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MiniatureBrushworks Stuff

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Project Blog by miniaturebrushwork Cult of Games Member

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About the Project

I felt that its more useful for me to use a common Projekt channel since I switch projects very often. So I will post all the stuff I come to work around here.

This Project is Active

Imperium Starter - done

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 2
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the imperium starter fleet the imperium starter fleet

Imperium - part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments
SMS GneisenauSMS Gneisenau

The latest addition to my collection is an Imperium starter box. The colours I used here were loosely based on ww2 german warships including the yellow turret tops.

I still have a cruiser left to build and propably build it as an escort cruiser to accompany the battleship.

The first model I finished is this Kaiser class battleship, a solid chioce and a robust centerpiece.

The cruisers I build from the starter are a support carrier and two bombardment ships with big guns. All of these got interchangeble loadouts to play them as different units should that be necessary.

The small plane taking of from the carrier was part of the sprue and should be glued under deck were its not visible so I decidet to do something else.

Commonwealth - part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments

Following the Alliance fleet I started working on a Commonwealth one. Again starting point was a one player starter force which then got expanded by a Murmansk battlefleet.

Contrasting the clean and elegant look of the french I chose a dark and menacing and battle worn look with lots of chipping and rust.

Commonwealth starter forceCommonwealth starter force
Borodino flagship and the first cruisers and frigatesBorodino flagship and the first cruisers and frigates
Commonwealth - part 1

Currently Im working on the last cruisers and frigates of the second fleet box as this faction will also be taken to 2000pts.

The second flagship is already done. A Tobolsk mobile stronghold.

dystopian Wars - Alliance Part 3

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
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I added a Couronne battlefleet to my existing alliance ships to bring them to 2000pts and now this fleet is finished.

dystopian Wars - Alliance Part 3

The couronne is a really beautiful shif which captures the french elegance quiet nice and gives my fleet nice carrier support.

I used fleur de lis decals for the front and a hand painted napoleon symbol on the deck to break of the grey/wooden paintjob a bit more

Dystopian Wars - Alliance part 2

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments
the finished starter boxthe finished starter box
Dystopian Wars - Alliance part 2

Dystopian War - Alliance Part 1

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 4
No Comments
Dystopian War - Alliance Part 1

I had an eye on Dystopian Wars for a really long time now. The designs and rules (wich can be found free on their website) catched me.

It took a wile but our small gaming group decided to start out and I will do the alliance.

I got my hands on the faction starter wich is great value for the price and contains dice, templates marker and a rulebook beside the lovely models.

The first ships I finished are the Richelieu and a couple of cruisers. I used VMC intermediate blue as a base for the grey and added AK ivory for an airbrush modulation. A controled wash (nuln oil + contrast medium) followed by edge highlights was an easy way to bring in some debth. The gold was achieved by painting on VMA aluminium as a base followed by a wash of  thinned zealot yellow (ap speedpaint) and a sepia one.

For the flagship I added some flags cut out of yoghurt lids glued to broom bristels.

Dystopian War - Alliance Part 1

Honda Clan Samurai

Tutoring 2
Skill 3
Idea 3
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Honda Clan Samurai

Since the shogun tv show started I thought about building another Samurai warband for Daisho.

So here are the first few minis done. Daisho uses small groups of miniatures so in the end it will be a group of 9 wich is a nice project for in between.

I used the boxart for the samurai as an inspiration and just sculpted on the fur on the jinbaori to match a historical one.

Currently Im working on the final stages on the last 5 Samurai with teppo once they are done every mini get some basing material.

BrS - P39 for the Pacific

Tutoring 3
Skill 5
Idea 5
1 Comment
BrS - P39 for the Pacific

My latest addition to my growing blood red skies collection are these P-39 Airacobras.

The models are from Warlord games the decals from siebenschwabenspiele


BrS - P39 for the Pacific

I always liked the P-39 even if the performance for the USAAF was a bit underwelming but choosing US instead of soviet planes I got the chance to give them little pinups.

