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German Armour Spring Clean Challenge

German Armour Spring Clean Challenge

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Project Blog by harry711 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 120

About the Project

Hey guys, in this project I’m going to have a stab at a mini spring clean challenge. I’ve dug out some old models - a Stug III and a Panther, that I painted a few years ago just as I was getting into the hobby. For my spring clean challenge I’m going to spruce them up a bit and try and improve upon the amateurish paint job they currently have! Hopefully I can do a good job...

This Project is Completed

Stug III

Tutoring 11
Skill 13
Idea 13
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I’m pretty sure this Stug was the first vehicle I ever painted…

It looks okay, the camouflage isn’t too bad but the weathering on the tracks is very glossy and not very realistic looking, I think I used some kind of paint, static grass and PVA concoction…

I think once I’ve touched up the paint job I may add some foliage onto the vehicle for camouflage, I think that’ll look really cool and interesting.


Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 10
No Comments

Younger me did a bit of a better job on this Panther tank.

The Dunkelgelb camo is actually pretty nice in my opinion, but again the weathering on the tracks is too glossy and doesn’t look great.

Let’s see what I can do…

Revamped Stug

Tutoring 9
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Hey everyone, here’s the results of my revamped Stug!

I used mostly dry brushing to dull down the colours and blend the camouflage together a bit. I repainted the machine guns so they weren’t shiny gun metal anymore.

On the tracks I used a new product to me; Vallejo Thick Mud. I used it quite liberally on the tracks and front and rear of the vehicle. I am quite impressed with how it turned out. It looks very realistic and is a fast way to achieve weathering.

Most obviously, I added some clump foliage and lichen for added camouflage. I think this was a good move and looks excellent, making the Stug look right at home in a Normandy hedgerow.

To finish it off I gave it a coat of matt varnish. I am very pleased with the results – a huge improvement!

Revamped Panther

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 8
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Here’s is my revamped Panther!

I didn’t actually have to do as much work on this one as I initially thought. Much like the Stug I used dry brushing to add highlights and blend the camouflage together which made the model look instantly better. I also repainted the two machine guns.

I used the Vallejo Thick Mud to cover up the old tacky weathering on the tracks and this worked a treat again.

A coat of matt varnish finished it off nicely!

This concludes my mini spring clean challenge! I am really glad I took the time to do this because it only took an evenings hobbying and I think both vehicles look miles better now.