German Heer in Winter Clothing
Recommendations: 161
About the Project
Will try to keep regular updates on my German Heer Grenadiers (winter) army as I build and paint them. Miniatures from Warlord Games.
Related Game: Bolt Action
Related Company: Warlord Games
Related Genre: Historical
This Project is Active
The making of a soldier - Part IV
Now is the part where I glue everything together.
One has to let the glue set before gluing other parts especially if they will interfere with other parts of the model. What I mean is that, sometimes, you might be fitting a backpack into place and end up “moving” an arm out of place because the glue wasn’t properly dry and set.
Once this part is complete I add some texture to the model base. I do this by applying some white glue and dipping the model knees deep into fine beach sand. Shake of the excess and allow it to dry.
After this I add the model to the others in the batch and they are ready to receive a spray coat of Vallejo grey primer.
Thank you for reading this!
Cheers and stay safe!!!
Alex ??
The making of a soldier - Part III
I am having some difficulties in uploading this to the project so have to cut it in small parts…sorry about that!
Following the choosing of the parts, I have to clean them.
Removing of mold lines and the odd bit where the model met the sprue is fundamental.
For the new ones on this hobby, here are some pictures showing mold lines on the models and how they look once cleaned. Be very careful not to cut yourself on this most dangerous part of the hobby! ?
I also like to score some lines on the base as it helps the white glue used on the final step to adhere to it.
The making of a soldier - Part II
After choosing the appropriate body I go and choose the equipment. This particular model will be using a STG44 and that implies changing the ammo pouches that are modelled on the figure to the correct ones.
I also choose all other gear he will have, from entrenching tool to canteen.
The box comes with a nice leaflet depicting all options available and helps to identify each one. It also has some nice painted models to inspire you.
The making of a soldier
As I set to build five more soldiers to my German Heer small army I tought I could show how I do it.
The basis for this force is the Warlord Games box containing 30 miniatures depicting German Heer in winter gear. The miniatures are hard plastic in 28mm and the box also contains the necessary round bases.
The miniatures come divided in sprues of six models and options are available regarding equipment to use on each one wich gives lots of variety to the set.
The tools used include hobby pliers wich are fundamental to remove the parts from the sprue without damaging it.
I also keep at hand some tweezers wich are used to glue small parts or to reach more difficult areas on the model. In this particular case will use it to add the ammo pouches.
Regarding the glue, I use one by Revell and do take notice that this works by melting the plastic so one has to be careful not to damage the mini or blur some details.
Four more make a handful!
Yep. I now have a handful of models ready.
Made some changes in the colors chosen. I was finding the test miniature to be too dark. The canteen is now a lighter brownish (874 US Tan Earth) and the gas mask canister is painted using 975 Military Green. The bread bag is lighter also: 819 Iraqui Sand. Also I replaced the German Grey by 862 Black Grey.
I also applied a Green Tone wash (from Army Painter) to the greatcoat instead of the Strong Tone. Keeps it a little lighter tone.
Hope to get the MMG team up next!
As always, comments (good or bad!) are most welcome!
Cheers and stay safe!!!
Alex ??
Test model
Finished the first model of this project.
Hope to finish another 4 tonight.
Opinions and advises are most welcome!
Used the following colors from Vallejo:
830 German Fieldgrey (coat)
073 Black Metal (MG)
928 Light Flesh (skin)
821 German Camo Beige (blanket, bread bag)
984 Flat Brown (canteen)
929 Light Brown (wood parts)
874 US Tan Earth (gloves)
995 German Grey (boots, scabbard, webbing)
890 Reflective Green (MG ammo drum)
The skin was washed with Army Painter Soft Tone while the rest of the model was washed with Army Painter Strong Tone.
For the base I’ve used Army Painter Desert Yellow and then drybrush with Vallejo 918 Ivory. After that applied Vallejo Snow Environment on the base and some parts of the mini.
Cheers and stay safe!!!
Alex ??
First steps
The first 5 soldiers from the plastic box set are assembled and primed. Some good options are given to build these figures and the molds are clean with little mold lines to deal with.
I also cleaned and put together the metal MMG team. This consists of 3 man and I’ve added some sandbags from Renedra.
Also easy to clean and the blister pack offers 5 different heads to choose from so a little variation can be achieved.
I based the figures with sand and primed them using the grey Vallejo Surface Primer.
Hope to apply some paint on these models today…
Cheers. Stay safe! ?
Alex ??
So it begins...
Hello fellow gamers,
I hope to start here what will be a regular series os posts about this project:
German Heer Grenadiers in winter gear.
Have a starter set from Warlord Games, consisting of 30 German Grenadiers, a Medium Mortar Team (3 guys), a MMG Team (another 3 guys), HQ (5 guys), Panzerschrek Team (2 guys), Flame Thrower Team (2 guys) and Sniper Team (another 2 guys). I also got a special edition miniature of a soldier dragging a wonded buddy.
First step will be to prepare and paint a couple of figures to test color scheme and the snow covered bases.
Cheers and stay safe!!!
Alex ??