The only plane which really existed is Air A Cutie but overall the decals in combination with the white markings break up the single tone camo quiet good.

BrS - P39 for the Pacific

FoW - Italian 100pt army done

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 5
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the italians in all their glorythe italians in all their glory

I finally managed to get some motivation and time to get some projects done.

In this case I painted up parts of a second Tobruk starter and added some Infantry and 47mm anti tank guns.

For the tanks the same techic and conversion was used as for the other ones. The infantry however was painted with contrast paints to save time.

FoW - Italian 100pt army done

The infantry and anti tank guns are from Peterpig. I really like the minis they make even if the faces may be a bit goofy sometimes. But at least they are available.

All in all this game me a nice 100pts Italien mid war list and considering that I printed the scouts and got the tanks and 8.8 from the dirt cheap Tobruk starter this was not as expensive as expected.

Now of to get some games going.

FoW - Italian 100pt army done

Trafalgar 1805 - the leeward line

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment
Trafalgar 1805 - the leeward line

Today we played the leeward line scenario from warlord games which zoomes in onto the battle of trafalgar.

Turn 1: opened a bit disapointing for my franco spanish fleet. The brits opening up with their bow chasers while the franco spanish fleet didnt hit anything in return.

Turn 2: the thing started getting messy for my opponent and this was one reason we had to rewrite the victory conditions. We didnt really read or ignored the victory conditions here so my opponent turned most of his fleet southwards. Bahama and Algerisas both took heavy beating.
The Fougueux got a broadside from Royal Souvereign, her rudder got damaged and she steered right into the Santa Ana which did enough damage to let the Fougueux strike her colour.

Turn 3: The Pluton finally found a weak point in the british line following the Royal Souvereign while Tonnant, Mars and Belleisle firing into Bahama and Algesiras until both ships, now on fire, strike their colours.

Turn 4: The Bellerophon tried to sink Pluton but despite her damage she still managed to fire into the stern of the Royal Souvereign, taking out a mast and finally let Collingwood strike the colours. Santa Ana and Monarca meanwhile setting course to intercept Colossus and Bellerophon.

Turn: 5 The crew of the Pluton had to strike the colours because of a fire. 4 ships out of 9 out of service. Themis and Cornelie rammed each other because they are way to inexperienced to evade.

Turn 6: In the north Colossus and Belerophon got into a fight with Monarca and Santa Ana, Bellerophon now on fire. In the south Tonnant, Mars and Belleisle heading towards a mostly undamaged Indomptable.

Final Round. The Bellerophon sinks due to fires, together with all the other burning ships wich we forgot due to the fact that they stike the colours and did not participate in any role. The Franco Spanish fleet therefore gains the victory.



turn 1turn 1
Turn 2Turn 2
Turn 3Turn 3
Turn 4Turn 4
turn 5turn 5
Turn 6Turn 6
final roundfinal round

Star Wars Legion imperial troops

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 5
First unit of StormtroopersFirst unit of Stormtroopers

Over the new year we got into star wars legion and I started painting my first units.

Star Wars Legion imperial troops

For the start I tested out painting stormtroopers with speedpaints and contrast mainly which improves the paint speed.

Since I was a kid I loved the AT-ST so i got one aswell.

Next up are more troopers and Darth Vader.

Star Wars Legion imperial troops
Star Wars Legion imperial troops

A Black Seas spanish fleet - part 2: the 3rd rates

Tutoring 3
Skill 6
Idea 6
my spanish fleet in all her mightmy spanish fleet in all her might

I finished of the two 3rd rate ships Bahama und Monarca.

All of them together give me a nice little 1000pt fleet but our main goal is to go for some historical szenarios.

I started Bahama before I even start painting Santa Ana as a test ship hence the missing running rigging. Overall I think she came out ok but she lack the detail the other two vessels got.

