The Reclaimed Join Lazy Forger’s Full Spectrum Dominance

June 20, 2024 by avernos

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I've been a bit of a fan of The Lazy Forger's work ever since I found his blog which led to the Full Spectrum Dominance game and eventually Jack (The Lazy Forger) winning the OnTableTop Award in 2022 for the game. Starting with two factions and a mountain of terrain they've slowly been working on some amazing new factions like the Union and Corpos but they can all move aside as the Reclaimed are on their way!

The Reclaimed // The Lazy Forger

The original concept is from Rattappoom who is a prolific mecha artist, who was commissioned to concept the bot based on concrete sewage pipes which Jack then added in mechanical parts to fit with the gritty and accurate style of the FSD terrain and forces. You can see the concept sketch in the article's thumbnail.

CYCLOP With Minigun

The Reclaimed are a formidable force of steel and concrete, created in factory cities with repaired Tech AI cores. Encased in reinforced concrete, they are ready for battle. Leading this faction is the CYCLOP, a versatile robot model that serves as their main fighter, much like a "space marine" in its jack-of-all-trades role. Equipped with an array of weapons, the CYCLOP exemplifies the power and adaptability of the Reclaimed.

CYCLOP Flamers

As you can see from the printed versions Jack has once again managed to transfer all of that detail across into the 3D Prints and considering a standard human is around 8mm in Full Spectrum Dominance these big brutal CYCLOP bots may dwarf a man but are still very small as far as wargaming figures go.

CYCLOP Guardians

CYCLOP Welders

Even though it's only the first unit type I love how distinctive it is. Building an army out of scavenged parts and concrete shit tubes wouldn't have been my first thought, but it helps set it in the world. FSD is a world of haves and have not writ large and the make-do attitude of factory workers puts me in mind of something you may seen on Ferric from Andor. A world where ceramic bricks are as important as steel and glass may be in a wealthy city.

The silhouette is very distinctive and in building factions for an 8mm game that is incredibly important visual distinction is key without doing something that feels like it has been lifted from another game or world and Jack has managed that at every turn so far. Keep your eye peeled for more reclaimed goods in the coming weeks and months as the faction expands.

Have you checked out the Award Winning Full Spectrum Dominance yet?

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