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Dropzone Commander Boot Camp Day 3

Dropzone Commander Boot Camp Day 3

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Dropzone Commander Boot Camp Day 3, brought to you by Beasts of War, Hawk WargamesArmy Painter.

It's time to introduce the DZC Commanders into the game and see how they effect the missions being played.

Also today is going to have exciting spot prizes for people who achieve secret objectives.

REMEMBER: COMMENT TO WIN! On each of the three days of coverage we'll be picking a lucky winner who will win a Dropzone Commander 2 Player Starter Set! (Yup we have 3 to give away. Will you get one?)

Also check out the 10% OFF offers from Hawk Wargames & 4Ground.

Going Commando


It's all about the commanders on the third day of the Dropzone Commander Boot Camp and our guests start checking out their shiny new command decks and models.

Going Commando

"Best hobby experience of my life."

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Tanya Wins the First Spot Prize


We're giving away spot prizes today as people use their awesome new command cards. Tanya, aka Tanya, grabbed the first one after using an underground monorail to her advantage.

Tanya Wins the First Spot Prize

Lordnivlek's Scourge Desolator Epic Fail


Kelvin, aka Lordnivlek, has got his hands on the mighty Scourge Desolator, whose Ion Storm is rightly feared.

Unfortunately, this doesn't seem to be the case here as not only did it not manage to hit the enemy, but one of the Scourge AA got blown up instead.

Lordnivlek's Scourge Desolator Epic Fail

Justin Consults the Cards

Justin Consults the CardsNo Comments

Mat's Gunning for Tanks


Mat, aka Rattman21, snags himself a spotprize as he completely annihilates his opponent's tanks.

Mat's Gunning for Tanks

Divineauthority Brings Down the House


Jon, aka Divineauthority, has brought the house down. Literally!

For his destruction of two buildings, thereby providing valuable work to the construction industry, he scores himself a spot prize.

Divineauthority Brings Down the House

"It's so good, I lost my voice."

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Battle Continues


The commanders have definitely brought an extra dimension to the games and plenty of the players are coming up with sneaky new tactics as they get to grips with this new mechanic.

Battle Continues

A Commander Has Fallen!


Ben, aka Redben, has grabbed himself one of the last two spot prizes as he took down Lordnivlek's ill-fated Scourge Destroyer.

A Commander Has Fallen!

Sneaky, Sneaky Scourge Shenanigans

Sneaky, Sneaky Scourge ShenanigansNo Comments

Resistance Demolition Crew


Buildings getting in your way? Not with the Resistance commander.

Resistance Demolition Crew

Two Chances for Spot Prizes Appear


The Hawk guys have announced two new chances for the players to grab spot prizes; Awesome Moment and Epic Fail!

Kelvin and his Scourge are gutted this didn't happen earlier.

Two Chances for Spot Prizes Appear

John's Army Nears Completion

John's Army Nears CompletionNo Comments

Warren and Lloyd Ambush Players


Warren and Lloyd have got themselves the camera and are heading out onto the gaming floor to ask some of the players how their experience with Dropzone Commander has been going.

Warren and Lloyd Ambush Players

Kelvin and Carmen's Painted Forces Go Head to Head


As there has been so much gaming, not many of the players have had the time to fully paint their forces. However, Kelvin and Carmen are both fielding armies with a lick of paint and have now gone head to head on the tabletop.

I hear Kelvin cheated and brought his Scourge from home, but Carmen impressively managed to give his Resistance some colour over the weekend.

Kelvin and Carmen's Painted Forces Go Head to Head

Tanya Does It Again


Tanya has got another spot prize, proving herself to be the best at Espionage.

Now only the Epic Fail and Awesome Moment are left up for grabs.

Tanya Does It Again

"Scumbag aliens!"

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Where to Find Dropzone Players


James from Hawk Wargames tells everyone to check out Hawk's forums and, of course, Beasts of War, to chat about Dropzone Commander, find the latest news and find players near you.


Where to Find Dropzone Players

Lunch Arrives!

Lunch Arrives!No Comments

Scourge vs PHR

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Dave and James once again go head to head for an exhibition match, with Dave taking command of the Scourge while James fielded the PHR.

Dave made use of the Scourge’s superior speed to take the centre of the table quickly. James’ PHR advanced steadily, dropping his anti-tanks to deny the Scourge one flank. With nothing left to shoot at, Dave began softening up the objective building.

Scourge vs PHR

Scourge vs PHR Turn 2

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Dave’s luck from last turn seemed to have returned. James won the initiative, letting him get his infantry into the buildings. Dave brought his tanks to bear on James’ IFV, only to have the entire tank squad fail to take it out. However his luck turned as his AA managed to take out one of James’ transports. The AA found itself at the mercy of the PHR anti-tank, which managed to destroy one of them. With his own transport exposed to James’ AA, decided to risk moving it closer and sent his infantry into two of the objective buildings, hoping not to repeat yesterdays’ combat.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 2

Scourge vs PHR Turn 3


At the beginning of the turn, James’ AA quickly took out Dave’s infantry dropship. James soon got his revenge though as his own AA took down James’ anti-tank unit’s transport ship, before zipping back into cover. His tanks then poured fire into the building solely occupied by James’ infantry, managing to kill a couple with falling masonry. James’ IFV managed to take out one of Dave’s AA, before they moved onto close combat. Things went well for Dave, a welcome change, taking out over half James’ infantry and forcing them to make a test to see if they stayed. They passed, and continued to fight for the building. Meanwhile Dave’s infantry were unsupported in an objective building, but they managed to take out one of James’ AA.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 3

