Barons War
Recommendations: 273
About the Project
Building forces for the Barons War rules and its supplements.
Related Game: The Barons' War
Related Company: Footsore Miniatures and Games
Related Genre: Historical
Related Contest: Spring Clean Hobby Challenge 2023
This Project is Active
Back to Baron's War!
Back with another unit… this time knights with 2 handed weapons!
Baron's War so far... 500 points complete
First 500 points of Baron’s War done using all Footsore Miniatures so far…
The first Foot Knights...
John de Dyve, John FitzRandolph, Saer de Harcourt and John de Bohun…
First four Foot Knights for the army!
The Baby-Eating Bishop of Bath & Wells...
Well not quite Blackadder, but filling out the command group ‘Priest’ option is Walter von Geroldseck, Bishop of Strasbourg…
Along with him is William Lorraine, who will be the first member of the unit of Foot Knights which will be the next unit to do…
The Priest...
One option for the command groups in Baron’s War along with the bannerman is a Priest.
Just the excuse I needed to buy and paint the armoured Bishop model that Footsore do, and its one of my favourites.
I’m using the Bishop of Strasbourg as an example for painting…
Brigands & Ruffians
Next unit finished, a nice little unit of 5 bowmen to act as a filler. The ‘outlaw’ models are brilliant and I must grab the other packs too.
The Turcopole guide will also be used in my Crusade forces so a handy model, and one of my favourites in the range.
The Brigands and the Arab...
When the Lord returned from the Crusade he brought with him a Turcopole, who now leads a small band of ruffians… mainly as I love the figure that Paul Hicks sculpted as a Turcopole guide!
Base colours applied, and then hit with some washes…
Follow me!
The Earl of Essex is ready to lead forth his retinue, though his bannerman is still waiting on the flag to arrive!
They are joined by one of the Military Order Knights on foot, masquerading as a brutal looking Veteran Sargeant as option for the unit…
Commander and chums...
Next blocking in the base colours on a command group with a Baron/Lord and his Bannerman. Also using one of the Outremer Military Order Knights as a Veteran Sargeant to bulk out my sargeants on foot if needs be…
The Sargeants...
The first unit for the Earl of Essex retinue is done… a group of foot sargeants.
Solid core unit for the retinue, though not cheap in points. May field it at 6 or even 5 figures if I need to reduce points cost.
It begins...
Well its taken a while to get around to this project due to real life getting in the way, but finally got an army ordered and prepared for painting…
After much deliberation, I decided that the first ‘Baron’ would be William FitzGeoffrey the Earl of Essex. His red/yellow heraldry is a favourite colour set of mine, having used it on my Dwarven Army, so I know I can bash these out and get a few units produced quickly.
So with a Baron selected, it was time to pick a unit to do, so I’ve decided to go with what will be a core unit for the army – a unit of 8 Sargeants armed with Falchions and hand weapons. I also really like these miniatures, which helps in getting them done!
So far I’ve made pretty good progress…