UK Games Expo 2017 Live Blog – Saturday

We're diving back into the awesomeness of the UK Games Expo here in Birmingham at the NEC and Hilton Metropole. We've had a cracking time so far and we're only getting started...
We hope you've been following along and as we continue to delve into more of the games and events going on here you should let us know what you want us to see!
What's On & Helpful Links
To give you a rundown of what's happening at the event we have some helpful links for you...
- Beginner's Guide
- Venue Information
- UK Games Expo Show Guide
- Venue Map
- Event Tickets
- Viking Village Details
We hope to meet up with you all at the event to so if you see us around make sure to come on over and say hi.
Prize Pool - Comment To Win!
- Doctor Who: Exterminate & Test Of Honor – Warlord Games
- Two One Player Starter Sets Of Your Choice – Hawk Wargames
- Event Goody Bag – GeeknSon
- RumbleSlam Base Game, Two Addition Teams, Event Exclusive – TTCombat
- Heroes Of Normandie Pointe Du Hoc & Kharnage Devil Pig Army – Devil Pig Games
- Sea Wolf Frigate Kit – DarkOps
- H.P. Lovecraft For Beginners – Chaosium
- Lost Expedition – Osprey Games
- 3x Bushido Buildings, Trees & A Pack Of Carts, + Building Moss – 4Ground
- Two Starter Sets, A Rulebook + 4Ground Terrain - GCT Studios
- A Satchel With Print Of Their Choice - Cosy Dice
- Lee & Clementine Expansion Pack - Mantic Games
- Event Exclusive Miniatures - Code Orange Games
- Food Truck - Devir Games
- Dungeon Core Set - Battle Systems
- Nine Realms - Medusa Games
- Ice Cool - Brain Games
- 7TV 1976 Annual - Crooked Dice
- Guild Ball Kick Off! Set + One Team Of Your Choice - Steamforged Games
- Cthulhu Dice Set - QWorkshop
- Imps - Triple Ace Games
- 4x4 Beach Mat - Deep Cut Studio
- Guards Of Atlantis - Wolff Designa
- SLA Industries RPG & Event Exclusive Miniature - Daruma
- AvP Second Edition & Event Miniature - Prodos Games
Make sure to also comment on the various posts throughout the Live Blog to be in with the chance of winning some great prizes.
Are you joining us?
Blogging At This Event:
Welcome To Day Two At The UK Games Expo!
Come and check out what’s going on at the UK Games Expo here for Day Two. We’ve got loads to get stuck into so make sure to delve in and find out more from the vendors and attendees.
Watch the show, follow along with the playlist and see what’s on.
Buzzing Around The Tabletop With Nimbee
We stop in to talk about this awesome looking little game called Nimbee which has you playing as buzzy bees trying to come out on top as you race around the hive.
The gameplay takes no time at all to get into and once you've played a few games you'll begin to develop some interesting tactics.
Quick & Easy Games - First Date, Colour Brain & Chameleon
We stop in with Big Potato Games and discuss three of their quick and easy party games which might be great for non-gamers and series tabletop fans.
We have First Date which is a bit risque for couples, Colour Brain which explores some interesting mechanics and Chameleon which is a mix between Codenames and Spyfall for those in the know.
Come and check them out here at the convention.
Come And Play Games At The Playtest Area
Come and learn more about the Playtest Area where you can dive in and check out some of the developer that are showing off their product here today.
The Playtest Area gets you an easy way to dive in and check out what's coming in the near future and what's available now.
Come & Play Star Trek: Ascendancy With Gale Force Nine
Come on over to the Gale Force Nine booth and make sure to check out Star Trek: Ascendancy here.
This game puts you in the boots of leaders of the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulans although there are plenty of expansions coming.
Warlord Talk Doctor Who & Test Of Honour & Win These Games!
Warlord Games are sitting down and talking through what you can expect from Exterminate! The Doctor Who Miniatures Games, and Test of Honour, which is their skirmishing Samurai game too.
Come and learn about the games today AND you could win yourself a copy of both by commenting below!
Colour Chess & Stakbots Take Shape On The Tabletop
Come and find out what's happening with these quirky little games called Colour Chess and StakBots here at the event.
One of these games is focused on twisting the idea of chess and the other, StakBots, is a great game which is fun, cutthroat and more besides.
Become A Backstabbing Spy With Nightlancer
Join us as we take a look at Nightlancer and find out what's happening with this game where you're trying to work together and yet also make sure you come out on top.
