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A Very Slow Grow, FOW Late War Americans

A Very Slow Grow, FOW Late War Americans

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Project Blog by ghent99 Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 33

About the Project

The start of an attempt to have Flames of War Late War armies ready for the table. Taking July and August to get the US Army ready. The nice thing is that this will fill out the rest of my Mid War needs as well.

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Now comes the end of a month, July 2019

Tutoring 1
Skill 5
Idea 6
Ready for the detail paints.Ready for the detail paints.

Not nearly enough was done this month but with the usual plan of letting the primers and paints actually cure before moving to the next step it was going to take a little time.  I was trying to get two different projects going in the same month kind of pushed this past the end of the month.  Below you will see part of the Team Yankee IDF army that got into their first scuffle on the last Sunday of the month at Sinclair Games in Carmel, Indiana USA.

Now comes the end of a month, July 2019

Now onto August and hopefully getting the rest of the FOW army close to done.  More to come in the coming weeks.  Minus the Cult of Games hobby weekend of course where a break from painting one type of little guys for painting another type of little guys.

Armor time.

Tutoring 2
Skill 2
Idea 3
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With the armor from Hit the Beach and other units planned to work in both a Mid War and Late War army it was time to get priming and base coating.  After the Primer, Vallejo Air Brown Violet was used to base color all the freshly built units.

D Day minus 1 or first in, first painted.

Tutoring 1
Skill 3
Idea 4
1 Comment
Starting with the Hit the Beach box set US Paras.  Starting with the Hit the Beach box set US Paras.

This is the beginning of the plan.  Hit the Beach set up such a great start and the paras needed done up first.  Here you can see that they need a little more work on the basing and they will be done.

Picking out a points list.

Tutoring 1
Skill 1
Idea 4
No Comments
Pushing the veterans puts this list near 100 points.Pushing the veterans puts this list near 100 points.