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The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game

The Nottingham |Cheese Riot of 1766-The Game

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Project Blog by denzien Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 233

About the Project

Turning an historical event into a game to be played by a bunch of folk in the museum industry who have no background of miniature games.

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I predict a riot

Tutoring 7
Skill 9
Idea 9
A busy day in Nottingham as goose fair opens for business. Unfortunately the price of cheese is so high the local population turn to violence. For our game we had three teams that we shall call A, B and C, each entered from a different table edge and began splitting off their mobs to head for different cheeses. A busy day in Nottingham as goose fair opens for business. Unfortunately the price of cheese is so high the local population turn to violence. For our game we had three teams that we shall call A, B and C, each entered from a different table edge and began splitting off their mobs to head for different cheeses.
Of course we had plenty of cheese and port for the game and a heavy dose of gout Of course we had plenty of cheese and port for the game and a heavy dose of gout
Mob A was the first to approach a cheese but quickly realised that splitting off the mobs was a bad idea. Outnumbered by townsfolk this rude boy ran back for help. Looting isn't as easy as you think Mob A was the first to approach a cheese but quickly realised that splitting off the mobs was a bad idea. Outnumbered by townsfolk this rude boy ran back for help. Looting isn't as easy as you think
Ganging up was working much better for mob A as they see off townsfolk and take a cheese. Mobs B and C realise the same tactic and each soon claim a cheese each. Ganging up was working much better for mob A as they see off townsfolk and take a cheese. Mobs B and C realise the same tactic and each soon claim a cheese each.
The Mayor arrives and mob B gives up a cheese in an attempt to claim a victory point and recreate history. They roll a cheese which succeeds in knocking him down but fails to take the mayor out. It also meant a cheese was left unguarded by his prone body The Mayor arrives and mob B gives up a cheese in an attempt to claim a victory point and recreate history. They roll a cheese which succeeds in knocking him down but fails to take the mayor out. It also meant a cheese was left unguarded by his prone body
Mob A has the idea of rolling a cheese off their table edge to free up a model to rampage elsewhere. Unfortunately the range rolled leaves the cheese slightly short. It is snatched up later by a townsperson and lost. Mob A has the idea of rolling a cheese off their table edge to free up a model to rampage elsewhere. Unfortunately the range rolled leaves the cheese slightly short. It is snatched up later by a townsperson and lost.
In the middle of the table the rival mobs try and stay out of each others way as they fight townsfolk for cheese. MOB A after loosing a cheese heads for the meat and play a raucous behavior card to get enough bonuses to beat the butcher. Few cards had been gained so we decided cards are gained on a 1 to 3. Mob B kept rolling successfully and had a small deck of keep cards ready to play. In the middle of the table the rival mobs try and stay out of each others way as they fight townsfolk for cheese. MOB A after loosing a cheese heads for the meat and play a raucous behavior card to get enough bonuses to beat the butcher. Few cards had been gained so we decided cards are gained on a 1 to 3. Mob B kept rolling successfully and had a small deck of keep cards ready to play.
Mob B and C finally take each other on for a cheese. For three turns they struggle back and forth but each time the cheese is dropped but no one is taken out of action. Finally MOB B play a card revealing the cheese to be fake and left it in the disappointed hands of the enemy who had struggled for it for three turns for no reason. Mob B and C finally take each other on for a cheese. For three turns they struggle back and forth but each time the cheese is dropped but no one is taken out of action. Finally MOB B play a card revealing the cheese to be fake and left it in the disappointed hands of the enemy who had struggled for it for three turns for no reason.
The dragoons enter the fray charging down civilians and firing their pistols. Mob B start ysu g their cards. Recreating history a stray shot hits a random civilian. Wet powder saves another civilian. Mob B then heads through the Malt cross dodging the horseman and successfully rolling a cheese off the table before snatching up another. This cheese was mighty fine guaranteeing a extra victory point The dragoons enter the fray charging down civilians and firing their pistols. Mob B start ysu g their cards. Recreating history a stray shot hits a random civilian. Wet powder saves another civilian. Mob B then heads through the Malt cross dodging the horseman and successfully rolling a cheese off the table before snatching up another. This cheese was mighty fine guaranteeing a extra victory point
Mob C surprised everyone by taking on and killing a dragoon earnings one victory points while everyone else did their best to avoid them Mob C surprised everyone by taking on and killing a dragoon earnings one victory points while everyone else did their best to avoid them

The game ended with MOB A wining thanks to the meat and cheese they obtained. Mob B was second thanks to their best cheese. MOB C got no cheese but killed a dragoon. Everyone had fun and  being interested in the history liked the tabletop reprentstion of events. It made me wonder if I could do other historical events. We will play this again in the future and the only change would be making it easier to get cards. I’d like to add more buildings to the table edges and more market stalls because the table looked a bit empty. Other than that I was pleased with how it worked. Maybe next time I’ll do a game on the reform Bill riots of 1831 or the time democratic minded folk got dunked in the river. Who can drench the most innocent bystanders for their political views.

