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Heaven and Earth a Samurai Project

Heaven and Earth a Samurai Project

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Project Blog by alfonsothetraitor Cult of Games Member

Recommendations: 3453

About the Project

This is my Samurai project I stated a few years ago and will be doing for a few more years to come. This is not only miniature painting but conversions, terrain, and rules. As well as some other things I am sure that I am interested as well as inspiration. I hope you will enjoy my journey into the world of Samurai Wargaming.

This Project is Active

It’s finished!

Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 9

My Heaven and Earth project is finally complete with the command sections for Tekeda and Uesugi painted and based.
I celebrated with a splash of  Cognac.
Now to finish the rules😉

Samurai field officers

Tutoring 5
Skill 10
Idea 9
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Here are some field officers as far as rules go these officers will give nearby units within 6 inches a plus 1 to hit in melee , ballistic, and leadership.

10 mm samurai command section

Tutoring 4
Skill 9
Idea 7
1 Comment

This is the Wargames Atlantic 10 mm Samurai command section.

Painting up 10mm Samurai & Ashigaru

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 9

Yes you have heard right 10mm Samurai & Ashigaru.

And yes you heard right that the Ashigaru Pike are delicate and will break easily but no fear people there is a solution stop using your dull snipers and buy a pair of these and no you don’t have to buy this exact model.
you do wand a pair of pointed side cutters with a flat bottom like these.

A few or Hojo.

Tutoring 5
Skill 12
Idea 11
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Painted up a few more for the Hojo clan . I’ll be honest the faces on the Firforge Ashigaru are amazing to paint up.


Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 10


I have come to the conurbation I made a massive mistake in basing my miniatures in ten man units. I should have based them in smaller 4-5 man units . In 10 fixed man units I can not put them in column formation . Also having smaller 4-5 man fixed units I can play using other rule systems that use smaller units.
But I think the best way to base miniatures is to put them on 25mm round bases then you can use them in skirmish games you can still play in rank and file games by just using 8-10 man movement tray made for 25mm rounds .
25mm round for the win far more flexibility all around.

How I made my female Samurai

Tutoring 10
Skill 11
Idea 12
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For those of you that are interest in converting warlord plastic Samurai into female warriors this is how I conferred mine. Simply bought some female heads and added them on to my warlord games plastic Samurai . Then added a horse tail to make a pony tail . You could sculpt your own but I was in a hurry and lazy . I then sculpted the hair and bandanna using magisculpt you use what ever putty you are best familiar with and just a reminder it must air dry. Do not use a heat curing putty the heads will melt . And that in a nutshell is how I do it.
Best of Luck on all your future projects!

More Hojo for test of Honour

Tutoring 3
Skill 9
Idea 8

Finished 3 miniatures this weekend from FireForge games . 2 ashigaru and 1 samurai for Test of Honour

I still have some left Lloyd

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 8

Even after the the Samurai Christmas gift I gave Lloyd . I still have two armies of my own .
the funny thing is that I still need to assemble and paint command units for each force ?

A few FireForge Ashigaru finished

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 9

I am now working on my Test of Honour force for the Hojo clan.
I am using the FireForge Samurai plastic range . I am going to mix up the armor and clothing to give it a more historical feel but the Sashimonos will be the same. This is what armies of feudal Japan would have actually looked like.
if you were a ashigaru back then you Damio would not have paid for uniforms and armor you would have been wearing your clothes and armor that you picked off from the dead.

Putting paint to FireForge Ashigaru

Tutoring 6
Skill 10
Idea 9

Well I applied some paint to miniatures today . This is the first time I have done this in over a year now. I am painting up the FireForge plastic ashigaru but I will be painting them up with mismatched armor and clothing which was the normal thing for the time period. This will be for the Hojo clan and I will be using these for skirmish games.

More Side by Side comparisons

Tutoring 4
Skill 10
Idea 10
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1st Perry miniature

2nd Zenit miniature

3rd AW Miniatures

4th Assault Group miniatures

Side by Side FireForge vs Grey for Now

Tutoring 5
Skill 9
Idea 9
Side by Side FireForge vs Grey for Now

FireForge Ashigaru sprues

Tutoring 4
Skill 7
Idea 8
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FireForge Samurai sprues

Tutoring 4
Skill 6
Idea 7
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FireForge & Warlord Ashigaru comparison

Tutoring 6
Skill 9
Idea 10
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A side by side comparison!

Warlord Games on the left and FireForge Games on the right.
Warllords is a true scale 28mm foot to eye.
FireForge is a Heroic scale 28mm foot to head and to be honest probably 30mm because he is not as erect as the Warlord miniature .
Piece count are the same believe it or not it is 8 . The difference is Warlords the spear is separate and you had to bore out the hand to make it fit ?
And yes I know I left the sword off of the Warlord mini.
FireForge the spear is attached to the hand but face is separate from the helmet. The face slides in perfectly.
I have no idea why FireForge did this. Maybe because it might be easier to paint . I really don’t know.
As far as painting goes I can already say with great confidence that the FireForge mini is going to be a lot easier to paint because of going with the Heroic scale. The detail is larger and crisper than warlords.
As far as assembly goes it went together with no problem and I had no instructions at all. I used Mr. Hobby’s Mr. Cement it’s a plastic cement and I strongly suggest you use a plastic cement when assembling these models it cures fast but you have some play time to maneuver your parts into place and it makes a strong bond.
I don’t know what the price point is going to be but I am liking what I have seen so far with the FireForge’s Ashigaru miniature a lot .

FireForge & Warlord Ashigaru comparison

3 more Murakami heavy Arquebus

Tutoring 4
Skill 11
Idea 10
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It has been a while since I finished a miniature and realized I need to get back to a regular painting schedule again .

Murakami bomb throwers

Tutoring 6
Skill 12
Idea 11

Why are my photos sideways I didn’t take the photos sideways?


Still at it

Tutoring 6
Skill 11
Idea 10
1 Comment

I decided that I am going to base my units into 10 man units. I just started and still need to add grass tufts and shrubs.

Murakami archers

Tutoring 10
Skill 12
Idea 11

I finished these archers today go my Murakami clan . As you can see I did not give them back banners .  I read that they would not have been used because it would have been a distraction or outright hindered the the back ranks.

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