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Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

Elessar2590: The Fall of Singapore

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Project Blog by elessar2590 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 216

About the Project

I dug up quite a few WWII 28mm Aussies. Then I bought some more. Then the whole project got shelved, then I moved three times, now they're 8th Division Desert Equipped Australians for Malaya. Wild Ride.

This Project is Active

Basing Test

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
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The AussiesThe Aussies
Basing Test
The JapaneseThe Japanese
Basing Test

The Japanese

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 1
These minis are 3D Prints of These minis are 3D Prints of "Sons of Yamato" a Kickstarter Campaign.
The miniatures are undercoated with a light colour and base coated with Vallejo Khaki. The miniatures are undercoated with a light colour and base coated with Vallejo Khaki.
The finished miniatures.The finished miniatures.
The Japanese
The 3D Printed OfficerThe 3D Printed Officer
The Japanese
A Conversion made from a Metal Warlord Body and Head and Plastic ArmsA Conversion made from a Metal Warlord Body and Head and Plastic Arms
The Japanese
Test BasesTest Bases
The Japanese

Wait We're Going Where?

Tutoring 7
Skill 7
Idea 7

I finally got back to this Project after a solid break from it. Much like the real life Australian Army this Project has taken a Pacific Turn.

With the upcoming release of the Too Fat Lardies Pacific Book a friend and I were talking and we decided that we were having a lot of fun playing Chain of Command in 1942 Russia why not do some stuff for the Pacific.

The minis were already half done and with the Australians in Malaya wearing the desert uniform I decided to change this project up. This is actually kind of neat since that’s exactly what happened to 8th Division, they were all equipped and trained for the Desert then in February 1941 they shipped off for Malaya to defend against a potential invasion by the Japanese. In December 1941 the Japanese invaded and the Australian’s basically got overwhelmed although there were some local victories like Gemas where 2/30th Battalion lost 88 men to the Japanese 5th Divisions 800 men in a crazy ambush followed by an insanely close ranged anti-tank ambush.

They fought a rear-guard action down the Peninsula and back to Singapore where the entire Division (minus the Commanding Officer who escaped by boat and left his enraged Artillery Commander in command) went into captivity. A third of them wouldn’t survive until the end of the war and many who did were basically destroyed by it.

A picture of that Tank Ambush, notice how insanely close the enemy got, I definitely wouldn't want to have been those gunners.A picture of that Tank Ambush, notice how insanely close the enemy got, I definitely wouldn't want to have been those gunners.
I had plenty of crew but I had given the gun to a friend for a project of his, 3D Printer goes BRRRR and in a few hours a 15mm gun was rescaled and ready to paint. Nothing is glued down, just a trial shot.I had plenty of crew but I had given the gun to a friend for a project of his, 3D Printer goes BRRRR and in a few hours a 15mm gun was rescaled and ready to paint. Nothing is glued down, just a trial shot.
Australian's almost exclusively favoured the Brodie Helmet in Malaya so I did a bit of looking in the bits box and a bit of swapping with a friend to get all the heads I needed.Australian's almost exclusively favoured the Brodie Helmet in Malaya so I did a bit of looking in the bits box and a bit of swapping with a friend to get all the heads I needed.
The Core Platoon. Three Sections of Ten Men, Boys AT Rifle, Light Mortar lead by a Lieutenant and Sergeant.The Core Platoon. Three Sections of Ten Men, Boys AT Rifle, Light Mortar lead by a Lieutenant and Sergeant.
A Section. The Australian's used the same British 10 Man Section of Six Riflemen, A Two Man Bren Gun Team, a man with a Thompson SMG and a Corporal with a Rifle. The Australian Doctrine was to not just give the SMG to the NCO but to the man in the section who could make best use of it.A Section. The Australian's used the same British 10 Man Section of Six Riflemen, A Two Man Bren Gun Team, a man with a Thompson SMG and a Corporal with a Rifle. The Australian Doctrine was to not just give the SMG to the NCO but to the man in the section who could make best use of it.
British Early War MMG. While Shorts and rolled sleeves were the most common dress there are pictures of men in long pants and unrolled sleeves. British Early War MMG. While Shorts and rolled sleeves were the most common dress there are pictures of men in long pants and unrolled sleeves.
An extra Light Mortar and a Sniper.An extra Light Mortar and a Sniper.
The Crew are Warlord Metals from various kits and the Gun is a 3D Print that I found for free on Thingyverse in 15mm and just scaled up. The Crew are Warlord Metals from various kits and the Gun is a 3D Print that I found for free on Thingyverse in 15mm and just scaled up.
Everything painted so far. I will hold off basing anything until I finish the Japanese then do them all together to keep it all looking uniform. Everything painted so far. I will hold off basing anything until I finish the Japanese then do them all together to keep it all looking uniform.
Speaking of the Japanese, they're up next. Warlord Metals with Speaking of the Japanese, they're up next. Warlord Metals with "Sons of Yamato" 3D Prints from the recent Kickstarter modified with some bits from the Plastic kit.

The Project Goes On

Tutoring 11
Skill 12
Idea 12

Third Times the Charm, I really wish I could save these as Drafts.