Table set up

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
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So for the final lay out for the game  I have each stand with a cheese to steal and two townspeople guarding them. I have the gin stand, the Lincoln merchants wagon, the butchers stand in the middle with the sticks and pillory in the corner. As the table represents the market place I decided not to add any buildings but a few would have looked good around the side. I did add the row of trees shown on maps. Because each player has two women and and a child it's hard to see who isn't a townsperson so I've painted the side of their bases. So we had a blue yellow and red mob So for the final lay out for the game I have each stand with a cheese to steal and two townspeople guarding them. I have the gin stand, the Lincoln merchants wagon, the butchers stand in the middle with the sticks and pillory in the corner. As the table represents the market place I decided not to add any buildings but a few would have looked good around the side. I did add the row of trees shown on maps. Because each player has two women and and a child it's hard to see who isn't a townsperson so I've painted the side of their bases. So we had a blue yellow and red mob

Malt cross

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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Sarissa butter cross as the notingham male cross. It no longer exists but a local pub has taken the name. Any model under the cross can't be charged by dragoons. I saw a 19th century riot image of the crowd taking shelter there from cavalry which gave me that rule idea. Sarissa butter cross as the notingham male cross. It no longer exists but a local pub has taken the name. Any model under the cross can't be charged by dragoons. I saw a 19th century riot image of the crowd taking shelter there from cavalry which gave me that rule idea.

Event cards-keep

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7
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I had a lot more keep cards which can be played when needed and involved a few real life events such as butter upa small discount and stray shotI had a lot more keep cards which can be played when needed and involved a few real life events such as butter upa small discount and stray shot
  1. Riot act. When the dragoons arrive, you get to choose which edge they arrive on.
  2. Stray shot. Use when you are shot at by a dragoon. Instead of being the target the nearest other model from a rival mob it townsperson is hit instead.
  3. Wet powder. Play on any dragoon who is about to shoot. The shot misfires and they need to reload.
  4. Raucous behaviour. Play in combat to roll 2 dice and pick the highest result.
  5. Butter up. Play before starting close combat. The target has butter rubbed in their face and pushed back 1D6 inches
  6. Rude boys. Use on your boy model he taunts a townsperson up to 10 inches away. The target must make a move towards the rude boy.
  7. Hard cheese. Play when a model is hit by a rolling cheese. They are immediately taken out of action.
  8. Get out of stocks free. Play at the start of your turn to release one of your mob from the stocks and are free to move.
  9. A small discount. Play on a rival when they get in close combat with a merchant. Instead of fighting they start haggling over prices. They can’t move until they roll 5-6 then they are free to fight as normal after deciding to steal the cheese anyway.
  10. Mighty fine cheese. Play when you pick up a cheese. It is the finest of all cheeses. It is worth two victory points. However everyone will want a piece.
  11. Merchants from Lincoln. Play when a rival picks up a cheese. That cheese is removed and placed next to the Lincoln merchant who had got their first.
  12. I call it polystyrene. Play on a rival player when they pick up a cheese. The cheese has gone off and removed from play.
  13. Gin might help. Use on a model who is taken out of action. They recover and stay in place.
  14. Lactose lout. Play on a rival player when they pick up a cheese. They have a reaction to the dairy product and must immediately roll it away. It can be picked up later but not by this model.
  15. Stench of the poor. Play when in combat. The enemy must immediately move away 2D6 to escape the smell but the effect only lasts that turn.
In reality merchants from Lincoln had purchased the cheese before many townsfolk could get any so the card teleports cheese to a wagon. This Lincoln merchant can also have his cheese stolen if anyone can get to him In reality merchants from Lincoln had purchased the cheese before many townsfolk could get any so the card teleports cheese to a wagon. This Lincoln merchant can also have his cheese stolen if anyone can get to him

Event cards - play

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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To add some historical events and random fun each player rolls aD6 at the start of their turn. On a 1 or 2 they draw a card. Some say play immediately. To add some historical events and random fun each player rolls aD6 at the start of their turn. On a 1 or 2 they draw a card. Some say play immediately.
  1. Slippery customer. You slip in the mud and are placed prone. One model in your mob is effected and the rest move as mirmal.
  2. I’ve been goosed. The goose fair geese move into contact with the nearest mob and attack all members of the team. Each model is hit on a 5 or 6and pushed back 1inch even if the roll failed leaving the geese free to move again in the future.
  3. You can get drunk on tuppence. Play on a rival model. It must immediately move towards the drink stand. Once it makes contact roll 1D6 on a 5 or 6they get drunk. Movement is reduced by 2 and all tests at – 1. They also get a bottle as a weapon.
  4. How’s your gout. Choose one townsperson. That mini is forced to sit down and can’t move this turn. It can’t defend a cheese while sitting down.
The geese start in the middle of the table and if the card is drawn they move. There are three geese cardsThe geese start in the middle of the table and if the card is drawn they move. There are three geese cards

