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My modern 20mm project

My modern 20mm project

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Project Blog by miniaturebrushwork Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 95

About the Project

This project will be a collection of all the things I build and paint for my 20mm modern stuff. Basically this will be 3 parts. A coalition force of US Marines, maybe some Special Forces, a lot of Afghan insurgents and terrain. This will be the first time that I build terrain. For the middle east theme I need some special buildings and compounds.

This Project is Completed

US Marine squad and AAV7

Tutoring 7
Skill 13
Idea 13

I started of with a squad of US Marines.

The miniatures are from Elhiem Figures and represent current Marines with scalable plate carriers and M27 IAR‘s.

I roughly rendered the desert MARPAT camouflage since digital patterns are impossible to paint in 20mm

For the transport I decided to go with an AAVP7 A1 amtrac. A bit outdated considering the Marines are from 2018+ but I like that vehicle.

Since I was unable to find a model kit I just printed one with my Elegoo Mars.

First few afghan buildings

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 10
No Comments

I finished my first 3 terrain pieces.
Doing terrain is something I usually avoid because I hate it really much. Thats mainly because I have big issues in keep myself motivated enough to actually finish something.

For this project I decidet to switch between miniature and terrain parts to keep myself motivated.

These houses are simple styrofoam parts covered with texture paste. Basically the simplest way to build houses.

Next up will be a bigger compound as some kind of center piece.

A bunch of afghan insurgents

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 8
A bunch of afghan insurgents

Most of these guys were lying around for ages now in a falf painted stage. I added 10 more  mostly armed with a few more support weapons to get to 31 dudes in total.
I still got a few unpainted guys somewere but for now these shall be enough.

They are all Elhiem Figures and painted with the help of army painters quickshade. Just like the marines but with less highlights and a heavier use of quickshade.

I already ordered some hotwheels pickups from ebay to see if I can turn them into technicals. And while ordering the guys with the weapon mounts for the cars somehow I ended up with a few more Special Forces miniatures.

This project is going to expand more than I planned it to be.


But Im proud that Im still working on more terrain.

The village is taking shape.

A bunch of afghan insurgents

Progress on my afghan village

Tutoring 2
Skill 7
Idea 7
1 Comment
Progress on my afghan village

I finished my 2 compounds and added another couple of buildings.
For now this is enough as I now can recreate a small afghan village. I probably need some more linear obstacles in the shape of small and high walls but the most important thing will be a fitting game mat.




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