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Sanguis, Sudore et Iubentium

Sanguis, Sudore et Iubentium

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Project Blog by henrileite Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 601

About the Project

In 2016 I bought the card game Blood, Sweat and Cheers from Ganesha Games. I ordered a Ludus from Sarissa Precision and a few 28mm Gladiator miniatures from Brigade Games. It then got lost in the project queue. Inspired by watching a Twitch stream of the Pixelart Gladiator Management Simulator Domina, I decided to complete it. The goal is to create a Ludus Game Board, paint minis and add new characters and scenarios to the game. Strength and Honor!

This Project is Active

Double or Nothing

Tutoring 7
Skill 6
Idea 7
Double or Nothing

“Lanista Warzanius, congratulations on the valiant effort of your Gladiators. Lady Atia is impressed. I however, am not pleased with the loss of so much invested income. There is one match remaining. Not much wagering is being put on our Gladiators for some reason. This is what I propose. If your Gladiator battles mine, I’ll pay you 20 Sesterces only. If you choose what awaits behind door 2, you double your current winnings. 10,000 Aureus Warzanius, think of it. You could live like an emperor.” “It won’t hapen, but what if Justinian losses?” smugly asks Warzanius. “Oh, you lose everything.” replies Marcus.

Double or Nothing

“Justinian you are my greatest Gladiator! You are the Alfa and Omega of men. You…” Interrupting Warzanius Justinian with trepidation in his voice asks “What are you up to? I can tell you’re lying to me” “Justinian do you trust me?” “No” replies Justinian. “You saw how easy it was for your fellow Otters to win. These Gladiators are wimps. They are nothing compared to your mighty Tutunus!” Cries Warzanius “I saw Johns head roll across the Arena.” replied Justinian. “Yes that’s true, But think of the glory the unics the 20 Aureus you would win! Now get out there and make me rich-ahh proud man!”

Double or Nothing

“You can do it Justinian!” cries out Liber. “Go rip that f@*#ing f@#k head off and piss down his f@#*ing…” In Justinians head a mantra of “I”m in my happy place” repeats itself. “I’m not removing your image from the title card if you die btw” says Lloydicus.




Double or Nothing

"Bring it on ya F...!!!"

Tutoring 6
Skill 7
Idea 7

Gerry VS Valentinus

Turn 1

phase 1. Not wanting to get caught in Valentinus’ net, Gerry Steps back and on Guard. Val. taunts Gerry from his spot.

phase 2. Confused by Gerrys barrage of whiskey fueled explatives, Val stays put. The crowd is silent.

Turn 2

phase 1. Gerry takes a Cautious Step to an adjacent Zone. Val. Jabs with his trident to no use.

phase 2. With a deep breath Val. Lunges his trident forward, Gerry displays a Skillful Block that pushes the trident away. The crowd begins to cheer for Gerry.

Turn 3

phase 1. Seeing an exposed area on Val. Gerry Thrusts with his sword delivering the first Flesh wound of the match, met with cheers from the crowd.

phase 2. In response Val. Jabs meeting Gerrys Shield, pinging off. Crowd loving it now cheering “beer, beer…!”

Turn 4

phase 1. Gerry takes a Cautious Step forward. Val. Feigning pain from his flesh wound, slyly pulls his Off-hand Pugio out and into Gerrys gut! For a Flesh wound. Crowd sees blood cheers for Val.

phase 2. Seizing the opportunity, Val. Trusts at Gerry. Gerry not wanting to be outdone, Kicks Valentinus in the chest. Each men come out unharmed. The crowd loving Gerrys rage!

Turn 5

phase 1. “Ya F@#K!” Gerry Jabs at him but the cheeky bastard Kicks Sand into his eyes Knocking Gerry Down!

phase 2. Val. Jabs his trident down, knocking into Gerrys shield.

Turn 6

phase 1. As Gerry Stands he Thrusts at Val. causing a flesh wound.

phase 2. Both men Jab at each other. The Roar of the Crowd helps Gerry have the upper hand Knocking Down Val.

Turn 7

phase 1. Gerry Kicks at Val. as he tries to Stand. “Stay down you F@#k you!” knocking him down again.

phase 2. As Val. stands, Gerry Thrusts his sword at him, leaving a flesh wound.

Crowd cheers full “Gerry!!!”

Turn 8

phase 1. Loving the blood dripping from multiple cuts, Gerry Jabs at Val. as he ties to take a Cautious Step back. The blow knocks Val down once more.

phase 2. Retiarius Valentinus’ heart races, his lungs desperate to match. A faint laughter from Gerry begins to echo in his head.

Turn 9

phase 1. With an Adrenaline rush Gerry Steps forward Jabs and delivers another Flesh wound. Crowd loving it cheering “beer, beer, beer!”

phase 2. “Get up and die you F…!” Begrudgingly Val. Stands up. Gerry puts his shield up and motions to him to attack.

