Westfalia Miniatures Dark Object Kickstarter Appears On Scopes

June 20, 2024 by avernos

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You can sign up now to be notified when Westfalia's upcoming  Dark Object Kickstarter Campaign goes live. Once again the campaign is based on meticulously hand-sculpted miniatures by Boris Woloszyn, but for the first time we get to see Boris and Westfalia tackling science fiction.

The Dark Object Westfalia

The Dark Object // Westfalia Miniatures

Dark Object is a miniature game set in the thrilling realms of spaceships, space stations, and alien environments. Inspired by iconic movies and games like Alien, Event Horizon, DOOM, Hostile, and Mothership, it features teams of humans and cyborgs battling deep space horrors and occasionally each other.

As you can see above there are some incredibly characterful miniatures coming once again from Boris. The stand out amongst the human characters for me has to be the grumpy human engineer Pope. The humanity in the sculpt is amazing and I can't wait to get my hands on him for some painting fun. The androids and aliens all have that awesome Boris style to them which really grounds the human miniatures further.

All of the miniatures will be usable in a sci-fi game that is being based on a skirmish rule set that was written for Westfalia's fantasy miniatures by Dan Mersey. So I'm dying to see how that rules-light narrative game is adapted for the industrial horror of hard science-fiction and it means that even if I can't find a game I need this for at least I will have that as a bespoke fallback for it.

Hopefully, it won't be long before this campaign goes live and we can see the spectacular range by Boris in its full glory.

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