Unboxing: Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set | Mantic Games

December 6, 2023 by avernos

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Gerry treks into the frozen north to take a look at the Northern Alliance Ambush Starter Set from Mantic Games for their 28mm Fantasy wargame, Kings Of War. This a great starting point for those wanting to dive into the game or start a new faction.


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Get The Northern Alliance Ambush Set

With the new plastic sets of twenty half-elves and two Frostclaws in this box it's a solid start for getting into Kings of War Ambush. Gerry also has some tips for how you can build on this force in order to field larger armies on the tabletop and the benefits of using the contents of the Set to run Talannar's Vanguard as a formation in your army.

Will you be joining the Northern Alliance in Kings Of War?

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