Turn 10

phase 1. Knowing Gerrys’ taunts is a trap, Val. tries to Step Back. Raging with the Roar of the Crowd Gerry extends a Well Timed Strike, disemboweling Valentinus, wining the match. “Haaaa Haaaa stay dead ya F@#k!”



Gerry the Fomorian VS Retiarius Valentinus

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6


Gerry the Fomorian VS Retiarius Valentinus

“Come here you f#*king fish f@%king, f&#k you!!”

Will Gerry rage or will he be a “fish out of water” at the mercy of Valentinus trident?!

Stay tuned, battle report coming soon…

Gladiatrix Liber (Free) VS Teddy Iniuriosus

Tutoring 5
Skill 6
Idea 6


Turn 1

phase 1. Teddy stands his ground growling. Not scared Liber Steps forward and Strikes Knocking Teddy down.

phase 2. Liber Jabs down but Teddy is able to Dodge.

Turn 2

phase 1. Teddy begins to Stand and goes on Guard. Liber Steps back with her shield up.

phase 2. Liber Steps back and Teddy cautiously follows her. Crowd begins to zzz.

Gladiatrix Liber (Free) VS Teddy Iniuriosus

Turn 3

phase 1. Teddy Steps forward and Claws at Liber. Undaunted Liber Thrusts her blade forward and Pushes Teddy back!

phase 2. Noticing the anger building in Teddy, Liber lifts her shield as Teddy moves Forward.

Trun 4

phase 1. Teddy now close enough, Strikes with both paws at Liber. Seizing the opportunity, Liber unleashes a Wicked Slash connecting with the bear. Rendering a Telling Blow that ends the match.

Gladiatrix Liber (Free) VS Teddy Iniuriosus

John & Lloydicus VS Crupelarius Battle Report Part 2

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment
John & Lloydicus VS Crupelarius Battle Report Part 2

Turn 10

phase 1. Ceasing the opportunity Crup. Jabs at Lloydicus but misses. John tries to catch his breath.

phase2. Now feeling better John Steps froward at Crup. Seeing John aproching he decides to Rush at him. They crash with a mighty thunder, unmoved. Lloydicus’s Stands Up and Jabs, but it pings off Crup.

Turn 11

phase 1. Crup Adrenaline Rushes Lloydicus in an attempt to end one of his foes. He cuts Lloydicus for a Deep Wound. John Steps Back only to be followed by Crup.

phase2. John Adrenaline Rushes Crup cutting a Flesh Wound. Lloydicus can only watch from afar.

Turn 12

phase 1. From a distance Lloydicus watches Crup. and John exchange Jabs to no avail.

phase 2. John tries a Well Timed Strike but Crup. is too fast and blocks it. Lloydicus now Rushes in, Jabs but is also blocked by the wall that is Crup.

Turn 13

phase 1. Crup Rushes at John, but he moves out of the way just in time. “Stand still you bastard!” Lloydicus Jabs and misses!

phase 2. John swings the butt of his Pilum to Crups chest pushing him back. Lloydicus berries his blade and taunts him.

Turn 14

phase 1. “Raaaawww!” Crup Rushes at Lloydicus. Just then a Well Timed Strike by Lloydicus guards him from death but lands him on the ground. John coming to the aid of Lloydicus Jabs at Crup. Seeing only red Crup Adrenaline Rushes at John avoiding his Jab and severs Johns head from his body! Crowd Cheers for Crup!

phase 2. Crup. with a Sweaty Hand Jabs at Lloydicus piercing his Flesh. Angered Lloydicus Pushes Crup Back.

Turn 15

phase 1. Both men remaining are at their very last ounce of fortitude. One more Wound remains from victory or a ride with Charon.

Crupelarius takes a Wild Swing at Lloydicus. At the same time Lloydicus screams “SAGA!!!!” and Throws his Pilum at Crup which finds it’s way into his throat. Down goes Crup. The Crowd Cheers Otters! Lloydicus wins!


John & Lloydicus VS Crupelarius Battle Report Part 2

John & Lloydicus VS Crupelarius Battle Report

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
No Comments
John & Lloydicus VS Crupelarius         Battle Report

Turn 1

phase 1. Being the slowest the Crupelarius activates first and Steps cautiously left. John then lifts his Pilum into Guard with a Lewd Taunt. Distracted Crup doesn’t see Lloydicus step behind him.

phase2. “eat some of this” John Jabs from a safe distance only scratching his shield. A mummer of enthusiasm sounds from the crowd. Ted fast Crup digs in. Lloydicus continues to incircle around aiming.

