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Civs 10mm napoleonic foray

Civs 10mm napoleonic foray

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Project Blog by civilcourage

Recommendations: 107

About the Project

3d printed 10mm napoleonics Loved painting them up so much so I'm doing it with no idea what game I'm playing! Got some metal casts on order from pendraken to round out the force.

This Project is Completed

Where it started

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
No Comments
Where it started

Saw these guys on a FB group and thought £6 for as many line infantry as i could want?! Yes please!


Had no need for 10mm naps, no game in mind, purely bought because they looked great and i could imagine them in massed ranks. So to the 3d printer they went.

Tiny fighting men

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 5
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Tiny fighting men

So 2 hours printing and thats my four line companies printed, total resin cost about 36p.

This is basically the equivalent of being addicted to meth and owning your own meth lab, things can spiral quickly!

When i printed these i didnt have an idea for an army i just liked the models and wanted to see them en mass, however the second i did i thought i need to paint these and so began my foray into 10mm napoleonics for no other reason than they looked cool.

Painting them up...Why are they upside down?!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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So a brief how to on my painting appraoch, fortunatley nice and simple:

  • Base coat in black (very important for shading)


  • Paint the jackets and shako plume a dark red, careful not to paint in the recesses, at this scale they should just be left black. On these models dont worry about the mid section as this will be shading and a white strap. I used GW khorne red and highglighted up with evil sunz red.


  • Next paint the flesh, i painted it all a dark brown to start with and then painted with vellejo dwarf flesh the nose, brow, cheeks and chin (effectively formaing a T with the nose and brows and a U with the cheeks and chin). I also painted the hands.


  • Then with elf flesh (Vallejo) highlight the nose cheeks and upper part of the hands.


  • Next i used a colour of choice denoting the regimanet on the cuffs, in this case the welsh regiment got a green colour.


  • The rifle was painted with cathlan brown and boltgun metal was used to paint the gun barrel and the bayonet.


  • The badge on the shako was painted with GW retributor armour


  • Krieg Khaki was then used to paint the belt across the chest, the trousers and the top of the plume. This was followed up by a vallejo ivory paint highlight.


  • Lastly the water bottle was painted with Sky Blue vallejo (any light blue will make it pop)

And thats the lot, it seem like a lot of steps but when your doing about 100 minis in about 2 hours it doesnt feel like it.

Line infantry done

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Line infantry done


Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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Got some flags with my pendraken order, they were cited as compatible with the 3d prints and for £2.50 i couldnt say no. I was going to try a historical force but with very little time to do any research i just picked flags that matched the cuffs of the company and carried on.

I have added the name of the company on the back of the base just in case i get a history buff asking questions.

Pretty pleased with how these have turned out and given how fast they are to paint up and print combined with how cheap they are i can see me using the full flag sheet at some point.

So currently four companies complete! Just the more specialist units to paint up now.


Riflemen and basing

Tutoring 4
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Riflemen and basing

I ordered some riflemen, household cavalry, 6pdr artillery and commanders from pendraken as the uglyminiatures 3d creator said he created the minis to be compatible with this range so seemed a sensible place to go.

It also meant i had a good chunk of infantry backed up by some light infantry, cavalry and three cannons whih feels like a nice rounded army.

The muted green and black makes them difficult to paint in 10mm as they dont pop much, i made the cuffs and collars red which isnt historically accurate but adds some more colour to the models when lookin at them from 3ft away.

The bases are done with a premix sand and flock with some bigger flock for bushes to break up the flatness of the base.

The officers were finishd and based on pennies so as to be magnetic for easy storage.



Riflemen and basing

Infantry based

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments
Infantry based

The finished army

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
The finished army

Finished the cavalry which was the last of the models to get done.

Cheated somewhat and made all the horses black as that was my undercoat colour so saved time.

All now based on 4cm x 2cm bases and the sand mix applied. I then added the light green and darker green flock which i think work well in breaking up the bases and adding some colour.

Im going to call this army done as it was a just for fun project based off a spurious purchase off gumroad. I have had a blast painting these and am pleased at how easy they have been to paint.

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