Heaven and Earth a Samurai Project
Recommendations: 3453
About the Project
This is my Samurai project I stated a few years ago and will be doing for a few more years to come. This is not only miniature painting but conversions, terrain, and rules. As well as some other things I am sure that I am interested as well as inspiration. I hope you will enjoy my journey into the world of Samurai Wargaming.
Related Game: Test of Honour: The Samurai Miniatures Game
Related Company: Warlord Games
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
I did some more 30 minute challenge today.
For my 30 minute challenge today I did some base color work and blacked out the arm armor. I also did some tan under coating to prep for the red on the banners, swords, and the spears.
Readjusted the jig I used for painting heads.
So after some thought I decided that the Jig I made for was to narrow for my fat fingers. It need to have for space in-between the posts to allow for better use.
This is what it looked like before and there was only 15mm between the posts.
Now I have 30mm between post and that is enough to allow ease of use.
Much better !
Day 9 of the 30 minute challenge I finished.
When the doctor says you can only have one drink a day you should save it for when you are painting miniatures and then do it with style people =D
Day 9 of the 30 minute painting challenge and this is what I was able to accomplish. I finished painting the ten man group and all that is left is a wash then on to the next ten. I am at the half way point 😉 Woo hoo!
Day Seven of the next ten Ashigaru.
So I started the next ten Ashigaru and I am already on Day 7 of the painting 30 minutes a day challenge. Today I painted the faces the only tint I used was P3 Midlund Flesh. I spent about an hour and a half painting these. I painted each face one at a time start to finish. I then went back and darkened the eyes with a brown is black and painted the lower lip with a reddish flesh tone mixed from the three colors from yesterday . I applied a washes from P3 Caspian and Kossite flesh wash and used for the first time Citadel Reikland Fleshshade. When all was dry I painted the whites of the eyes with a 10/0 brush then used my new secret weapon for the black dot. The Pigma MICRON .003 pen.
The base coat of the flesh toned these are the paints that I used. 2parts Gun Corps Brown, 1part Meaty Ochre, and .5 to .75 part Khardic Flesh. By the way all are from Privateer Press P3 paint line.
Day 6 and finished painting.
Well I got quite a bit done today on day 6. All 10 are finished as far as painting is concerned. I need to apply decals and basing material but I will do that when all 40 are finished. I also will be adding fridge magnets to the bottom of all 40 as well.
I was able to get a lot done on day5.
For tomorrow I will finish the knot work and start on the heads.
Back at it Day 5
Well I got back to my Ashigaru a little sooner than I thought. I applied the reds and now am waiting for them to dry. I will come back and do a little clean up work and that might be all for today but I might start on the knot work ? maybe!
This mornings progress day 5.
This morning I have gone back and painted tan on the areas that I will have a bright red such as the armor plates on the arms and shins, spears, sword sheaths and as well as the banners. Time to give my eyes a rest and continue with the red later on this evening, I might even be able to get some washes tonight too.
Day 4 of thirty minutes a day.
So I got about about two hours of painting done today and I think that makes up for the lack of painting the last two days. I realized that I started wrong by painting the pants and shirt first instead of the armor. I usually paint the armor first so I can dry brush and not worry about the other base colors. I will remember this for other 30 I need to paint. So today I dry brushed the armor did some black out line and applied tan on the banners.
30 minutes a day.
So I started painting my 40 Ashigaru Yari block and decided to go back to my routine of painting at least 30 minutes a day 10 troops at a time to keep it from becoming overwhelming. I will try to post photos every day to show you all just how fast it will go.
This was 45 minutes of painting and was able to get my basecoats done.
Started on my 40 man block of Yari.
I was able to get some work done on my 40 man block of Yari troops this weekend. I am leaving the heads off so I can try and do a better job of painting the faces, we will see about that =P
20 advancing archers.
20 advancing archers ready for the battlefield. Now I have to paint up 40 more Yari Ashigaru, oh boy what was I thinking =P
Finished my advancing archers.
Now where did I put those darn decals at?
The models are Warlord plastic ashigaru and the pavise are scratch built using wood craft stick and coffee stirs.
Sample of advancing archer with Pavise.
Here is a sample model I painted up of my advancing archer unit with a Pavise. I will be adding arrows later 😉 When all is finished I will have two units of ten men each.
Advancing archers with pavise.
So I saw a photo of a Manga(Don’t ask I have no idea what it was) it was of a line of archers advancing with pivises raised and the archers following close behind. Well I like it so much that I had to make it and here is my start.
Finished Misretss Yae's retinue.
This weekend I was able to finish that last six of mistress Yae’s retinue and to be honest I am glad that one is over too. On to something simpler to paint like some Pulp Figures. I will be using mistress Yae and her followers as my Samura Retinue for Test of Honour.