For Monarca I used a painting of Nicholas Pocock as a reference for her colours.

Both are 74 gun ships of the line and both will be part of my franco spanish fleet in our upcoming Trafalgar game. Well at least a part of Trafalgar.

We will using the Leeward Line szenario from Warlord Games

Black Seas: The Battle of Trafalgar

This is basically just the part of the whole battle were Collingwoods line clashed into the franco spanish fleet.

I will borrow the french ships from my opponent as it will take to long for me complete the whole fleet.

So at the start of 2024 we will play this szenario and we will how well the horrible skilled spaniards will perform there.

The szenario from Warlord GamesThe szenario from Warlord Games

A Black Seas spanish fleet - part 1: the flagship

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
Santa AnaSanta Ana

Since my FoW project is halted at 50pts now until my opponent geht’s some stuff done I got back to a project that I paused 2019.

My plan was to just build a british fleet at 1000pts but since I got a 3rd rate ship left over I thought building another fleet might be a nice Idea.


A Black Seas spanish fleet - part 1: the flagship

So after I finished the last vessel for my royal navy I started of with the spanish flagship.

The Santa Ana was a 112 gut 1st rate ship which took part at the battle of trafalgar. There she got into a brutal close quarter fight with collingwoods flagship HMS Royal Souvereign.

After our first game getting back into the rules we now tinker with the idea to replay the part of trafalgar were Collingwoods line clashed into the franco spanish fleet. Warlord games has written a scenario for this part of the battle of Trafalgar.

I tried to get the Santa Ana done in a more historical fashion than most of warlords paintjobs.

The yellow ochre I used got a bit of a brownish hue to distinguish them more from their british counterparts.

The rigging and crew miniatures aswell as the photo etched ratlines were a pain to ad so for the other ships I will use a more simple way.

Technically those 3 ships can give me a solid 1000pts list with lots of firepower. However the Santa Ana is cheap … like way to cheap. Maybe we will houserule something here.

The Bahama (74 gun 3rd rate) just need her flag while the Monarca (74 3rd rate aswell) is still wip. Both were present at trafalgar and will complete the spanish part of the scenario we want to play.

My british and spanish fleets so far.My british and spanish fleets so far.

Scouts for the italians

Tutoring 3
Skill 4
Idea 3
No Comments
A 50p italian tank companyA 50p italian tank company

The last two units of the tank company were scouts.

One unit of AB 41 armoured cars and one unit of L6/40 light tanks.

AB 41AB 41

Both units are designed and printed by me as its currently hard to get any from battlefront.

I forgot the exhaust pipes on the AB41 but for now I leave them like that.

Game wise these are funny little vehicles both capaple of dealing with light tanks if there spearhead dutys are done.


Sandbags and rivets - Italian Tanks

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment
M14/41 tanks with the formation commanderM14/41 tanks with the formation commander

I finished the italian tanks of the Tobruk starter set leaving me with the two 88 and some printed recce vehicles to be done.


Sandbags and rivets - Italian Tanks

The base colour is just sand airbrushed over an desert yellow rattle can primer followed by standard way of varnish, pinwash, chipping, details, dirt, metallics.

For the decals I decidet to not use the insignias of the Ariete division as little to no pictures of real tanks showed them.

Semovente self propelled gunsSemovente self propelled guns
Sandbags and rivets - Italian Tanks

If I include the printed vehicles I can field the following 50p list.

HQ M14/41

4x M14/41

5x Semovente

2x 1 8.8cm gun

3x L6/40 recce tanks

3x AB41 armoured cars


I tested them last week and the game had a nice mad max feeling. Not much terrain, pretty aggressive, lots of somehow crappy vehicles.

Avanti! - italians for flames of war

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7
No Comments
Avanti! - italians for flames of war

After completing our late war armies a friend asked if we could start building some mid war forces.

To start we split up the Tobruk starter deal which got me 10 italian tanks and two mighty 88 guns for less then a box of tanks.

