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Legion’s Bobperialis

Legion’s Bobperialis

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Project Blog by bobcockayne Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 104

About the Project

I wasn't I wasn't going to get sucked into Legions, and then though I have already got Aeronautica and Titanicus, and went what the hell...... Though I have brought partly to join young Warren in lets play The 'Great Crusade' Baby. I'm being cheeky and putting it in the Spring Clean challenge 2024 , considering the project been going two months alreayy , but I have been working on old and new , the old models from, my Titanicus and Aeronautica pile of shame, plus later I will be a whole load of resin and mdf terrain which are so old I not only forgot I brought them but actually have no recollection of ever buying them!

This Project is Active

And the Biggest of the Big Stompy Robots( Currently)

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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And Finally the Warmaster  I only had to sell Kevin to afford it.

Took 3 days plus to build, partly as I let the glue cure on various bits before continuing on, leaving a lot of the armour panels and the arms off to aid in painting.

After the Infantry painting the Titans was relaxing!

And the Biggest of the Big Stompy Robots( Currently)
And the Biggest of the Big Stompy Robots( Currently)
And the Biggest of the Big Stompy Robots( Currently)
And the Biggest of the Big Stompy Robots( Currently)

I also did another pack of Questetis Knights , this time using a re-issued Legions Imperialis box, and was suprised that it had an extra spue with the missile launchers and fists, plus the Titanicus Command and wpn Cards.

So finally a picture of the mother hen and her chick’s.

And the Biggest of the Big Stompy Robots( Currently)

More Big Stompy Robots

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well having driven my self potty painting 8mm Infantry  I needed a break, luckily supplied by GWs mew and re released titan variants which I brought to round out my Legio.

Contining with my Legio Atarus Firebrands and their Cream and Red Livery, I started with the new Dire Wolves.

More Big Stompy Robots
More Big Stompy Robots
More Big Stompy Robots

I then worked on the Nemesis, there were some fiddly bits on this one, and couldn’t help feeling there was a peive missing to hold body to legss but could not find anything in the Instructions, or had any left over or missing bits on sprue.

More Big Stompy Robots
More Big Stompy Robots
More Big Stompy Robots
More Big Stompy Robots

Solar Auxillia PBI

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Having put it off to paint more fun things I had to do the Infantry,  so I started wit the Sentinels,  which were really just a variant of the Tank Schemes.

Solar Auxillia PBI
Solar Auxillia PBI
Solar Auxillia PBI
Solar Auxillia PBI
  1. Then came the Ogryns which were probably the most complicated of the various Infantry. These were given a base coat of Gw Wraithbone,  then a coat of GW contrast Skeleto Horde which was the plan for the uniforms of the bulk of my Auxillia to carry on with the Desert look. Initially the flesh was just coated in One of the Darker GW fleshtone contrast, but it looked a bit dark, so I lightened it with Army Painter Barbarian Flesh.
Solar Auxillia PBI
Solar Auxillia PBI
Solar Auxillia PBI

The normal Infantry had the base, with armour and was painted in Gun metal with  Nuln Oil Wash.

Solar Auxillia PBI
Solar Auxillia PBI

Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I went a bit overboard with the BaneBlades 3 boxes worth( yes I will be adding Stormhammers etc )

After the lack lustre cammo showing on the previous tanks changed the Cammo blobs to GW contrast Snakebite Leather  which had much more orlf the effect I wanted.


Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks

The Decals I used are a mixture of GW,   with W2 French AFV for the card emblems ( to identify tanks) and British RAC stripes as I wasn’t going to paint them.

I used the same Cammo effect for my Tank Destroyer troop.

Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks
Solar Auxillia 2 Proper Tanks

Solar Auxillia

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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  1. Having finally built enough of the armour to warrent a base coat I began on the Solar Auxillia ,, beginning with the Armour from my 2 x base boxes.

I wanted to go with the Desert theme, begun with the Air force so again gave them a base spray of Zandri Dust.

Now on the aircraft I had used GW Skelton Horde for the cammo bands, and this had worked well so intially on the The Malcadors and Leman Russ , did the same., adding cammo blobs, .

Only problem was the dry brushing of both the Zandri Dust and the 50/50 Zandri dust and Wraithbone tended to fade it almost out . Now on these I left it as was, thinking , that cammo in the 8th army tended to vary so would live with it , though I could have re picked it out with Freikorp Fleshshade wash, , but as the overall effect didnt look to bad left it as is.


