World War 20mm – A Battlegroup Endless Project
Recommendations: 4952
About the Project
Charting continued progress on gaming World War Two in 20mm using the Battlegroup wargame rules. This project is an ongoing and never ending one that aims to cover miniatures, vehicles and terrain for gaming various theatres and campaigns of WW2 in miniature.
Related Game: Battlegroup
Related Company: The Plastic Soldier Company
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
More dipped Yanks...
Second squad done using the fast dip method…
DAK Mortar Team
Afrikakorps 8cm Mortar Team, with a later tropical look to work for Italy too…
US Infantry - Squad Dip Test
Full squad done to test various colour options with the dip…
Taking a GI for a dip...
Little test I’m working on, with a ‘dipped’ US Infantryman compared to my usual style.
Looking for a happy medium between fast to paint and looks nice. Need some colour adjustment, but may be on too something… its certainly fast!
The final Winter Russians...
The last few winter Russians are finally done, leaving me with one empty box!
Yet more from Xan Miniatures that breakdown as follows for Battlegroup;
2 x 82mm Mortar Teams
Comms Team
AT Rifle Team
…And two useful dudes with ammo boxes!
Holy Help - Sexton Battery
Final vehicles for my Normandy British for a while… two PSC Sextons with AB crews…
Normandy Achilles...
Next up an Achilles Tank Destroyer, this time the ropey Hongwell diescast, with completely new running gear from the spare sets on the PSC Sexton kit!
More Defences...
Another dug-in tank, this time for the Ost Front… a KV1.
Recce Carrier...
Another carrier, this time one with a little more punch!
PSC carrier with AB crew.
Back to Normandy - Churchill Tanks
Finally added a squadron of PSC Churchill Tanks to my ‘Normandy’ British…
More Desert British...
A few more British items… 3″ Mortar and Loader Team, a jeep and an OP Carrier!
More Desert British...
This time a few bits to add options… a 3″ Mortar Team and a Loader Team, a jeep and an OP Carrier!
Desert defence...
Next is a quick dive back to the desert, and this time some defences.
A dug-in Panzer II based on wartime photos…
Normandy British...
A quick shot of the Normandy British so far… this is all the new AB stuff completed, fully replacing the old army now.
110 figures done, a few more to add at some point…
Police and an MMG...
Last few British Infantry for now… another Vickers MMG team, a couple of riflemen and another MP to add some colour!
All AB Figures.
Medic! Medic!
Small little exercise in a green tinged Battledress next, a British (perhaps Canadian) medic for Normandy…
Winter Yanks... RTO and Sniper Team!
Last two infantry pieces for the Winter Yanks… another RTO for the Forward HQ and a Sniper Team.
A few last Brits... and the first Churchill!
Starting up a few last British Infantry for Normandy and some Churchill tanks.
First batch done… and one Churchill finished.
Russian Platoon...
Finished up an entire Russian Infantry Platoon using AB Figures for the 43 to 45 period…