Heaven and Earth a Samurai Project
Recommendations: 3453
About the Project
This is my Samurai project I stated a few years ago and will be doing for a few more years to come. This is not only miniature painting but conversions, terrain, and rules. As well as some other things I am sure that I am interested as well as inspiration. I hope you will enjoy my journey into the world of Samurai Wargaming.
Related Game: Test of Honour: The Samurai Miniatures Game
Related Company: Warlord Games
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
10 more finished that makes 20.
10 more archers complete for Uesugi’s force and that makes 20 and check that unit off my list
I just finished a 10 man squad for Uesugi's archers.
I just finished a 10 man squad for Uesugi’s archers and I think that is a great way to end the year by starting my new years resolution of painting up Uesugi’s force only 100 more miniatures to paint =D
Starting the Uesugi force now.
It is nice when you find a box of assembled archers by accident. It makes starting Uesugi’s force that much easier.
Takeda's army is painted
Ladies and gentlemen may introduce to you, Takeda’s army.
My Flock Mix Blend.
I did my basic flock mix today and will apply grass tufts tomorrow. The Flock mix that I use is a blend of things.
I use sifted dirt, Fine Turf Green Grass ( Woodland Scenics), dried coffee grounds, and a random assortment of inexpensive tea bags ( different colors light to dark). Mix and there you have it a great looking Flock Mix that is easy to make and the best part inexpensive.
And before you start asking what ratios and brands of tea I used. Just play around what you have laying the house because the hell if I can remember.
Alcohol might have been involved =P
Refrigerator magnets
Placed refrigerator magnets on the bottom of the newly painted Samurai today.
Hopefully tomorrow I will be basing these.
Decal work ;)
Almost there ;)
So I am almost finished with Takeda’s main force. All I have left to paint is the knot work and heads.
The start of the last ten bodyguards for Takeda's main force.
So I am starting my last ten bodyguards for Takeda’s army tonight and these will be the last of Takeda’s main force. After this is complete I will be working on bulking up Uesugi’s army. It currently only has 90 men in his force. I will be adding an additional 110 men and when that is complete I will be working on Allies for each army.
What the hell was I thinking when I started this? ?
One more Bandit or Brigand finished you decide =P
I must say that these Bandits and Brigands are fun miniatures to paint up.
Finished a bandit today.
I finished this model tonight. I find myself painting better faces when I have a better sculpted miniature.
Next 5 painted.
I still need to do the knot work then on to the next 5.
Started my Command section for Takeda.
The first model for Takeda’s command section is none other than Takeda himself . This and the rest of the command section will be Perry models.
Finished painting my 40 Ashigaru block
Well after 41 days of my 30 minute a day painting challenge I finally finished painting my 40 Ashigaru block. The decals and basing will have to wait till I order some supplies.