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Manda’s (Amachan) Epirote Warband

Manda’s (Amachan) Epirote Warband

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Project Blog by amachan Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 84

About the Project

This is my warband to represent the army of Pyrrhus of Epirus during the Pyrrhic war for use in SAGA Age of Hannibal.

This Project is On Hold

Project On Hold.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I have been struggling with massive disabilities causing me to not be able to paint or build miniatures. The major disabilities limiting my hobby are tremors in my right hand making it very unstable and lots of pain in my left which I was learning to paint with. I am getting physiotherapy to try and help me cope with the disabilities, but I am not sure it is going to solve anything. I do not know if I will be able to return to miniature painting and such and for now I am starting a new project involving LEGO, something I can do with my disabilities.

Project On Hold.

Painting Horses.

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5

As I started painting the horses for the Roman Eques I quickly realized that my painting technique has changed somewhat since I did the Order of Heimdallr. Therefore I started experimenting with a new paint scheme based on the old one, but one that fits in with my newer techniques. So this is my renewed horse paint scheme.

Roman Eques Horses.Roman Eques Horses.

Horses come in a variety of colours and during my Order of Heimdallr project I did some research as to what different kinds of horses where common in Scandinavia. It so happens that this research also includes data from around the 3rd century BC, so I am using the same data source as before. You can find it below.

Painting Horses.

I will be using the same die chart as listed below in the Colour Scheme.

  • 1-2-3 Bay
  • 4-5-6 Leopard
  • 7-8 Tobiano
  • 9 Black
  • 10 Chestnut

Some Basics.


For the hooves on all horses I will use a base of Vallejo Game Color Bonewhite (72.034) shaded with Vallejo Game Color Sepia Shade (73.200).



Unless specified differently, I will use a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Glaze Medium (70.596) & Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) to do the noses of all horses.


The Horses


I will start with a basecoat Vallejo Model Color Red Leather (70.818) and I will then paint the manes, tail and bottom half of their legs with Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862). I will paint a stripy bit on the front of their heads using Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119).



I will start with a base coat of Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119) and then apply dots in various sizes and locations using Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862). For the nose on these I will use a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Glaze Medium (70.596) & Vallejo Game Color Cadnium Skin (72.099) as opposed to the regular scheme. And for the manes and tail I will then use a coat of Vallejo Model Air Aged White (71.132).



The Tobiano will come into 2 variants, but remain mainly the same. I will list the difference when it comes to it. I will start with a base coat of Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119) and then I will paint on a pattern. For this I will roll a D6 and on a 1-2-3 it will be the brown variant for which I will use Vallejo Model Color Red Leather (70.818) for the pattern and if it rolls a 4-5-6 I will use Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) as the pattern for the black variant. I will paint the manes where it meets the body and the tail will be split between the base colour and the pattern colour. I will paint a stripy bit on the front of their heads using Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119).



Probably the simplest of all. I will start with a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862) and paint a stripy or spot on the front of their heads using Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119).



I will start with a base of Vallejo Game Color Bronze Fleshtone (72.036) and will then paint a stripy bit on the front of their heads using Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119). I will then use the same Vallejo Model Air White Grey (71.119) to paint the bottom 1/3 of their legs as well.


The Rest

I will then paint the tack and hooves in the appropriate colours, apart from the metal bits. I will put a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Ivory (70.918) over the whole model. I will then paint the metal bits according to the Colour Scheme set before. The horse will then be shaded by a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Glaze Medium (70.596) & Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) and the other bits will be shaded according to the Colour Scheme set before.

I will paint the eyes at the end with a simple coat of Vallejo Game Color Black (72.051) and then a coat of gloss varnish after the model has been finished.

The riders will be painted separately according to the Colour Scheme set before.

Tobiano (Brown)Tobiano (Brown)
Tobiano (Black)Tobiano (Black)
Black Black


Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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So after considering it for some time, this is what I am going to do with my basing.