Turn 2

phase 1. Crup Steps forward to meet John. John Steps back, luring him into there trap. Lloydicus Steps toward Crup. The lack of action begins to unsettle the crowd.

phase 2.  Lloydicus waits his moment while Crup stands fast blocking Johns Jabs. Snoring sounds from the crowd.

Turn 3

phase 1. Crup. Blind Rushes John. ” O sh*#%t!” John is able to Guard from injury but is Knocked Down. Lloydicus throws his Pilum at Crup. but misses. The crowd begins to cheer for our otters.

phase2. John quickly Stands Up and Jabs to no avail. Crup. now turning his hate toward Lloydicus Blind Rushes him. “Ballix to that dustbin head” says Lloydidus  wistanding his rush. Lloydicus and Crup. jab at each other. The blow from Crup. drops Lloydicus to the ground. Crowd begins to cheer for Crup.

Turn 4

phase 1. Crup steps forward and jabs at Lloydicus, missing him. John steps in to help but is cut by Crup. for one Flesh Wound. Crowd raws.

phase2. Lloydicus steps back and throws his pilum, nothing. Having noticed that he was bleeding John Adrenaline Rushes Crup, knocking him to the sand. The crowd now chanting Otters!

John & Lloydicus VS Crupelarius         Battle Report

Turn 5

phase 1. Crup tries to stand and meets the sharp end of Johns Pilum, causing a Deep Wound. Lloydicus seizing the moment Jabs forward, Crup swings his sword but misses. In the effort falls to the ground.

phase2. Compromised on the sand Crup. is unable to defend Johns Jab and is Wounded again. Lloydicus jabs in but is blocked by Crup.

Turn 6

phase 1. Crup. finally is able to stand up. In a rage Rushes John, Knocking him Down. Lloydicus tries to Jab once more but Crup kicks sand into his eyes. The crowd boos Crup.

phase 2. John tries to Jab Crup but is Knocked Down by him. Enraged Crup Rushes Lloydicus pushing him back. Turning his attention on John, Crup jabs his sword into John for a Deep Wound.

Turn 7

phase 1. As John tries to stand, Crup. Rushes him and Knocks him down again. Lloydicus jabs but misses.

phase 2. John stands up and cautiously moves back. Crup takes a step toward him. Lloydicus throws his Pilum, but it just bounces off Crups heavy armor.

Turn 8

phase 1. Crup. Rushes at John but with Fortuna’s Favour John is able to survive the attack. Lloydicus again misses with his Pilum.

phase 2. Lloydicus angered by all the near hits moves in to Jab but is met with a Flesh Wound. Crowd sees blood and Cheers. John attack is met by Crups shield.

Turn 9

phase 1. Crup tries to Well Timed Strick at John but a Feigned Retreat by John causes a Flesh Wound on Crup. Lloydicus Jab pings off Crups shield. The crowd is at a Full cheer of Otters!!!

phase 2. Crup is able to block Johns Jab. Lloydicus begins to step back but is Rushed by him and is Knocked Down!

To be continued…

15 Turn Battle of the Ages!

Tutoring 5
Skill 5
Idea 5
15 Turn Battle of the Ages!

Hello all,

todays 1st match took a staggering three and a half hours to play. It lasted 15 rounds and filled 4 pages of notes. I’m exhausted and will be back tomorrow with the report.

Strength & Honor

Arena Day With COG's Midday show

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment
Arena Day With COG's Midday show

Gladiatrix Liber


Teddy Iniuriosus

~Battle Report This Weekend~

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Arena Day With COG's

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
1 Comment

BLOOD, SWEAT AND CHEERS is divided into Turns and each Turn is divided into two Phases. At the start of the game, players are dealt a hand of five cards from the play deck.  Each battle will not be staged.

I will be playing the Solo rules. At the start of each Turn, I will draw five cards as normal. At the start of each Phase, COG’s will be dealt the top two cards from the play deck.

John and Lloydicus VS Crupelarius 

~Battle Report This Weekend~

Leave a comment with your prediction of the winner(s)Leave a comment with your prediction of the winner(s)

"Strangers From The North"

Tutoring 6
Skill 6
Idea 6
"What do you mean, you can't find any Lanista willing to come to my Arena!? Is there no one with the mutunus tutunus to face my Gladiators!"
"My lady, I may be able to help."
"Who are you sir?" " I am Lanista Warzanius of the Cult of Games."
"My Gladiators will bravely face your men in combat! For the right price that is."

Certamen Dies

Tutoring 8
Skill 8
Idea 8
No Comments
Certamen Dies

Simulacrum et Plus

Tutoring 10
Skill 10
Idea 10
Simulacrum et Plus

A JUGULA  35mm Murmillo miniature from Gripping Beasts on a Sarissa plinth. I started with a dark brown base then tin bitz, then GW carrosion paint. Gold highlight randomly to represent polished parts.