Solar Auxillia
Leman RussLeman Russ
Solar Auxillia
Solar Auxillia
Solar Auxillia
Solar Auxillia
Solar Auxillia

box of lost Delights 2

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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I now moved on to some intact terrain, whilst in the interrim of building more L.I. models , a small office block , a warehouse and a bridge ( Which I will show later as I have temp mislaid the span peice @

I was originally planning to paint them all in as part of a whole set of Terrain for L.I. but then decided to paint them generic, as they in thoery would look historically, as believe it or not we have restarted using my Scytrex 1/200th armour, and they could cross over for that use.

All were painted using either contrast or Speedpaints .

The weathered , stained effect on the warehouse, I’d like to say was planned but was more of an accident , initially what I tried didnt work and its general look came about as I tried to fix the errors !

box of lost Delights 2
box of lost Delights 2
box of lost Delights 2
box of lost Delights 2

The Box of lost Delights!

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Right at the start of this project, I was having a re-org of my flat and found a box under the bed which I had no memory of. To my suprise it was full of unpainted 10mm resin terrain, which I think was from Timecast. Now the odd thi g is I have no memory of buying it, though I think it eas at least 12 years ago when I was doing g my last WW2 1/200th late War Project.

Now they are not Gothic Warhammer buildings but as the Heresy is 30k and many of the world’s would be what was there when the Empire arrived and would be either old buildings from the age of stife that had survived ( much of my Battletech terrain) and nwer builds which would have been put up with what materials were avail and with older techniques of construction, so may look similar to those of the middle east, and both Western and Eastern Europe.

The 1st 4 were total ruins, which I’ve done I a pale mud brick as in the middle east.

So far all the buildings have had a FW rattle can Wraithbone spray.

Then we these, an all over coat of GW skeleton Horde Contrast, then drybrushed GW Wraithbone and later Corvex White.Odd bits of timber were done with GW Wy wood contrast

The Box of lost Delights!

The next 4 buildings were slightly less distressed and although the intial base coat and wash was the same, the brickwork was gone over with a GW  Skeleton Horde and Gryph Hound orange  for the British work varying the mix for the one roof. The other roof was done with GW Basilicum Grey.

After the wraitbone and white dry brush , I thought there want contrast between the rubble and the buildins so the rubble got a Nuln Oil Wash.

The Box of lost Delights!

That is just a taster of the goodies in the box, next will be some Town buildings a farm, and a Bridge!

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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After all that tiny painting, I decuded to go back to painting Big Stompy Robots and finish my pule of Shame.

Whilst doing the Infantry GW had released a set of very nice decals for my chosen Legio Atarus which I was able to put on my newly finished Titans, allowing me to pair up some of my Warhounds with Similar Schemes.

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

In addition I Have Finished two more Reivers.

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

And finally but not Least, My final Warlord…. you may notice that the red is coming more and more predominant , that’s was because it was easier to workwith tha the chrome… plus I decided more veteran titans get more panel’s as its easier to cover up the Battle Damage.

With this I have now finished all the models in pile of shame, and have only two boxes of Knights recently purchased to make up their numbers.

A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa
A Stomping We will Go Part Twa

AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

Tutoring 1
Skill 2
Idea 2
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Well there has been a bit of a pause since last update, not because I have not been busy but……..bloody small Infantry. As with my earlier ACW epic project this got a bit tedious when doing the Marine Infantry , particularly as I was working with various themes of black … Not helped by the fact I had 2x starter boxes !

Now I even tried to break up monotony by doing them in groups , on the sprues for ease, clipping and basing each group as I went along .

1st I did the Misslie Marines, which I did in GW Basilicum grey , and lack washed post wpns being picked out, Felt this left them too gray , though some of the colour plates of Crusade era Raven Gaurd show them as more Grey than Black .


AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

I then went for the Terminators, and actually had fun with these as found a reference to the Deliverers a Raven Guard unit made of old Earth vets,and had red armour so Broke these up with 2x bases in Red and 2x in Black

The Deliverers were dond in GW Gryp hound Orange

The others this time I went for Black Templar and found it a bit dark so had to dry brush!!!!!


AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty
AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

I then tried mixing 50/50 for the Assault Marines, hurrah got it, dark enough with a resonable amount of shading .

These were done as were the Plasma Marines

AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty
AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

Leaving the command figures, I then did the tactical Marines,a sprue at a time ,ka s I found I was going cross eyed if tried any more!

This though allowed me to do a spue of Veterens to break it up and, allowed for vet bases worth.

The command were then done, with me doing a little bit of variation for the Apothocaries, varying how much white was on them.

The standards had a few spare Raven guard decals put on them .

AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty
AAAAAGhe! its the Infanrty

Fear God and Dreadnought.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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I have finally begun my Infantry with the Dreadnoughts, basically as they have to be built and can be individually based.

The main difference in the scheme to the one described for the Tanks is I used GW Basilicum Grey for the base colour as I thought it wold give a more even coat than did the thinned out Black Templar.

Fear God and Dreadnought.
Fear God and Dreadnought.

I think you can see now why I went for the stone/Concrete effect for the bases as it makes the figures pop, plus as can be seen , it blends in nicely with Desert Hexon Tiles.

Fear God and Dreadnought.

From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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And noe I have actually started on some of the Core units,  beginning with the Marine Tanks.

Being Raven Guard they are never going to be the flashy colours of many of the other Legions , plus I give my self a bit of a rod for my back fir an army that is basically Black.

Here are the 1st units of armour, sitting on one my Desert Hexon tiles.


I learned sometime ago  that in fact black is often best emphasised by the lack of actual Black.

So as with the Aeronautica units I started with thinned GW Black Templar over a Grey Seer Primer.

I lightly dry brushed Corvus White over the model.

Block painted the metallics and Tracks using Speed Paints Broadsword Silver

Then I gave whole Model a GW Nuln Oil Wash.

Odd Side panels were block painted GW Corax White , and again the model was given a light dry brush with the same.

Exhausts and laser barrels were then gone over with Speedpaints Zealots Yellow.

From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.
From the Sublime to the ridiculously small.

The models at the end of painting looked (to me) a bit darker, but use of AK Ultra Matt, seemed to dull it down to the effect above.

A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Now for the Warlord.

A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.
A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.
A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.
A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.
A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.

Now you mat be wondering why the base colour scheme, is so similar to much of the Titans livery, and as such doesn’t give much contrast. For which There is a couple of reasons:

  1. I wanted to get away from the classic Dark Gothic look, as I have a box of 10mm buildings, which I’m planning to use and will be painting up to match some nice Resin Battletech buildings I already have ( plus boxes of stuff already done)
  2. The light Concrete/stone effect fits in with my Desert Hexon Terrain Should make my core Raven Guard force stand out l, which they wouldn’t have on the Classic Gothic .

The very Final touch was adding odd bits of Broken Titans, using bits left over from boxes, with offcuts of Mdf.

Finally again to break them up and add a bit if colouring the form of Warlords Battlefields and Basing , Summer Undergrowth Clump Folliage, which I know may not fit in with Dark Future, but this is 30k, and early in campaign and bits of life are still hanging on.

A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.
A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.
A Stomping We will Go Part Deux Serious Stomping.

Above the Maniple as a whole , to give you sone idea of my pile of shame, the number above can be doubled, in models to be built

Next week should actually have some core units done.

A Stomping We will Go

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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You’d think with earlier photo , this update would have come rapidly after the Knights update, but I had started the Warlord, and wanted to await its completion   plus last week my Xmas bug, went into overdrive, turning into a major chest infection,  so was limited on hobby time, as any attempt to do anything,  would result in increasingly worse coughing fits.

Anyway here they are

A Stomping We will Go
A Stomping We will Go
A Stomping We will Go

I think I mentioned before that originally created my own Legio Scheme House Mercia, which I wasn’t totally happy with, plus it was too close to how I was going to be doing my Raven Guard.

So I chose Legio Aturus, 1stly it was a legio that often worked with the Guard plus it had a very different Red and Cream Livery.

I’d already had success with the Red on  my Knights  , though wasn’t sure about the cream.

The basic part of the Paint Job followed that of the Knights, on both models the raised nature of the detail aided in making the base colours fairly easy.

The main work on these was the Cream. Now the official artwork showed it a stained effect and I wanted to emulate that as best I could.

1) So I gave those a base coat of GW Wraithbone base paint,

2) when it had dried I went over the central areas with an MP paints Cream, which was slightly lighter.

3) I then gave areas a thinned out Gw Sepia wash.

4) I then went around the edges where any detail was again this time with undiluted Sepia, to shade and stain the edges, plus on the Warlord odd splodges for staining ( Think GW suggests using Agrax Earthshade,  but I’d seen some Aussie Group on YouTube use above method on the official buildings and thought I’d try it.



A Stomping We will Go
A Stomping We will Go
A Stomping We will Go
A Stomping We will Go

Who love's yeah baby !

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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The title of this will only make sense to people of certain age !

My next unit as see previously was to build an finish all the little Imperial Knights in my pile of shame. Now originally I done them as House Terryn , which is the house on the box and most of art for the bigger brothers.

