the main colour in the army.

Also, it adds some story to the force as men would have been there longer than others meaning their uniforms would be sun bleached and weathered more than others.


Painting British 8th army - Infantry - Base colours

I use a brush now to block in the rest of the base colours.

In the images below you will see the minis as each step is applied to them and also the paint and brush that I used at each step.


Step 1: Skin – 50/50 mis of Vallejo tan and dwarf skin

Step 2: Socks – Vallejo Russian uniform

Step 3: Backpack, webbing, straps, gators and pouches – Vallejo Iraqui Sand

Step 4: Ground mats and water bottles -Vallejo Flat earth

Step 5: Wooden parts of weapons – Vallejo Chocolate brown

Step 6: Metal parts of weapons, bayonet Sheath and boots – Vallejo German Grey

Step 7: Bayonet – Vallejo metallics Dark Aluminium

Step 8: Wash whole mini with the following mix

  • 10 brush loads of Agrax earth shade
  • 3 drops of Vallejo glaze medium
  • 2 drops of water

This will leave the model ready to move on the the next stage which will be to highlight all the base colours.