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Salute 2024 Live Blog!

Salute 2024 Live Blog!

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Welcome to the Salute 2024 Live Blog where we're going to be delving into all of the awesomeness from companies and clubs here down in London at the ExCel Centre. Make sure you check out all 3 pages:

Salute 2024 Live Blog PAGE 1
Salute 2024 Live Blog PAGE 2
Salute 2024 Live Blog PAGE 3

Tickets For Salute - Traders @ Salute - Games @ Salute - Painting Competition @ Salute

Make sure to get involved as we want to know who you'd love us to talk to here today and what miniature ranges you want us to explore too.

Join us for a weekend of checking out awesome miniatures and participation games from this year's show!

Blogging At This Event:

brennon Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger
avernos Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger
dignity Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger
peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger
peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute Painting Competition - Winners By Category

Salute Painting Competition - Winners By Category

1 Historical Single Figure

Infantry or Cavalry, up to and including 54mm

1st – Christopher Tasker – Trumpet Major of The 27th Dragoon Regiment

2nd – Paul MacKay – Napoleon


2 Historical Unit

Infantry or Cavalry, 3 to 40 figures, up to and including 54mm

1st – Sebastien Clement – The Sheild Maidens

2nd – Graham Green – Vendal Warband


3 Historical Unit (Other)

Up to 5 figures or models (artillery, elephants, boats etc), up to and including 54mm

1st – Bernard Roberts – Viking Warriors

2nd – James Rudo – KV-1 Tank


4 Sci-Fi Single Figure

Up to including 54mm

1st – Aaron Clark – Horus Ascended

2nd – Andy Wardle – Necron Lord


5 Sci-Fi Unit

3 to 40 figures, up to and including 54mm

1st – Darren Latham – Seer Council

2nd – Paul Norton – Cadian Command


6 Sci-Fi Creature or Vehicle

Up to 5 figures or models (artillery, elephants, boats etc), any size

1st – Adam Skinner – Mortarion

2nd –  Darren Latham – Avatar of Khaine


7 Fantasy Single Figure

Up to including 54mm

1st – Andy Wardle – Eldrond

2nd – Jamie Cordwell – Woodsman


8 Fantasy Unit

3 to 40 figures, up to and including 54mm

1st – Jiazhou Guan – Fyre Slayers

2nd – Hedley Coppock – Inari’s Judgement


9 Fantasy Creature or Vehicle

Up to 5 figures or models (artillery, elephants, boats etc), any size

1st – Kevin Collier – Hunty (Mushroom)

2nd – Matty Wheatherly – Vampire Lady (The Duchess)


10 Large Scale

Single figures or units over 54mm, up to 90mm, busts up to 165mm

1st – Lucas Williams – Lumberjack

2nd – Martin Collier – Pig Man


11 Miscellaneous

Any figure or unit not covered by categories 1-10, including dioramas or duels

1st – Darren Latham – Witch Hunters vs. Vampires

2nd – Tom Hughes – Ork Boy


12 Junior

Any figure or unit not covered by categories 1-11, entered by a person 16 or under

1st – Christoph Zwant – Lone Survivor

2nd – Torin Smith – Terminator Captain


13 Salute 50 Figure

1st – Roman Grundkiewicz

2nd – Graham Green

peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute Painting Competition - And the Winner is...

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Jiazhou Guan – Fyre Slayers - Salute 51 Best in ShowJiazhou Guan – Fyre Slayers - Salute 51 Best in Show
peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute Painting Competition - Peachey's Picks


Some of my favourites from the day.


The official winners will be announced here shortly.

peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute Painting Competition - More From the Cabinets

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Due to the sheer amount of expertly painted entries, judges are putting entries that have ‘made the cut’ back in the cabinet before I can get photos (I did try!)

Here are some shots to keep you occupied before winners are announced around 3:30-3:45

peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Painting Competition - Entries So Far (Part 2)

Click to see the Rotors Turn!Click to see the Rotors Turn!
peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute 51 Painting Competition - Entries So Far

Entrants are queuing around the block to win this year's awardsEntrants are queuing around the block to win this year's awards
peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute Painting Competition - Mid-morning Update

Guy and Hatty from Midwinter Mini's in the queue to enter the painting competition!Guy and Hatty from Midwinter Mini's in the queue to enter the painting competition!
peachey Live Blogger! Entries by this blogger

Salute 51 Painting Competition - The (New) Cabinets Start To Fill

Salute 51 Painting Competition - The (New) Cabinets Start To Fill

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bobcockaynelloydorlandothetechnicolouredbrennondafthelmet85 Recent comment authors
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We’re just leaving for Salute with the cars full of awesomeness. Can’t wait to set up and get chatting tiny fighting men.


Awesome to hear!


Have a great day


Great show this year 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Thanks for all the videos, wasn’t able to attend, and just as well I didn’t try to cone down, as had Montezuma revenge all weekend, so have spent most of Sunday Afternoon catching up and being entertained whilst feeling yuk..

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