I wanted  a loyalist scheme quicker to do so on perusing the Loyalist Titanicus looke for Knightly Houses associated with the Raven Guard and found  House Col’Khak’ which for ease is Kojak , hence entry title . This house is A Mecanicum house which alos makes it differ from previous house painted.

It was also fairly easy and quick to paint :

Basic coat of Army Painters Chain mail ,

Nuln oil wash

Dry Brush with Army Painter Shining Silver

( this did all the metallic’s particularly the metal decoration on the armour panals )

Red bits done with  GW  Gryph Hound Orange Contast

(gave nice metallic red finish)

Black Bits GW Black Templar Contrast thiine to 75%

Odd bits of exhaust then given a bit of Sephia Wash for a copper/Bronze effect and pretty much done

The bases were covered with odd bits of MDF offcuts from various models to represent small walls and concrete walkways,

Parts of the basw were given a coat or Valleyo textured paint.

All above was coated in Gw Wraithbone ,

Textured bits got a GW agfaros Dunes coat

The raised bits were given a sepia Wash

and the Tarmac was the base texture of base with a coat of Gray Seer Contast

All were then dry brushed Wraithbone and a fine dry brush or Corex White .


Questoris KnightsQuestoris Knights
Castallan KnightsCastallan Knights
Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !

The one thing I hadnt got for the House Terryn Force was a Porcupino (I think thats what its called) Knight , so that was done in a similar way to above , using mainly Tallasar Blue , the fine metal work being over done with eithr Sepia Wash or Speedpaints Zealot Yellow .

Who love's yeah baby !
Who love's yeah baby !

Finally I used 2 different Vanishs, I used Vallejo Matt on the Models as I wantedca slightly gloss metallic Finish  .But used AK Ultra Matt for the bases.

In the meantime.

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Well it may be wondered were are the core units, I somehow managed to get a starter box on release date, but anything else has been like getting Rocking Horse Shit. Coupled with that I’ve had emergency hospital visits, Xmas and Xmas Covid, so actually building stuff has been slow going…. .

Now having already built an airwing capable of blowing most Starter Armies into Rabbit droppings, I decided to know go through my other pile of shame, Adeptus Titanicus, and the huge box of unopened Kit brought ages ago ( bit daunting when realised best part of £400 sitting untouched. Now I had got some Knights and Titans Finished but although the former I was happy with I  the House Terryn Scheme I wasn’t happy at my attempt at my own Legion. Again I had gone with a predominantly Black Scheme, but now with LI I wanted something a bit different  and easier to paint.

I will do a fuller breakdown of schemes chosen and how zi did it later, but here are a couple of photos of the Knights and 1st Titans , with decals curing pre varnish.


In the meantime.
In the meantime.

1st Raven Guard

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Well it’s my favourite legion and in the Spirit of doing it the wrong way round, again I began with Aeronautica units.

I had previously on managed to Finish One Flight of Xyphons  which were done in more of .40k scheme, though it works for pre Dropsite massacre Crusade.

Above and the following recently completed were all done the same way. Black coloured models  are really more shades of grey with shadow for best effect.

So GW Grey Seer base

GW Black Templar Contrast over the top, tend to thin to about 75% as its easier to darken model with Nuln Oil if not dark enough.

Them dry brush with an MP paints mid Grey to add to shading.

Then a very light Corvus White dry brush over top.

Then use Army Painter Enchanted Steel for Metallics   with a Nuln oil wah to add to shading.

The next units done were the partly done Thunderhawk and Fire Raptors, the Former had been nearly finished for Aeronautica   so is more Crusade era , where everything late was left more monotone  for post the Dropsite massacre.


Now that was all my already purchased air contingent done, but I found my Local Warhammer store still had old Aeronautica stock in the stock room, so more Stormeagles, Fire Raptors and Valkyries brought ( I know the later and Vulture are not stated in base rule book but they will be added)

1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard
1st Raven Guard

Doing it the wrong way round !

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
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Well lets be different on this and begin by completing the support units!

Mainly as I alraady had these units prepped for Aeronautica, for the Solar Auxillia most of it was done and I wont bore you again with schee I picked just look at :


Bandits at 9 oclock !

Now at the time I never posted my Human Desert Airforce so here are the long Finished Items.

1st the Fighters,  with some Aces in Red and and an Elite Squadron in White



Bombers and Ground Attack


I also did the 2 Valkyeries that that I got in 2nd of Starter boxs, and now  added the qst unit for this project 2 Vultures I brought at Forge World last year, when on a short mid week break to Nottingham.

Doing it the wrong way round !
Doing it the wrong way round !
Doing it the wrong way round !

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