  1. Attach the model to the base and blend in the moulded on base that the models come with. Without them I fear I am going to struggle with adhesion to the base. Pinning isn’t really an option as I use 1.5mm thick bases.
  2. I then add details on it that need to be painted, like resin tree stumps, weapons, skulls or whatever I feel is appropriate.
  3. I cover the base in PVA glue and cover it with a fine sand.
  4. Give the model and its base a coat of primer.
  5. I will paint the model as normal, but at the same time I paint the base and the rim with Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819).
  6. When this is sufficiently dry I will drybrush the base with Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70.837).
  7. After that I will add a coat of Citadel Shade Agrax Earthshade (99189953018) over the base.
  8. When the wash has dried I will add another drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Pale Sand (70.837).
  9. After that I will add a coat of Vallejo Model Wash Desert Dust (76.522).
  10. I will put a second coat of Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819) over the rim of the base.
  11. When this is dry I will add some PVA glue in various areas where I want to place a tuft, a rock or a log to the base. I will then cover a couple of more areas of the base and sprinkle some fine flock over it.
  12. Shake it off and when the glue is dry it is ready for the varnishes.

I think this will add a good Mediterranean feel to the base.

This is what the bases will look like.This is what the bases will look like.


Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I am doing most of the shields for both my Epirote warband and my Republican Roman warband in one go. There will be some shields that I still have to do later since I don’t have all the models yet, just most of them.

I put the shields on my airbrush plate with some Blu-Tack, primed them, painted the backs and then sealed that in with a gloss varnish.

I turned them around and primed and painted this side and then put a gloss coat on there as well. I then proceeded to apply the Little Big Men Studios transfers that I had. They weren’t really an easy fit and I had to cut a lot of them to size, the scuta especially were a pain. Once they were on I added a bit of paint to blend them in and put another gloss coat over it to protect them.

And that is most of the shields done for now. Now let’s wait for Shields 2: The Shielding…..

Warlord (Pyrrhus)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Warlord (Pyrrhus)

My warlord will be Pyrrhus of Epirus. The model I use for him will be Pyrrhus (PYR31) from Aventine Miniatures. He will be joined on a 60mm base by the trumpeter and the banner bearer from the Command in Breastpaltes and cloaks (HCP04) from Aventine Miniatures as well. In terms of painting there will be some changes to his paint scheme. His cloak, tunic and the head crest will be painted with Vallejo Model Color Royal Purple (70.810). Any metal armour will be painted with Vallejo Model Air Steel (71.065) and any details will be painted with either Vallejo Model Color Bronze (70.998) and Scale 75 Metal N’ Alchemy Elven Gold (SC-74) which will all be drybrushed with Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 (71.063). And then we get to his horse. He will obviously be on a white horse (basically the leopard paint scheme without the dots) with reigns painted in Vallejo Panzer Aces Stencil (70.313). Now, he does a have a leopard skin over his horse, which will be a bitch to paint. I will be blending Vallejo Model Color Desert Yellow (70.977) on the top to Vallejo Model Color Ivory (70.918) on the edges with a bit of Vallejo Airbrush Flow Improver (71.262) as a medium. Once that is dry I will add little dots, I will try circles but I doubt I can do that, with Scale 75 Scalecolor Petroleum Grey (SC-57). Any other details will be done with whatever colour I find appropriate.


In SAGA I will either use him as the legendary unit Pyrrhus I, King of Epirus or as a basic warlord mounted on a horse.

Pyrrhus before Beroea, 288 BCPyrrhus before Beroea, 288 BC


Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Basilikon Agema

The Basilikon Agema (King’s Vanguard) will be very similarly equipped to Alexander’s Companions. They will be mounted on horses wielding a Xyston (long spear), no shield and wearing a bronze cuirass and a cloak. The models will be made using 3 sets of the Aventine Miniatures HCP05 and they will be based on 25x50mm pill shaped bases. All of their cloth, including any cloth on the horses and any linothorax if present, will be painted using Scale 75 Scalecolor Cantabric Blue (SC-53) with the last 1/3 to 1/4 of the cloak being painted with Vallejo Game Color Ghost Grey (72.046). Any detailing on the clothing or armour will be done with Scale 75 Metal N’ Alchemy Elven Gold (SC-74). The leather tack of the horses will be painted using Vallejo Panzer Aces Dark Rubber (70.306) apart from the reigns, which will be painted Vallejo Panzer Aces Stencil (70.313). The rest of the colours will follow the earlier defined scheme.