I've got a 1:1 Ratio of Helmets to Slouch Hats now.I've got a 1:1 Ratio of Helmets to Slouch Hats now.
I plan to paint the entire Company up for the Desert, All I need s another Boys AT Rifle, a CSM and some Officers and I'll have a full three Platoon Company. These are just the men in HelmetsI plan to paint the entire Company up for the Desert, All I need s another Boys AT Rifle, a CSM and some Officers and I'll have a full three Platoon Company. These are just the men in Helmets
I want to explore the I want to explore the "What if" of Truthful Propaganda and play some games set during a Japanese invasion of Australia
With Wargames Atlantic coming out with WWII Partisans which I plan to buy anyway and Eureka coming out with dedicated WWII Aussie Civilians it seemed like a perfect thing to doWith Wargames Atlantic coming out with WWII Partisans which I plan to buy anyway and Eureka coming out with dedicated WWII Aussie Civilians it seemed like a perfect thing to do
I'll finish these off slowly over the Christmas Period before I even think of starting any enemiesI'll finish these off slowly over the Christmas Period before I even think of starting any enemies


Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 9
1 Comment

I’ve got all my stuff to paint but I’ve been pretty busy lately so I’ve started planning out some Jump Off Points if I ever want to use these guys for Chain of Command and I’ve got an idea.

1944 Saipan. Priest says Mass on a ruined tank1944 Saipan. Priest says Mass on a ruined tank

Those of you who Subscribe to my Channel

( )

You know what I’ll get back to that let me see how this embed videos thing works.

Ok let’s see if that works.

Oh yeah the point.

If you’ve seen my Channel then you’ll know I’m currently in the Process of becoming a Catholic Priest. Long story short I’m living in a house with other young guys who are all thinking being Priests and the former Vocations Director was an Ex-Military Chaplain who had a bit of an interest in WWII Chaplain Biographies so I’ve been doing a bit of reading and I’d like to somehow get them on the table since

1) It’s interesting
2) I’ve never really seen it before
3) I think it would make the army unique

Three Priests in North Africa. The Two on the Outside are Australian's from my Local AreaThree Priests in North Africa. The Two on the Outside are Australian's from my Local Area
The The "Official" Chaplain Uniform, pretty Boring.

So I’m looking for a 1940 Axis or Italian Tank I can wreck and recreate the first image only in the Desert.

I’ve also got to find a 28mm Scale Priest in Cassock, Perry do some really nice ones but they’re all armed with swords or flintlocks so if anyone knows of any that would fit comment and let me know.

I’ve been collecting pictures of “Field Mass” so I might as well upload them here.

Probably the most Baddass of the Modern Military Priests was Father Ignacy Skorupka, a Polish Priest who fought in the 1920 Battle of Warsaw the First time the Soviets invaded Poland, his Battalion was pinned down until he lifted his Crucifix and lead a Charge, he was shot in the head before they made contact with the Russian's but the Poles won the War.Probably the most Baddass of the Modern Military Priests was Father Ignacy Skorupka, a Polish Priest who fought in the 1920 Battle of Warsaw the First time the Soviets invaded Poland, his Battalion was pinned down until he lifted his Crucifix and lead a Charge, he was shot in the head before they made contact with the Russian's but the Poles won the War.

Give Them a Wash

Tutoring 9
Skill 11
Idea 10
No Comments

Much like their real life counterparts the Aussies need a wash

Give Them a Wash
Give Them a Wash
Give Them a Wash
Give Them a Wash
While it Might Look like a Recruiting Poster it's actually an Anti-Strike Poster. The history is pretty interesting and Universal. Dyed in the Wool Socialists kept up the Strikes that the Communist Party of Australia had asked for in 1939 and 1940 (When Germany and the USSR were allies) but did not stop when the Communist Party switched to being Pro-War after the invasion of the USSR. While it Might Look like a Recruiting Poster it's actually an Anti-Strike Poster. The history is pretty interesting and Universal. Dyed in the Wool Socialists kept up the Strikes that the Communist Party of Australia had asked for in 1939 and 1940 (When Germany and the USSR were allies) but did not stop when the Communist Party switched to being Pro-War after the invasion of the USSR.

The Work so Far

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 11
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All the Plastics have been painted ready to be washed. It’s pretty cold and I’m in a shed for the moment so I’ll wait for tomorrow before I do any washing since I’ve noticed it tends to act weird with a lot of cold in the air.

The Work so Far
The Work so Far
The Work so Far
German Propaganda Targeting the Aussies. German Propaganda Targeting the Aussies.

The Final Result

Tutoring 12
Skill 12
Idea 13
No Comments

Basecoat with Desert Yellow, Steel legion Drab and Cadian Flesh

Wash with Strong Tone

Highlight with a 50/50 Mix of Desert Yellowa nd Matt White.

Highlight Socks and Hat with Zandri Dust

Highlight Boots and Canteen with Flat Earth

Highlight Webbing with Ivory

Highlight Skin with Kislev Flesh and Wash with Flesh Wash for a Sunburnt effect.

Rifle is base coated with Rakarth Flesh washed with Snakebite leather and pick out the Metallics.

The Final Result
The Final Result
The Final Result
The British might stick a The British might stick a "Fag" in their mouth but us Aussies aren't so crass. We prefer to call them a "Durrie" or a "Dart"
The Final Result

What I Found

Tutoring 8
Skill 9
Idea 11
1 Comment
What I Found
What I Found
Not Sure What Company Makes theseNot Sure What Company Makes these
Warlord PlasticsWarlord Plastics
The OfficersThe Officers

That’s what I found so I ordered a bit more. Just the basics, Light AT, Mortar, MMG, Flame Thrower and a box of Standard 8th Army with helmets for variety.

I'll include some Propaganda at the end of theseI'll include some Propaganda at the end of these