Quick desert rats Step-by-step @innes
Recommendations: 139
About the Project
Inspired by the bolt action boot camp i’m going to get another unit of my desert rats done. Hopefully in an evening. And also figure out how use the Project functions.
Related Game: Bolt Action
Related Company: Perry Miniatures
Related Genre: Historical
Related Contest: Bolt Action: Western Desert Boot Camp
This Project is Active
Done for today
Citadel/Texture:Armageddon Dust applies to bases. Edges painted Army Painter:Desert Yellow.
Pretty much done. Just need to drybrush the bases, add some flock or tufts and then varnish them.
Finishing touches
Nearly done. Raised areas of skin (kneecap, forearms, hands, nose, cheeks and chin) were given a coat of lightened cadian fleshtone.
A tiny bit of black was added to this and watered down for a stubble wash on chin and cheeks. I’m sure the grooming standard slipped a bit in the desert.
Eyes were shaded dark brown.
Guns, bayonet hilts, canteens and goggles picked out with ArmyPainter/Warpaints: Gun Metal.
Then all the metal and the gun stocks inked with Citadel: Nuln Oil.
Waiting for the ink to dry. Time for a cuppa and to watch some more of the boot camp vlog.
Oh, and here’s a tank to keep @johnlyons happy.
Coat the whole mini in slightly thinned Citadel: Agrax Earthshade. (1part water to 2 parts of ink)
Or liquid talent as it should be known. This stuff hides a multitude of sins?
Highlights (sort of)
Dry brush very lightly all over with ModelColor: Pale Sand.
This combined with the ink wash should give sufficient shading for most of the details.
More colours
Citadel:Doombull brown for gun stocks and bayonet handles.
ModelColor: Pale Sand for neckscarves and rifle strap.
Skin painted with Citadel:Cadian Fleshtone.
I always try to paint the areas in the same order on each mini. Face, arms, knees. Less chance of forgetting a bit and only noticing later. (Halfway through inking usually!)
Main colours
ModelColor:Leather Brown for hair, boots and bayonet sheath.
Model Color: German Fieldgrey WW2 for webbing, pouches and socks.
Base coat
Spray the minis Army Painter: Leather Brown. When this is dry spray from a 45•angle with Games Workshop:Zandri Dust. Then a quick spray from overhead with Army Painter:Skeleton Bone.
When thats dry. Light drybrush with Armypainter/Warpaints: Skeleton Bone. Just to smooth the spray highlight texture a bit.