Joan of Arc Paint Log
Recommendations: 671
About the Project
My painting log for Time of Legends: Joan of Arc.
Related Game: Time of Legends: Joan of Arc
Related Company: Mythic Games
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
The Black Prince 360
Trying out the Green Stuff World rotating display stand.
Overall plan
Here goes, this will be a massive painting effort! Time of Legends: Joan of Arc has been one of the definite stand out games from Kickstarter for me over past couple of years. The period, miniatures, scale and the company, all hit the right buttons for me, which meant no other option than go big on the Kickstarted.
As I’m writing this, I’ve already received part of the second wave, and made a decent dent into painting the core box minies. I’ll follow up with updates, unit by unit.
With such a massive amount of expansions, you need a plan for the painting effort. So here are my golden rules for the project:
1. Paint the needed models for one scenario at time. Including terrain.
2. Once done, play the scenario. (This helps keeping the momentum).
3. Cover the historical scenarios first (I’m more likely to get games with them).
4. Painting standard according to the sculpt standard. Quick jobs on peasants, all my skills for the Legendary Dragon.
5. Basing: keep it simple [, keep it stupid]. I’m a “basing guy” (check my other projects), I love building custom bases and setting the scene for the miniatures with that. While gorgeous, the Time of Legends pieces are mean to be used in a board game, on cardboard hexes, not the usual gaming tables I use. Building custom bases is time consuming, and can have the unwanted effect of lost consistency within the collection. For the special beasties etc. I will surely flash out my usual basing antics, but for the rest of the stuff it needs to be kept quick and tidy.