Gangs of Rome
Recommendations: 142
About the Project
Step into the streets and alleyways of the ancient Roman Empire. Those streets have become rife with carnage and unrest in these uncertain times. Gangs of brutal Fighters are used as weapons to exert the will of their paymasters. These paymasters, known as Domini, are ambitious heads of Roman households; as such a Dominus you begin your story in troubled times... Gangs of Rome is a new skirmish game from War Banner in which you will use unique fighters, pitting them against the gangs of rival Domini in both campaign and scenario play to earn influence enough to manipulate your way into the Senate. Then, as a Senator of Rome, you will be granted the power destroy your enemies with methods far greater than the sword. So hold on to your sandals and watch your back, Dominus! Things are about to get bloody…
Related Game: Gangs Of Rome
Related Company: Footsore Miniatures and Games
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
Some more info on the bases - working on the Mobs part 2 - Mob Bases
Using GSW’s Grey Super Sculpey Medium Blend clay to cover the base while leaving 25mm slots uncovered. Very fiddly and time consuming but the cutters are very handy to remove the excess.
Once I have the clay applied. Using the plain roller, I get the required thickness (again remember – You have to keep an eye on the thickness, too thin and there may be some slight warping. But it is easy to fill and correct) at least 3mm’s as far as I remember.
The use the patterned rollor apply the texture.
Use the cutter again to remove the excess.
Then it’s ready for baking 🙂
Need to sand down the edges of the 25mm mini bases to ensure a better fit. Will do this once they all have been ‘baked’. Baking is fun 😉 😉
Some more info on the bases - working on the Mobs part 3 - Adding mini's
Using an old GW cutter (the spring is broken so don’t care about it anymore and it’s tough) to remove the base but keep a tab at the bottom.
Press this into the bases to make an impression before I bake it. Once ‘baked’ super glue the figure to the base and et voila, the feet are flush with the cobblestones.
Now to start painting 😐
Some more info on the bases - Working on the Mobs part 1 - The tools
I’m using Green Stuff World – GSW rollers (Plain and Small Cobblestone) and Cutters to work on my Mob bases so I can add or remove mini’s. Also working with their Grey Super Sculpey Medium Blend clay, great stuff to work with, you have to bake it in an oven to harden it (nothing like the smell of baking clay at 1 in the morning and the cooker alarm going off eek!), so it has a very long working time. Lots of time to fill and play around. You do have to keep an eye on the thickness, too thin and there may be some slight warping (3mm thickness). Easy to fill and correct.
Super Sculpey Medium Blend 55 gr.
The best blend of both Super Sculpey and Super Sculpey Firm. The new hybrid clay is closer to sculpey Firm in terms of hardness, has many amazing attributes:
– Thinner baked areas hold up to pressure – sand thin limbs without anything cracking or snapping.
– Firm enough to hold it’s shape, yet soft/ malleable enough to comfortably build/shape and blend pieces together. Enables the consumer to carve detail into their piece easily.
– This clay permits you to use build up methods that are more additive and focused on building out shapes in small increments. Once the clay has been kneaded slightly, it is highly malleable and ready to blend. Cuts down on sanding time because it blends so smoothly. Has elasticity yet is firm enough to enable great detail.
– Shatter and chip resistant.
100% sulfur free.