Summa Rudis

Charon the Ferryman


Project Completur

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
No Comments
Project Completur
Project Completur
Project Completur
Project Completur

A handful of grass tuffs here and there and done! I’m pleased with the final results. I had no single vision for this project. I had Sarissa parts and little gladiators the rest was problem solving on the spot. It can be time consuming at times and rewarding. A good exercise for the creative mind.

Now, I feel I can accept this Golden Button.

Strength and Honor!

Project Completur

Coming soon…

Battle reports!


Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
No Comments

Since this is going to be a Game Board it needs to show what it is. I printed out “Blood, Sweat and Cheers” onto copier paper. Rubbed graphite on the back side and then cut out each word. I then outlined each word with a ballpoint pen. I removed the stripes and with a Yellow ink pen filled in each letter.

If I ever get the nerve up to bring this to a convention it will be easy to know what is being played.

Strength and Honor!

My side of the board when playing the game. I'm left handed so I made sure nothing absuced that side. My side of the board when playing the game. I'm left handed so I made sure nothing absuced that side.
Finished East side. Finished East side.
Finished West side.Finished West side.

Favorem Multitudinis

Tutoring 9
Skill 9
Idea 9
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Favorem Multitudinis

Bonum tibi hodie,

Part of B, S&C gameplay is “Favor of the crowd” sliding scale representing the mood of the audience. Wounding an opponent or Card played moves a counter up or down the scale. I didn’t want to use the cards so I decided to transfer the idea onto the wall sections below the grandstand. Neutral being at center were Domina Atia will watch from.

using a washer as a template I drew circles onto the wall sections. I filled in the circles using a  white ink pen. using a washer as a template I drew circles onto the wall sections. I filled in the circles using a white ink pen.
I then used a fine ink pen to draw a thin black outline around the circle. I also drew in roman numerals I, II and III. I then used a fine ink pen to draw a thin black outline around the circle. I also drew in roman numerals I, II and III.
Favorem Multitudinis
Finished Finished "Favor of the crowd" scale ready for use.

Murum Extra

Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
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Got out my 1.5Got out my 1.5" flat brush and dry brushed Titanium Buff all over the board in a cross hatch pattern. For the inner circle I brushed in a circular pattern.
I then used just White paint to add highlights to larger rocks and to the center Zones. Catching the edges of each. I then used just White paint to add highlights to larger rocks and to the center Zones. Catching the edges of each.
Murum Extra
I used Gesso to paint the outside wall pieces. It gives it a stucco effect to me. I made sure the brushstrokes all were vertical. I used Gesso to paint the outside wall pieces. It gives it a stucco effect to me. I made sure the brushstrokes all were vertical.
Outside complete for the moment, now on to the inside.Outside complete for the moment, now on to the inside.


Tutoring 11
Skill 11
Idea 11
1 Comment
First all the Zones were painted a Dark Brown to create a Base color and defining lines between each Zone.First all the Zones were painted a Dark Brown to create a Base color and defining lines between each Zone.
I then painted the whole surface with a Yellow Ochre. This is the same color I use for the minis bases. I had it color matched at HomeDepot. For $5 I get a lot of paint exactly the color I need.I then painted the whole surface with a Yellow Ochre. This is the same color I use for the minis bases. I had it color matched at HomeDepot. For $5 I get a lot of paint exactly the color I need.
Next I dry rubbed a 50/50 of Light Grey and Yellow Ochre to begin highlighting each Zone. I want the Zones to be lighter then the surrounding sand, so I'll let this all dry overnight and asap start dry brushing the sand and then come back to the Zones. Next I dry rubbed a 50/50 of Light Grey and Yellow Ochre to begin highlighting each Zone. I want the Zones to be lighter then the surrounding sand, so I'll let this all dry overnight and asap start dry brushing the sand and then come back to the Zones.

Tabula Ludum

Tutoring 11
Skill 10
Idea 11
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Paint bottles holding Ludus pieces down while glue dries & pascha ovum.Paint bottles holding Ludus pieces down while glue dries & pascha ovum.
Tabula Ludum


After gluing down the Ludus ring, I brushed a thin layer of Mod Podge on the inside circle. I then sprinkled a thin layer of sand onto the glue.

Tabula Ludum

While the glue dried I rolled Red paint on the sides of the Board to give it a more ancient Roman look.

Tabula Ludum

After the Red paint was dry I focused on the outer circle. Again Mod Podge was brushed onto the surface. This time I sprinkled coarser sand first then fine sand. I’m going for a more natural look on the outer ring. Put it aside to dry 24 hours.

Strength and Honor!

Primi Pali II

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 14
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Primi Pali

Tutoring 12
Skill 14
Idea 14
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