Building, buildings for WWII or Napoleonic’s or The Silver Bayonet and other random stuff
Recommendations: 147
About the Project
Starting with a French walled farm I got off Facebook marketplace from a very nice man called John Banks. 8mm LARGE Walled farm including House/Barn/Shed/Stables WW2 Fantasy Historical Walled farm including House/Barn/Shed/Stables Compound - 454x355mm Farm House - 145mm High - 153mm Deep - 203mm Wide Stables/Workshop/Smithy - 178 Wide - 73mm High - 95mm Deep Barn - 171mm Wide - 91mm High - 98mm Deep Shed - 109mm Wide - 82mm High - 61mm High This is a kit and need making and paint (paint and glue not supplied) The doors are approx. 34mm high and have tabs on that mean can be Sellotaped or blu tac'd them so they can be opens and closed to show troops inside 3mm mdf
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
Good bit of progress on the Farmhouse
Still to do some work on the doors for all buildings and the floors
Roof of the Farmhouse is finished
adding shingles, layer by layer
Now the Shingles
Now that took ages to do and I went through a load of double sided sticky tape. Only one side done so far, hope I have enough cereal box card to do the other side. Don’t want to end up with a thicker card, that would look naff.
Starting on the Farmhouse now
The Farmhouse roof is much bigger and has more details so a bit more work
A bit of tiling
Thanks to Mel the Terrain Tutor’s excellent video on roof tiling. Started on the shed to see how it works. The roofs have some great detail but I wanted to make it a bit for 3D and realistic.
Cereal box card and double-sided tape (Blue Peter Special)
Roof ridge
Going to swap around the side of the cardboard, Mel says to use the shiny side as it’s takes paint well but I want my shingles to be a bit rough and the roof edge is supposed to be lead. So shiny side it is.
Scoring a line down the center of the piece card so I fold it over
The Barn and ground floor of the Farmhouse
Working on the ground floor of the Farmhouse and the other buildings – Barn, Stable and Shed. Looking at 3m xps foam for the flooring, using GreenStuffWorld flagstone roller but if I can’t get a good impression may go with Daz clay. But that could increase the overall weight.
The Farmhouse, 2nd story first
Again using wallpaper to simulate stone and fancy paper for the interior
As with the Shed I have added extra detail to the corners to hide the edges and add detail
The Shed
Some more progress on the shed
For the Shed I used the wallpaper inside and out to simulate stone work
Used some thick card to bulk out the corners and make them more classic looking and to hid the edges and the wallpaper.