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Grinding gears

Grinding gears

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Project Blog by sundancer Cult of Games Member


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So TerrainFest 2024 without a proper challenge for @brennon to warm up? Well, so be it. My brain is empty as ever and I am drawing blanks like I'm on the pier. This is my story.

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Gathering thoughts

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TerrainFest. I like it. The idea at least. And what other people create.

The fact the my motivation and inspiration is at an all time low doesn’t really spark joy nor does it help with getting sh*t done.

So I will approach this the way I always approach things I don’t want to do or have no cue how to do: I make lists! Maybe then lightning will strike.

I doubt it but it’s worth a shot.

Which game system will I use it for? (if at all)

If I only new. Here’s the systems I own that have a chance to be played:

  • Blood Bowl (doesn’t really need terrain and I already have a nice pitch)
  • Frostgrave (not yet played but already fully painted table of terrain)
  • Battletech (don’t play Alphastrike so terrain really is “special”)
  • Star Wars: Legion (yeah, there is a mountain of terrain)
  • Bot War (There is an unbuild box of paper terrain. That would be an easy build (relatively) but not really something that can compete with other ideas)

Then there is Armoured Clash that is tempting me but as long as there is no other faction as the current two available I’m not very tempted to jump into that.

What scales are the games?

  • 2x 10mm (BT and BW)
  • 3x 28mm (BB, FG and SWL)

How are the games themed?

  • 3x SciFi (BW, BT, SW:L)
  • 2x Fantasy (FG and BB)

Does this help at all?

No, I don’t think it really does. The “most use” I would get from 28mm Fantasy that is so generic that it also would work with SW:L but I’m still very much uninspired.

I will have to think about this. Until next time!

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