Scourge vs PHR Turn 4

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For once, Dave managed to take the initiative. At this point things were looking very good for the Scourge. Dave had managed to get rid of a lot of the PHR’s transport, making it impossible for him to take any objectives off the field, while his tanks had been transported to the other side of the table, supporting the Scourge infantry and pretty much rendering the PHR anti-tanks useless. The close combat went well for the Scourge too, wiping out the PHR. Still, the PHR infantry did find an objective in the other building, letting them claw themselves a point as long as they were able to keep Dave’s hands off of it and if they could survive the falling masonry.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 4

Scourge vs PHR Turn 5


James managed to snag back the initiative, but his force was in a bad way, with most of their fire power too far away to prove effective. He kicked things off with his infantry, which managed to score one DP on one of Dave’s dropships. Dave also started with his infantry, managing to find the objective in both the buildings they were occupying and running them into their transports. Unfortunately his infantry dropship was also down, meaning he had to rely on their ground transports to get the objectives off the board. Still, James managed to take down another one of Dave’s dropships with his infantry, while one of his own dropships managed to inflict a DP on one of Dave’s vital objective carrying transports, before he went on to crush more of Dave’s infantry with falling masonry.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 5

"Thank you Old Dave for screwing over New Dave!"

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Scourge vs PHR Turn 6


Dave started the final turn, passing off the objective to one of his much faster tanks. Meanwhile his other objective carrying transport was unable to get to the edge in time, so it retreated behind a building to keep its cargo safe. James didn’t have many options available. In a desperate gamble, he landed his last remaining dropship in front of Dave’s tanks to stop them from getting to the edge of the board, suffering two points of damage from reaction fire. However, he’d forgotten that the Scourge tanks were skimmers and could easily fly over it. The tanks quickly dispatched the dropship, but couldn’t make it to the edge of the table, so took cover to prevent James bringing any last minute fire power. In the end, Dave’s Scourge were victorious, skimming off into the sunset.

Scourge vs PHR Turn 6

Epic Fail and Awesome Win


The last two spot prizes have been awarded, rewarding the very best and the most unfortunate moments of the day.

First up, the most awesome moment goes to Sergio, aka Bucketknight, who used his Scourge command cards to great advantage to blow up one of his own vehicles and take a bunch of the Resistance with him.

The ignominious epic fail went to Matthew, aka Rattman21, and Ben, aka Cornishdaimyo, whose game ended with all the Shaltari being killed except for the infantry carrying the objectives, who were able to head off the board and win the game 4 to 1.

Epic Fail and Awesome Win

Sam's Final Impressions of the Weekend


The Dropzone Commander Boot Camp is drawing to a triumphant close. Armies were built, battles were fought, beer was drunk and Justin was the subject of many a merry jape. In short, we are knackered.

This was our first such event. Everyone seems to have had a blast, with plenty of the people here telling us that they fully intend to snag tickets for the next one we run after the Bolt Action Boot Camp.
Personally, while it was a lot of work, this weekend has been a ton of fun. I have been wanting to play Dropzone Commander for ages now and finally got the chance on the Saturday. I was instantly hooked and intend to finish painting my Shaltari later in the week.
The structure of the Boot Camp made the game very easy to pick up, with the guys from Hawk constantly on hand to give advice.

Of course, one of the best things for all of us was meeting everyone. We've been talking to most of you in the comments and forums for years now and it was a pleasure to finally put names to faces. It turns out most of you are at least as crazy as we are, and a bigger collection of friendly mad people there has never been.

All in all, this weekend has been a lot of fun. It definitely made all the preparation, all the blood sweat and flock that went into making it, worth while. I cannot wait for the next one.

Sam's Final Impressions of the Weekend

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really looking forward to following today’s events, I’m really getting sold on this game!


Me too. Almost picked one up yesterday afternoon…


Great weekend by the looks, will there be another dropzone one?


Still wishing I was there! Have fun to all involved!


LET’S GET READY RO RUMMBLE. I have played this game 3 times now, absolutly love it. Will check out the talon program


You guys have a great day!


bit of a late start today???
have fun..

Cult of Games Member

Happy Sunday ,wish I was there .

Cult of Games Member




seems like this weekend was too short, am i right? 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Definitely looking forward to seeing these command units in action

Cult of Games Member

Looks like it was a fantastic weekend and the live blogging has been great to follow. Even the wife is suggesting we pick up the DZC starter set!


this looked so good really enjoyed the live blog thing

Cult of Games Member

Great stuff.

I’ve really enjoyed the coverage of the event, well done to all.

Cult of Games Member

Happy Sunday all! Got to say the pictures of the boards are really inspiring 🙂

Cult of Games Member

Have a great day everyone!


really liking this boot camp, looking forward to the Bolt Action boot camp.

The only thing I dislike is that I’m now torn between Dropzone and Planetfall 🙁


Thanks for the coverage guy this game is awesome!


I have to get in to This game. The minis just look awsome.


Have a great final day!

Cult of Games Member

I might have to pick this game up at salute 😀

Cult of Games Member

The more I watch the more I wish I’d gone.

Cult of Games Member

looks like they should have been sponsored by relentless at least for the sunday

Cult of Games Member

Bootyful! Happy Sunday


Will Warren survive till the end of day, can Justin understand the mystical text of his command cards, can John finish painting his army, will Sam see over the top of the table & can Lloyd catch it on film…….tune in for day 3


i enjoyed everything so far, i wish i could have been there.
i think you guys at beast of war and hawk wargames did a bang up job cheeres

Cult of Games Member

Happy Sunday!!!

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