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Holy Havoc Team Tournament – Age Of Sigmar Live Blog

Holy Havoc Team Tournament – Age Of Sigmar Live Blog

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Dawn & Gianna, the Dames of Games, are following the Holy Havoc Age of Sigmar Team Tournament and will be bringing you awesome news from the event across the weekend.

What Is Holy Havoc?

The event will play out between twenty teams (forty players) where they will take on five team games of Age of Sigmar. They will be fighting on amazing tables packed with wonderful terrain to enhance the experience.

Most of all everything is focused on fun which is always good to see!

This is the second event we've covered by the Holy Hammers and you can follow the first Holy War Live Blog HERE.

Stay with us this weekend for plenty of awesome coverage!

Blogging At This Event:

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger
deltagamegirl22 Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger
hvymtl3172 Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger
stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Holy Havoc Age of Sigmar Team Tournament Is About To Begin!

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"The Battles Have Begun!"

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stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Game One with Eric and Davy

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The force of Destruction are in the thick of it with their opponents.

Game One with Eric and Davy
stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Recon Of The War Room

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Dawn takes you on a quick tour of the gaming area for Holy Havoc Team Tournament.

"After Death And Destruction There Must Be Food...Time For Lunch"

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stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

The Low Down On The First Scenario

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Dawn sits down with Steve the Holy Havoc Tournament organizer and he gives us the run down on scenario 1.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Holy Havoc Cinematic Moments 1

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Steve tells us about a really cinematic moment in the first round of game play.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

What Does It Take To Win The Painting Competition?

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Steve sits down with Dawn on the "War Couch" and tells us about the painting competition.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

On The War Couch With Eric And Davey

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Dawn sits down on the War Couch with Eric and Davey and sees how game two went.

"No One Is Safe From The Enemy"

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stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

On The War Couch With Mike And Andrew - Game Two Update.

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Mike and Andrew join Dawn on the "War Couch" and update us on how they did in game two.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Welcome To Day Two Of The Holy Havoc Team Tournament

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stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Game Three Aftermath With Davey and Eric

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stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Game Three Aftermath With Mike and Andrew

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Dawn checks in with our other team that we have been following this tournament weekend, to see how they are doing so far.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Time For A Little Musical Interlude

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We give you a little glimpse of what the total tournament looks like. Please enjoy.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Intel Briefing On Scenario 4

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Dawn sits down with Steve on the War Couch and gets the background for Scenario 4.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

It Is The End Of Game Four, How Did Eric And Davey Do?

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stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

With One Victory For Our Teams, Was The Second One to Pull Off A Win Too?

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Dawn sits down with Mike and Andrew on the War Couch and waits anxiously for their answer.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

How Will All It End In Scenario 5?

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Dawn and Steve talk about all it will all end in scenario 5.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Rookie Cameraman Todd Gets A Chance With The Mic

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So, we thought we would let Todd try out being in front of the camera and he finds the voice behind the Combat Phase Podcast and gets his thoughts on the Holy Havoc Tournament. Go easy it is his first time.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

The End Has Come, How did Mike And Andrew Do?

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Dawn sits down one last time with Mike and Andrew to see how the whole tournament went for them. Nice job guys and thank you for letting us follow along.

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Do We Have A Winner?

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Dawn sits down one last time on the War Couch and finds out did they pull off a win?

stvitusdancern Roving Reporter! Entries by this blogger

Well, That's All She Wrote.

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We have come to the end, my friends. We hope you liked the show.

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Wow that Skaven Army looks fantastic – the centre piece is brilliant….


Thank you for covering this event! Keep up the great work!


If you’re going to Cry Havoc, you need to let slip the Dogs of War. Speaking of which, when is AoS going to have a trans-realm mercenary faction like the old group from WHFB?

Cult of Games Member

the models look great folks.


Thank you so much for for all your hard work bringing us coverage, its much appreciated!


Looks like a great event. Coverage is top notch as usual. Keep up the good work and looking forward to more.


Thanks for the excellent coverage, looks like a great event. Wonderful armies, terrain and scenarios. I would love to take part in a narrative event like this.


They’ve really got something special with this campaign setting. The players are really enjoying their games. It feels like a lot more casual, FUN, than uber competitive ame play- which i love.


Are they going to have the terrain rules online


You can find specifics about the rules on their website:
Steve said he’ll post the terrain rules specifically in the near future.


I do like to see beasts of war covering events and you guys do such a good job.
I hope all the age of sigmar players at beasts of war have fun


Thanks so much! It was a great way to spend the weekend. 😀