Avanti! - italians for flames of war

To give the little italian tanks a bit more character I decided to pack them with loads of stowage.

Excessive amounts of fuel and water cannisters were printed and together with tarps and backpacks aswell as sandbank armour out of green stuff give them the desert camping look.

Avanti! - italians for flames of war

To distinguish the formation commander I gavr him legst so he can now sit on top of his turret.

The last bit are the recce units. As they are not available at the moment (but I need the to build my first 50p force) and good stl are rare I decided to make my own.

The AB 41 armoured car is still wip but the L6/40 light tank came out good (well.. except that my printer f@#€ed up the tracks)


Next I will pait up all the tanks from the starter.

Trash Tigers - Kampfgruppe Hummel

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 6
Trash Tigers - Kampfgruppe Hummel

For my latest Flames of War army I decided to expand my german collection with vehicles that were still missing but is to iconic to not include. Tigers.

While searcing for a list I came across Kampfgruppe Hummel. A unit that was formed out of reserve, training and mainly old Tiger tanks. They recieved 14 Tigers in total.

They are cheap compared to the usual Tigers but almost all stats are decreased and a cross of 4+ and 8″ tactical isnt great. But I can field 10 Tigers and still got 20p left for some other stuff in a 100p list.

I used two of the late tiger boxes from bf to get all 10 but all having zimmerit coating ist that accurat. To show the mishmash I used both the different copulas and modeled lots of wear into the skirts.

Trash Tigers - Kampfgruppe Hummel

I used a armoured brigade panzergrenadier company as a Support consisting of a platoon of grenadiers in SdKfz 251 transports, some anti air SdKfz and a unit of mortars. The afv are still wip.

I already managed to get a game done vs us paratroopers. It was a fun game but the lower skill, short tactical movement and 4+ cross is challenging, especially if minefields are present. The tanks that made it through terrain and mines got overwelmed my the paratroopers…

I hope that I can play a second game soon.

Adeptus Titanicus - the titans

Tutoring 4
Skill 8
Idea 8
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Adeptus Titanicus - the titans

I recently got my hands on an adeptus titanicus starter set for a good price.

I decided to build up two forces using just the starter to use it for quick games. None of us really wanted to invest lots of money just to get playable forces.

For me the highlight within the Box came with the warhound titans. I love the Design of those small beasts.


The reavers are the big damage dealers within the Box.

Since decals for legio metalica and legio krytos are pretty hard to get I decidet to paint on the Logos freehand.

So next are the lancers.


Blood Red Skies - JG27 Afrika

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 8
No Comments
3/JG 273/JG 27

We recently got back into playing Blood Red Skies and I took the opportunity to field a new unit of Luftwaffe planes.

The Me109 is one of my favorit planes and I already got a squadron of of the later developed Gustavs. So this time I decided to do the tropical Versionen the F with the addition of one of the  most famous ace. Hans Joachim Marseille, who achieved 158 kills before his tragic accident.

Blood Red Skies - JG27 Afrika

The planes are from ROC works as those come with free foam trays. I dont use the standard advantage system from Blood Red Skies but instead ball bearing magnets.

Blood Red Skies - JG27 Afrika

Next up are some printed Ju87 dive bombers which can be escorted by the Me109.

Blood Red Skies - JG27 Afrika

Avanti! Regia Marina fleet

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7
The whole fleet so farThe whole fleet so far

I finished the Warlord games starter deal for my regia marina fleet. Just a few little planes have to be done for the catapults and carrier.

These models paint up really nice especially due to the red and shite air identification stripes.

The base of the fleet is composed around the Littorio class battleship. I will need 6 more destroyers to finish the fleet to 1500pts. The Aquila carriers air group will hunt down enemy aircraft while the cheap destroyers guard of torpedos and screen the more important vessels like cruisers anf the battleship. I will see how this will work out.

Im currently working on the small aircraft for the carrier and the scouting planes for the cruisers and the battleship.