Market Stalls

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
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The pop up bar selling gin. Anyone who reaches the bar cab grab a bottle to use as a thrown weapon. They have a range of 2D6 + strength a 5+ to hit and the target misses a turn or removed if the attacker rolls a further 4+The pop up bar selling gin. Anyone who reaches the bar cab grab a bottle to use as a thrown weapon. They have a range of 2D6 + strength a 5+ to hit and the target misses a turn or removed if the attacker rolls a further 4+

The Dragoons

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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The 15th Light Dragoons helped restore order by shooting someone so in my game they turn up 2 turns after the mayor unless he is taken out of action in which case they take four turns to show up. They pop up on a random edge and because they are mounted have a movement of 10 inches compared to everyone elses 6. They can shoot with pistols at a range of 8 and need a 5+ to hit. They then need a 4+ to injure their target. They cant fire the following turn thanks to slow reload. If attacked you need a 5+ to hit them. Because they are mounted they cant enter the Malt Cross providing a safe zone from close combat The 15th Light Dragoons helped restore order by shooting someone so in my game they turn up 2 turns after the mayor unless he is taken out of action in which case they take four turns to show up. They pop up on a random edge and because they are mounted have a movement of 10 inches compared to everyone elses 6. They can shoot with pistols at a range of 8 and need a 5+ to hit. They then need a 4+ to injure their target. They cant fire the following turn thanks to slow reload. If attacked you need a 5+ to hit them. Because they are mounted they cant enter the Malt Cross providing a safe zone from close combat
The Dragoons

The Mayor

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
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In reality the mayor tried to restore order and was knocked down by a rolling cheese so I wanted to put this in the game. The mayor arrives after 3 cheeses are stolen the players then have three turns to take him out of action by either rolling cheese at him or attacking him. If not then 6 dragoons on horseback appear after 3 turns or 4 turns if he's taken out. Cimbat us resolved by a roll off and adding the minis fight value. The highest wins. The mayor has a fight if 3 the same as the rioting women. If you are beaten you are knocked back an inch and any cheese you have is dropped. A further roll of 4+takes you out of the game apart from the butcher who u decided to make a challenge of 5+. In reality the mayor tried to restore order and was knocked down by a rolling cheese so I wanted to put this in the game. The mayor arrives after 3 cheeses are stolen the players then have three turns to take him out of action by either rolling cheese at him or attacking him. If not then 6 dragoons on horseback appear after 3 turns or 4 turns if he's taken out. Cimbat us resolved by a roll off and adding the minis fight value. The highest wins. The mayor has a fight if 3 the same as the rioting women. If you are beaten you are knocked back an inch and any cheese you have is dropped. A further roll of 4+takes you out of the game apart from the butcher who u decided to make a challenge of 5+.
Any player mini taken out of action is transfered to the stocks and the pillory under arrest. I thought it would be good to give them a chance to get back in the game with the use of some random cards. Any player mini taken out of action is transfered to the stocks and the pillory under arrest. I thought it would be good to give them a chance to get back in the game with the use of some random cards.

Victory conditions

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 7

After looking at the loot the town scenario I decided the table would represent the market place with 7 cheese piles to be looted. Each cheese pile was protected by two townsfolk. The players control three teams of looters each made up of two women and a “rude boy” as they were described historically. I would control the townsfolk and other random events as a GM. Players score victory points for achieving any of the following.

1 point for each cheese removed from the table or rival player looters taken out of action.

2 points for taking the mayor or a Dragoon out of action.

2 points for going for the meat stand and beating the butcher and taking the meat. There was a meat riot a few years later so I thought I’d acknowledge that incident with this rule.

A looted cheese can be carried off the board or rolled off to score.

Cheese is rolled 3D6 inches away us 2 for boys and 3 for women. They can also be rolled at a character as a weapon as they were against the mayor. If the range roll reaches the target they are knocked down on a 4+ missing a turn. On a further roll of 5+ they are out of the game.

Some foundry townsfolk ready to protect their cheeseSome foundry townsfolk ready to protect their cheese


Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 7
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I was looking into the Nottingham artist Paul standby who moved to London and spent some time sketching the average folk he saw. I can't help thinking they have inspired some minis like these fram ratnik. I was looking into the Nottingham artist Paul standby who moved to London and spent some time sketching the average folk he saw. I can't help thinking they have inspired some minis like these fram ratnik.
I already have a mix of georgian civilians from foundry and perry miniatures to add these ro and populate my market place. I already have a mix of georgian civilians from foundry and perry miniatures to add these ro and populate my market place.


Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 6
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Just to point out that this is a retrospective project as I have already put this game together and played it. So this short project goes through some of my choices. For a miniature game which involves stealing cheese I looked at scenarios that involve loot. Frost grave was an obvious choice. However legends of the highseas is set in the 18th century and has rules for firearms. The players aren't Wargamers so I needed to get rid of star lines and just have a simple version. Just to point out that this is a retrospective project as I have already put this game together and played it. So this short project goes through some of my choices. For a miniature game which involves stealing cheese I looked at scenarios that involve loot. Frost grave was an obvious choice. However legends of the highseas is set in the 18th century and has rules for firearms. The players aren't Wargamers so I needed to get rid of star lines and just have a simple version.
There are sample rules for random townsfolk and mayor's. My game has no pirates and the main protagonists are women and children armed with cheese so I had to think of a way to weapinise the dairy products. There are sample rules for random townsfolk and mayor's. My game has no pirates and the main protagonists are women and children armed with cheese so I had to think of a way to weapinise the dairy products.
There is also a loot the town scenario. If I replace the loot with cheese and also get rid of the two opossing sides. Instead have each cheese guarded by merchants and the players operate as competing mobs if women and children who have to grab as much cheese before the mayor and the dragoons arriveThere is also a loot the town scenario. If I replace the loot with cheese and also get rid of the two opossing sides. Instead have each cheese guarded by merchants and the players operate as competing mobs if women and children who have to grab as much cheese before the mayor and the dragoons arrive

18th Century Nottingham

Tutoring 7
Skill 4
Idea 7
1 Comment
Georgian Nottingham was described as a garden town which was pretty to look at with the main industry being textiles but it was a bit of a wild west period for law and order. One highway robber was shot 11 times and survived just to be executed later. The Mayor shot a protester dead with a blunderbuss. A man was publicly dissected after being hanged for murder. Soldiers were arrested for using a body in a gibbet for target practice. Folk were water boarded in the market place for having democratic views and of course we had riots over cheese. It's my favorite period for weird events and characters and I could talk about it for hours but for this project I'm concentrating on the cheese riot which started during the Goose Fair which is held every year in Nottingham since at least the 1540s. It has only been canceled twice. Once for the plague and the other for covid. In the 18th century it was a fair selling all sorts of produce such as Geese for Christmas and of course cheese. Today it's a giant fun fair which no longer takes place in the market square as it's too big. In 1766 the market square was a large expanse with a butter cross known as the Georgian Nottingham was described as a garden town which was pretty to look at with the main industry being textiles but it was a bit of a wild west period for law and order. One highway robber was shot 11 times and survived just to be executed later. The Mayor shot a protester dead with a blunderbuss. A man was publicly dissected after being hanged for murder. Soldiers were arrested for using a body in a gibbet for target practice. Folk were water boarded in the market place for having democratic views and of course we had riots over cheese. It's my favorite period for weird events and characters and I could talk about it for hours but for this project I'm concentrating on the cheese riot which started during the Goose Fair which is held every year in Nottingham since at least the 1540s. It has only been canceled twice. Once for the plague and the other for covid. In the 18th century it was a fair selling all sorts of produce such as Geese for Christmas and of course cheese. Today it's a giant fun fair which no longer takes place in the market square as it's too big. In 1766 the market square was a large expanse with a butter cross known as the "Malt Cross", aline of trees a water pump and the stocks and pillory. This would be the battle ground for my cheese riot game.
Map of key elements of the market squareMap of key elements of the market square

Historical Background

Tutoring 7
Skill 4
Idea 7
1 Comment
Historical Background

In 1766 we had an earlier version of the cost of living crises after a poor wheat harvest put the price of food up. In Nottingham during the annual Goose Fair tons of cheese was being sold in large wheels at twice the price they had been a week earlier in other parts of the country. Disgusted by the prices the mainly women and “rude boys” of Nottingham went on the rampage stealing cheese and looting shops. Because the cheese came in large wheels it was easy to just roll them away. The mayor attempted to restore order and for his efforts was knocked down by a rolling cheese into the mud. The crowd then attacked boats on the river Trent loaded up with cheese and warehouses were looted. The Dragoons were called in and a man was shot dead although he was defending his cheese and was shot by accident. A number of young lads were dragged before the Magistrates who at this time used to perform trials in private homes and pubs. On this occasion it was in a coffee shop. The mob out side began throwing stones at the windows and fearing more violence those arrested where released. This incident is talked about a lot in the museum that I work and we thought it would be interesting to recreate it as a miniature game at a staff social. So I got to work thinking what the best way of adapting the story to the tabletop.

The Mayor recreating the event for the 250th anniversary in 2016The Mayor recreating the event for the 250th anniversary in 2016
Did you steal that realistic looking cheese sir?Did you steal that realistic looking cheese sir?

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