In SAGA they will be mounted hearthguard and I am planning on making 8 of them.

The Royal Squadron, 280 BCThe Royal Squadron, 280 BC

Molossian Phalangites

The Mollosian Phalangites will be equiped with a sarissa  and a small shield. They will mostly be wearing linothorax armour with some bronze cuirasses mixed in. These will be made from Aventine Miniatures PH001, PH09, PH11, PH21, PH22 and PH25 and will be on square 20x20mm bases to get them to form a tight formation. I will subdivide them into 3 groups of 8, each with their own different shield transfer and colour distinction on their shoulders and back. 1 group will have their shoulders painted Vallejo Model Color Old Rose (70.944), another Vallejo Game Color Scarlett Blood (72.106) and the last Vallejo Model Color Deep Sky Blue (70.844). All the piping/lining on the armour will be painted with Scale 75 Scalecolor Mediterranean Blue (SC-51).


For SAGA they will be warriors with sarissas and I’m making 24 of them.

Toxotai / Sphendonetai

The Toxotai (Archers) and the Sphendonetai (Slingers) will be made from the Victrix Greek Archers (VXA017) and Greek Slingers (VXA018) respectively. They will be based on 25mm round bases.


I will make 12 of each and they will be levies with bows/slings in SAGA.


The Peltastai or peltasts will be made from the Victrix Greek Peltasts, Javelin Men and Slingers. They will hold their crescent shaped shield the peltē from which they get their name. And they are armed with a set of javelins.


In SAGA they will be levy with javelins and I will be making a total of 24 of them.

War Elephant

The war elephant will be made using the Unarmoured Indian Elephant Body 1 (EL01) with the Unarmoured Indian Elephant Head Trunk Up (EH01). On its back will be the Standard Three Man Howdah/Tower (EHW02) crewed by the Elephant Crew in Metal Armours (ELHC1), all from Aventine Miniatures. This will then go on a 60mm base.


The war elephant will obviously count as an elephant. For those not familiar with Age of Hannibal, that is a unit of 1 costing 1 point, counting as 12 levy for victory points and activating as a unit of warriors.

Colour Scheme part 2, let's not ignore the elephant in the room

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This happens when you do ignore that elephant.This happens when you do ignore that elephant.

For the Indian/Asian elephants used by Macedon and its successors (apart from Ptolemy) I will use a base of Vallejo Model Color Basalt Grey (70.869) followed by a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819) and then shaded with Citadel Shade Reikland Fleshshade (99189953027).

For the tusks and toes I will use a base of Vallejo Game Color Bonewhite (72.034) shaded with Vallejo Game Color Sepia Shade (73.200).

The eyes will be done with Vallejo Game Color Black (72.051) and then receive a gloss coat after all is sealed in.

For the gear of the elephant I will use colours I previously mentioned, but instead of rolling a die I may just pick what I want.

The crew will be done as listed earlier.

Refence Images

Roman Hastati fight one of Pyrrhus' elephantsRoman Hastati fight one of Pyrrhus' elephants
Epirote ElephantEpirote Elephant
Colour Scheme part 2, let's not ignore the elephant in the room

Colour Scheme.

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
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This will be the colour scheme used for my Epirote warband. Apart from the colours mentioned here I will be using a couple of others here and there as I feel I need them, but these are the main colours used. And for characters I may not keep to this scheme at all when it comes to clothing and colours.

Base colours

Cloth & Dyes

During the 3rd century BC they didn’t have the colours available we have today, some would be more expensive than others. So here I made a list of various colours that would not have been overly expensive and that they had access to in the 3rd century BC. I will roll on a D10 using the following list to decide on a colour if one needs to be chosen.

