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Painting buildings for 10mm Napoleonics & BBQ

Painting buildings for 10mm Napoleonics & BBQ

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Project Blog by thehumungus Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 23

About the Project

My good friend and I have been getting more and more into Napoleonic war gaming. First with 28mm army’s. Now we are taking a stab at 10mm minis and scenery. We decided to have a painting BBQ. For those of you unfortunate enough to never experience one of these glorious events I suggest you stop your current hobby activity’s and start seasoning your meat! lol.. We started with washing all the buildings in warm water and Palmolive dishwashing liquid. These resin buildings had a serious amount of release agent on them. We washed and then dried them. We then ran through them with a X-acto knife to remove flash lines. After that we primed Them with some ACE HARDWARE flat white primer. It’s inexpensive and works great. At this point I started the coals and Seasoned the pork ribs. Busy hobbiest need to eat. Once dried we painted them. Keeping a simple pallet of about 4 or 5 colors. Switching the colors up on different buildings so as to not have everything look exactly the same. Yet keeping a cohesive look to the overall project. Ribs were wrapped in foil and put on the grill for an hour and a half. Painters gotta eat! Once base coated Dan (my friend)would then highlight the buildings. Then he would wash them with Agrax Earthshade to give them depth and a warm in look. Well. There you have it for now. We still have a lot to do but not a bad start for two old nerds. Oh yeah. I forgot. We then cooked the ribs for an hour more. Basting with BBQ sauce. Grilling some corn also. Painters gotta eat! I hope the pictures give you a good idea of what we did. Painting party’s are great ways to knock out big projects and bring your gaming group together for some good times. Happy gaming y’all.

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