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Adventures through history

Adventures through history

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Project Blog by xaoseac1984 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 52

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The slog continues

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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Nearly there on the prep work, 96% done on cleaning an getting the models ready for basing.

Also while digging through things, also found the roman models i was going to use for SPQR. so i’ll add them to the list of things to do, but these will be low priority

The slog continues

Gaming Board

Tutoring 4
Skill 4
Idea 4
1 Comment

Morning all.

Productive weekend here, unfortunately not in the mini’s front, but progress has been made non the less. On the plus side, we have a 90% complete gaming board done and ready for games to be play on it.

After cutting the legs to size after being removed from the table, these were glued in place with PVA and held in place with a heavy pile of books while the glue dried. Once dried they were secured with wall staples.

Next up was to get some paint on. While it was dry outside, we got the board sprayed up with some cheap black spray paint from Poundland. Again, once dry, this was masked off with tape for the bottom 3 inches and then sprayed with the black to stop paint leaking under the masking tape.

Brown Paint next. This was a cheap acrylic brown, again from the Poundland, mixed with some PVA glue and was applied all over the play area and then sprinkled with some sand for texture and to help with disguising the staples.

When this was dry, it was time for flocking with a selection of flocks stored away.

And here we have it in all its glory with the mini work queue all lined up and ready to go.
Yes, it’s not the cleanest, due to damage the top sheet of MDF had sustained, but in the future, this could be covered with back paper.

the board still needs a coating of watered-down PVA to seal everything and the edges need a hand-painted coat of paint to touch it up, but for now it’s done and usable.

Gaming Board

it begins

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
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Disassembled the paste table which now gives me a base to build from for the board.

this will be 35×44 inch table, which after masking off 3 inches at each end spare will give me essentially a 3×3 table with space for the cards that all these games use for their units.

The next step will be to cut the legs down to use as braces for the centre of the boards when all this rain stops and I can get outside to do so.


then we started on the most painful part of all this work, and thats the clean up and building of the models.

got a few of the Samuari warband cleaned up and ready as well

it begins

More work to get through the backlog over the weekend

The Models:

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 6
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Model list so we can tick off what has been done

02 hundred Hours:

2 squads of Afrika Korp Heer infantry
Lieutenant + friend
3 Opel Blitz (for Terrain/Objectives)
Panzer II (for Terrain/Objectives)
Medium Mortar Team
Blair “Paddy” Mayne
Princess Elizabeth, ATS


Mortal Gods:

9 Athenian Hoplites
9 Unarmoured Hoplites
10 Athenian Marine Archers

Test of Honour

Mounted Samurai Captain
Samurai Hero
Samurai Warrior
Ashigaru Runner
Ashigaru Scout Sergeant
Ashigaru Sergeant
3 Ashigaru Scouts
3 Ashigaru with Bow
3 Ashigaru with Musket
3 Ashigaru with Spear

The Start

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 6
No Comments

2024 is going to be the year of Historical gaming for me with 3 games in the pipeline, all along a similar theme. 02 Hundred Hours, Test of Honour, and Mortal Gods. With that being said it, means I need to finish off some works in progress.

Model-wise we have some mostly finished Afrika Korp with dual purpose for 02 Hundred and Bolt action. These are not that far from being complete. And then we have some SAS that need the full work to get table ready.

2nd up we have a bunch of Athenians in various states of build:

Finally, for the models we have a Samurai warband, that has yet to even leave its box for Test of Honour.

In addition to all of this, plans have been drawn up to get a new 3×3 board ready to be used with all these games along with all the terrain needed for these games. A pasting table has been acquired in order to turn it into a new table, and work has just started on some basic terrain.

Let’s see how we get on

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