  1. Vallejo Model Air Aged White (71.132)
  2. Vallejo Model Color Black Grey (70.862)
  3. Vallejo Model Color German Cam. Med. Brown (70.826)
  4. Scale 75 Fantasy & Games Goblin Flesh (SFG-24)
  5. Vallejo Model Air Duck Egg Green (71.009)
  6. Vallejo Model Color Yellow Ochre (70.913)
  7. Scale 75 Scalecolor Sol Yellow (SC-40)
  8. Vallejo Model Color Amaranth Red (70.829)
  9. Scale 75 Scalecolor Cantabric Blue (SC-53)
  10. Vallejo Model Color Flat Red (70.957)
  11. Scale 75 Scalecolor Mediterranean Blue (SC-51)
  12. Scale 75 Scalecolor Adriatic Blue (SC-15)

I found that Vallejo Model Air Aged White (71.132) is close to the natural colour of linen or wool, so it’s in there twice to represent non-dyed cloth.


For leather belts and straps I will use Vallejo Panzer Aces Leather Belt (70.312) or Vallejo Panzer Aces Dark Rubber (70.306). Larger surfaces of leather I will paint with either Vallejo Model Color Cavalry Brown (70.982) or Vallejo Model Color Red Leather (70.818). For decorated bits of leather I may use the previous 2 colours or use Vallejo Model Color Ivory (70.918) to represent white painted leather.


For wood I will use Vallejo Model Color Iraqui Sand (70.819) to represent the Cornell wood that was used for sarissas and other spears.

For the rest of the wood I will again use a die roll of a D6 this time with the results being:

  • 1-2 Vallejo Panzer Aces Old Wood (70.310)
  • 3-4 Vallejo Model Color Mahogany Brown (70.846)
  • 5-6 Vallejo Panzer Aces New Wood (70.311)


For skin I will use a basecoat of Vallejo Game Color Cadnium Skin (72.099).



I will then add a drybrush over the whole model using Vallejo Model Color Ivory (70.918).



Old Bronze

For any old bronze work I will use a basecoat of Vallejo Game Color Tinny Tin (72.060) followed by a drybrush of Vallejo Model Color Bronze (70.998).

Polished Bronze

For polished bronze I will use a basecoat of Vallejo Model Color Bronze (70.998) and then a drybrush of Vallejo Model Air Silver RLM01 (71.063).



And then for the iron I will use a base coat of Vallejo Metal Color Burnt Iron (77.721) and a drybrush of Vallejo Model Air Steel (71.065).




For the skin I use a 50/50 mix of Vallejo Glaze Medium (70.596) and Citadel Shade Reikland Fleshshade (99189953027).


For both shades of bronze I use Citadel Shade Athonian Camoshade (99189953024) and for the iron I use Citadel Shade Nuln Oil (99189953017). After the washes I will apply a light drybrush of the metal colour used before to mimic a polished effect.


The Rest

For the rest I will use a wash that I find similar in colour to what the original colour was like.


Shields & Horses.

For shields I will use the colours mention above apart from the area where I will use Little Big Men transfers. I will prime the shields with Vallejo Surface Primer White (74.600), paint the details and then fix up the areas where the transfers would go with Vallejo Model Color White (70.951).

When it comes to horses, I have done plenty of research on horses in history during my Order of Heimdallr project and thus I will link to that as I will be using the same colour schemes apart from one little thing, before I shade the model I will add a drybrush using Vallejo Model Air Aged White (71.132).

Since this is a different period to the Order of Heimdallr, I will be using this chart for the colours based on a D10.

  • 1-2-3 Bay
  • 4-5-6 Leopard
  • 7-8 Tobiano
  • 9 Black
  • 10 Chestnut

What's the plan?

Tutoring 3
Skill 3
Idea 3
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This is my warband to represent the army of Pyrrhus of Epirus during the Pyrrhic war for use in SAGA Age of Hannibal.

I’ll be doing this project together with my Republican Roman warband and they will both share some similarities in colour schemes, basing etc. The Republican Roman warband will take priority so this warband will be slow going from the start.

You can find my Republican Roman warband here:

Pyrrhus arrives in Italy with his TroupePyrrhus arrives in Italy with his Troupe

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