Do you like the look of this one?
Devil Pig Games Talk Heroes Of Normandie & Karnage + Win Prizes!
We stop in with Devil Pig Games who are going to be delving into what they have here on Heroes Of Normandie and Karnage, two of their great games here at the event.
They are also giving away some awesome prizes which include Heroes Of Normandie Pointe Du Hoc & Kharnage Devil Pig Army
Revel In Cthulhu Weirdness With Chaosium + Win A Prize!
Cthulhu is sometimes hard to get into, what with all the weirdness, so this company, Chaosium, are looking to get you into the mix with a whole bunch of sourcebooks and more.
You could actually win yourself a H.P. Lovecraft For Beginners book which would be perfect for those just starting out.
Find Out What Monolith Are Plotting With Batman: The Board Game
Monolith are heading to Kickstarter soon with their Batman: The Board Game project and we stopped in to find out a bit more about what they have planned.
You can actually check out the game yourself as they are running demos throughout the weekend. So, make sure you stop by.
Osprey Games Talk Lost Expedition + Win The Game
If you're a big fan of Osprey Games and their current selection of board and card games which are on offer then come and meet Jo who talks about what is here to play at the event.
You can also win yourself a copy of Lost Expedition for you to play at home!
Find Out How To Play Daring Dustbunnies
See what you think about this game of Daring Dustbunnies where you push your luck to see if you can avoid being dragged into the hoover!
Will you be giving this one a go and delving into the charity side of things with this too when you get a chance for a demo game?
Ben Has A Chat With Joe On All Things Frostgrave
It's always great to catch up with Joe and hear all about what's new and exciting with Frostgrave. There's just something magical about putting together your band of adventurers in whichever way you'd like (especially if there's a way to work in a dwarf or two!).
How have you been enjoying Frostgrave? Be sure to comment for your chance to win.
Day one coverage was great, bring on day two. Watching from Australia so thanks for showing us all the great footage from the expo guys!
Looking forward to this.
Don’t know if I like this live blog – on the one hand its great to see what fun we’re going to have on Sunday – on the other it makes me want to be there NOW! Looks awesome.
8th edition looks interesting. I’m with you Ben, I would be a goody-to-shoe gamer. #gameplan
obstacle’s have arisen , no karma for us to meet today.
there is still a chance for tomorrow, we will see which way the wind blows.
have fun today
good morning BOW
I am also jealously watching from Australia.
Keep up the stellar work team.
Thanks guys!
But you HAVE TO go to see Devil Pig Games team with their next game : Heroes of Black Reach! Heroes of Normandie system in the world of Wh40k, can’t wait to play!
(and say hello to Yann & Clem for me ^^)
can’t wait to see what you all dig up today
Have a great day!
This looks amazing, gutted I can’t make it Have an amazing time all!
I spent a couple of hours wandering around. I’m now shattered and have no money. Not a bad day all in all 🙂
May I make a suggestion for future live blogs? While I understand the blog part, it would be nice if there where a way to merge all the videos and images into one long single video at the end of each day. It would be impossible during the middle of the day because it would be to much editing involved. We can still comment within the individual segments.
Other than that, enjoying what has been presented thus far.
There is a playlist you can watch at the top of the page @turbocooler if that helps.
Was so wanting to go this year but couldn’t make it due to “insufficient funds available”. At least I’m not missing out on everything with the coverage available. Just need to find some way of getting mantic’s walking dead promo.
@brennon so surrounded by all of those board games, do you feel like you are in heaven, or living a porno?
Wish I was there , looks like a blast.
I go to GenCon about every few years and always get stuck on the vendor and demo floors for a day or two.
Great job on covering the convention so far. It’s always great to see all the booths and what folks are selling, displaying, and demonstrating.
All these great games, great coverage you guys.
liking the constantly triggering videos at the top of the page
Looks like I’ve missed another great event. Will defo have to make next year. Keep up the great work guys.
Great to see this kinda event giving it large in the UK, and with so many participants from Big companies, wee companies and community groups. And great coverage from BOW.
Had a great time at the show, chuffed to have met Ian Livingstone
Have a glass of red wine and a day’s Live Blog videos to enjoy –
thank you Beasts of War for the awesome coverage!
I am Looking forward to my first visit to UKGE tomorrow.
Had such a good time at the expo yesterday. Loads of cool stuff to see. Was really taken with the Wild West Exodus stand. Been painting my free mini today. I think I’m a bit hooked!