Unboxing: Khymaera Shadowflame Shard – Warmachine | Privateer Press

November 22, 2023 by avernos

Gerry dives into an unboxing of the awesome Khymaera Shadowflame Shard that was recently added to the new edition of 35mm Fantasy wargame, Warmachine. See what you make of these awesome new miniatures from Privateer Press.


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Check Out More From Warmachine Here

The new edition of Warmachine features some awesome 3D Printed resin miniatures for hobbyists and wargamers to enjoy. With the addition of magnetisation options, you've got nice ways for you to customise your faction to match the foes you're going up against.

Will you be choosing the Khymaera Shadowflame Shard for Warmachine?

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