Steel Fist Samurai
Recommendations: 944
About the Project
Painting up the occasional samurai and ashigaru models by Steel Fist Miniatures for skirmish games such as Test for Honour and Ronin.
Related Game: Test of Honour: The Samurai Miniatures Game
Related Company: Steel Fist Miniatures
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
Katana Armed Samurai
To get some inspiration for different colour schemes and patterns, I have been looking at various woodblock prints of samurai. Some of the detailing is beyond my skills, but there are a great source to get some ideas of broad colour schemes for individual samurai. For my next model, I used the image below as a starting point.
No-dachi Samurai
I stumbled across Steel Fist Miniatures a while ago, and their ranges of models are fantastic. In particular, their samurai really grabbed me, with really detailed models and well researched armour and weapons. I picked up a few to have something fun and interesting to paint, before storing them away and forgetting about them.
Steel Fist Miniatures were recently featured as an Indi of the Week, which prompted me to dig these models back out and get to work painting them. I’m tackling them individually, mainly as something different to take a break from batch painting other models. Eventually I’ll get enough finished and ready for some skirmish games like Ronin or Test of Honour, but this is more about enjoying painting some stunning models than the gaming side of things.
First model I turned my attention to was a samurai with a no-dachi. I went for a fairly plain blue armour with orange edging in places, and added some freehand flowers onto the scabbard. When it came to basing, I had just been stomping around a woodland with all the fallen autumn leaves, and decided I’d lean heavily into that for a scheme.