Unboxing: The Devil’s Dandy Dogs – Zero Prep RPG | MonteCook Games

August 4, 2024 by dignity

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Justin dives into an unboxing of The Devil's Dandy Dogs from MonteCook Games. This is a roleplaying game in one box all about magic, mystery, teamwork and desire. It is a beautiful package and can be played with absolutely zero preparation!


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The game is a roleplaying game where the story is told through different decks of cards. It's super easy for you to dive into and it's helped by the fact that all of the components from the rulebook to the cards and dice and beautiful. Play sessions take around three hours and after an initial bit of set-up, you just dive in.

This no-prep, rules-light narrative roleplaying game is filled with mystery, magic, and the unforeseen.

Are you going to try The Devil's Dandy Dogs?

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